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City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Office of the Mayor � � Administrative Order Budget Revision Numb�: ooay�r_ D�: �-a os ADMINIST'RATIVE ORDER, consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Secrion 10.07.4 of the Ciry Charter and based on the request of the Director of Pazks and Recreation, to amend the 2005 Parks and Recreation General Fund Budget, the Director of the Office of Financial Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: CURI2ENT AMENDEI? BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET Brom: 001 - General Fund 0316�- Senior Pxograms 0268 - Management and Admm. Services 0518 - Mayor's Contingency 0 25,000 25,000 25,000 (25,000) 0 25,000 0 25,000 ,�� ��,��;����� I��f�� Requesied by: Department Director Date (�`�`� Approved by: Direcmr f Financ�al Services Date G�FMtQT4�rkalResolutions, AOs, Green Sheets�Admin_ OrderslRec. Cor�ections'04.x1s Page: 1 of 1 QOD3y5t �- � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sfieet Green. Sheet � — Parks and Recreafiou 25-JAN-0S Green Sheet NO: 3025010 Contact Person & Phone: Jason Wirka 26&64�7 Must Be on Council Aaen� � Assign Number For RouGng Order Deoartrneni SentTOPerson InitiaVDate 0 and r ' �� 1 arks an De rmxnt Direc[or 2 me 3 inancial S rvices ffice EYnan ' Se ' 4 e � 5 ks d ecr 'o ason Wirka 7otal # of Sign Page _( Al l Loc f S ignat u re) Action Requestetl: Signatures on attached Adminisvative Order to re-allocate funds from Mayor's Contingency to allow for contractural payments to be made in relation to the operation of the Senior Center. rtecommenqations: approve (n) or Heject (R); Planning Commission CIB Committee 'i Civil Service Commiss7on �l t�- Following Questions: 1. Has this personlfirm ever worked untler a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a clry employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/tirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curtent city employee? � Yes No Exptain alt yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet IniUating Problem, Issues, Opportunity(Who, What, When, Where, Why): -�� §��-:. ,- � Funding for Senior Center was set up in Mayor s Contingency. Needs to be re-allocated. � � - _ ���'w , ��!�V � �j ���� Advantages If Approved: Budgetary level of control. Disadvantages If Approved: None Disadvantages If Not Approvetl: �ontractual payments wili be delayed. Total Amount of 25000 TransacYion: Funding Source: Gener8l FUnd CostlRevenue Budgeted: `( Activity Number: 03169 Financial Information: (Explain) a� II 1 � � , ' , W ' . „ ' ,� ,.d � �, , , , . , � � ,., , , , , , � , � ' ' . , '� „ , „ �tOU�TR3G ORDER. . � � � � � � � � � ' . , ', � , � ' � Belaw ate coaect ionfings fdr the sizc most freguent types o£dauments , � � � � � ; , � � � „ � �' � CONTRACTS (assumes authonzed budget exists)' C6F7NCII, RFSOT.IRTdN (autiend budgets/a'ccept grautsj L diefside Agen� � L Depaitinent IDreckot, "��'; �� . � � � 2'�Degactmeut�irecYor � Z. OfficepEFdeancisC��Secvaces� ','Bu�, '}) � 3 ,CityAiYOiney ' � 3. CiYgA��torney � �� ; j .� ' � � � � 4:�7VLaypr/Aec�dan�(foicOIl4acfsOVe[$2$,000) 4. M$poF/Aac�cEant - � � 5.� Eiuinan Rcghtz jfor contracts ovec $50,000} , ,' S. Crip'Counctl � "� � � � 6: Office o�Financ[ai Seiqices Aeeounting 6. Qffice;'ofF�cial'Secvices = Accoimtiug � ADMII�ZFST'RATiC?E QRLIERS (B'u,dgetRevisiou} , COUNCII. $ESOLFSTSON {aii'odaecs snd Ordmances) ", 1. futiviLybtanegerorDeparfineutticooimrant ` 1 Deps�entDaeciur � 2.� ,De�achmerst,Directot � � � ` , � � � � 2 CityAtt�neg,' � , , � '� �� 3. , aflitce o�Fin�ciai Serdices Directur � � 3 Mayorf �AssisCant � , , � � � 4. ,CityCtedc � � � � � � "� 4, Citg'Cotmcl ' � 5."(?BiceofFifficfatSeraice.s-Aeco�ting � � � � � � � �' � , � � �', ., i EtDMINISTRAITVE QRIIERS a}1 others ' ORi}ER C. ) �u'?`�'� „ � i n��din� " i n�,��e�,��' 2 c�nu�.y� , � � 2 c�y �AU�, � ' ��, � � � � 3_ Officeo£RinanctalSeivicesDrrector, 3.' or1!Assest�t, �„ ,' � � � 4_ Ci' � Clerlc `� � � � ,' � � 41 Ci C2edc � �3' , tY � � 1 � � � . , „ � , � � � � � TOTALNETMBEitOFSIGNATt�REPt�GES ' � � ;' � � r. � , Fndicate the � of ' oa wIuch si are " ed aad I e�i�cli ot, each of tfieae' ' � � , � � � ��,, ' �� � � � ,,� P88es , $natures re4ettr P P � � P&g� � �cx�oxxEQ�s� � ����� � � � � � ^„ � ���, `� ` �� x � � ,, � ��� De`sin'bewhatthepro�ectlregucstseetc.ctoaccomplishmerthcr,c}ironologicsl,�or,�i '; � � wmosT �approp�iate��`ortheissue.,�Donotwiiteco�p2e�e�sentences'.'�'Be�ueacll�Eem�Ry�'-listw�tha�v�b� � �'— w� ,., � �� � � „, � � � � �� ' ��� ''' i �'' �;����� � :.RECOMME2JDIiTTONS � , � �� � � � � � � �, � , CompleTe �f the isme m question has bee� prasented before ati}' bodY ijublic orpnvate , at � , � P,ERSOZ3AL SIIt�SCE �CONTRAC�'S , � �� � � � � � . � � �"� �� � , � � � �Tbis'informnhon'w7lbeusedtodete�mine,thecity'sliab�tyfosworkerscompensahoncla�ms t�cesandproger'ctuil � , serLice�Iunngrntes. "INITiATINCzPROBT.EIv��,IS$UE, OPPORTCINPPY ' " . Explain,Yhesih�sfi�ar�conditibnsfi}iatcaesEedaneedforyon¢ rojector „ � „ p � � � req°es� , i � � � i . � � � � i � ADVt�NPAGES,IFAPPIZOVED '� � � ��� � � �� � � � „', Fndiaate wfidfier this �s'„'sm� P�Y, ��� bu�B�P�� z� �Y Iaw/G�iiazYer orwfiethec tfieie' ate specific'ways in ; wSubh,tfieCitydfSaintPaa(enditscitiz.enstivillbeuefrkfromtbisprojecUsction. �' � i � ' � � �� `� � � � � DISADVANLAGESJF4IPPRGVEL��',' � � �� "�� ' ' u � ,' � Wfiatnegahveeff�orma}orcbsngestoe�sfiRgarpastpFOcessesmtghtfhis�Pm.yecfft — +, ! Ceg Ksf�G"deley�,mzse ��ivaea�esor`assessmedfs)7 1'owbc�mY AThen.?,"Forfic�wlc�t � � - i,� , DISADVAtITrYGESIFNO,TAPPROVED � � � i ; Whatw"sll'betfiene 've' ,' encesifffie misedachonisnot ved3Inab todelivecseiviceTC"ontmae S�, �4u� P� BPPm�, �Y. „ �. � � tuShti�e nrnse;;acetdentra[e? Ldss�ofzevenne? , � ' � � � F7Z33AI4CIt�tII�P,ACT � � � � ' � ' � � ��-� 7Z � ���, r. , , �� ; Alth must ta�lor tfie �nf afion ou 'vide heie to the'�ssne a are m� ' oumust answer„ ' r•' ' �io qaesfions: Howmnch �s iE gomg fo cost? Who is gomgfa p', ' Q � ' ,�� y � , ; i � � 3' Y � � . � � „ , � � , „ „ ' � , � � , , ��,� � r � � ., � � , � � � ,' � � � � � I� � �� ,� � �. , � � �� ���� � i , � I r � i, , ' � � � � �� i, �,��. , ! �, ' � �� ��, � ���' i �, �l ., ,.. ����J �a f� vpr q "�i �,fd' ,�I.� ,I��.ilb�: I'ro� n�d1+N I � i4I di��r.�v,'WAI�1.,1! I'�P�:;,cdrnrtr�il