D002465CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMIlVISTRATIVE ORDER No:��Q � ��e J� Date: (— 3 �' U S ADMINISTRATNE ORDER, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to participate in Senior Citizen events and classes where food is served. These events or classes aze centered azound the production of ineals or have food as part of the activity. CurrenUy there are 25 named events or classes some of which meet multiple tunes per year. These events and classes are part of the senior programs offered to Saint Paul residents for the purpose of education, fun, self esteem, self reliance, a sense of social belonging and the elimination of boredom and loneliness. /, i�� � � j � - APPROVED AS TO FORM � Ass�stant CiTy Attom ~ _� � ���` � (/ Departmen��H a�� �ate Administrarive Assistant to Mayor � Green Sheet.Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � Departmentloffice/council: Datelnitiated: pR — P���aRecreaeon i3-.iani-os , Green Sheet NO: 3024902 Contad Person & Phone: Mike Hahm 266-6444 Must Be on Council Aaen � Department Sent To Person - Inrtial/Date 0 �Parks and Recreation Assign � 1 arksan Recreation De a entDirector ��(" Number Z i Attome - I For 3 inancial Services Office Financial Servi Routing Order 4 i Cferk . . � - �� '� c � � _.. ''"�' ¢� ^ , a aa.s� 1 � E��� Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Approve adminis4arive order with Saint Paul Pazks and Recreation authorizing City officials to participate in Senior Citizen events and classes where food is sezved. Approve (A) or Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission � � Personai Service Contracts Must Answer the Following 1. Has this person/firtn ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Dces this person/firm possess a skiil not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No F�cpiain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Ynitiating Pro6lem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): These avents or classes aze centered around fhe production of ineals or have food as part of the activity. Cmiently, there are 25 named events or classes some of which meet multiple times per yeaz. These events and classes aze part of the senior programs offered to Saint Paul residents for the purpose of educarion, fian, self esteem, self re&ance, a sense of social belonging and the elimination of boredom and loneliness. AdvantaqeslfApproved: Disadvantaqes If Approved: None Disadvantages If Not Approved: Total Amount of Transaction: Funding Source: Cosf/Revenue Budgeted: Activitv Numder: Fi nancial Information: (E�cplainj � • CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF TfIE MAYOR ODMIlVTSTRATIVE ORDER No:�a o a�G s Date:�— 3/� US ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, That the proper Ciry officials are hereby authorized and d'uected to participate in Senior Citizen events and classes where food is served. These events or classes are centered around the production of ineals or have food as part of the activity. Currenfly there are 25 named events or classes some of which meet multiple times per year. These events and classes are part of the senior programs offered to Saint Paul residents for the purpose of education, fun, self esteem, self reliance, a sense of social belonging and the elimination of boredom and loneliness. • � ;��►, j �, APPROVED AS TO FORM � Assistant Ciry Attor y Date �� � Departme� nt He d G � Administrarive Assistant w Mayor � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � PR — Pazks and Recreation Contact Person 8 Phone: Mike Hahm 266-6444 on Councii Agenda by (Dafe): 13-JANA5 � Assign Number For Routing Order Green Sheet NO; 3024902 0 ar a ecreafi n 1 r au Recr ation De artmentDirector � 1 2 ttom 3 inancial Services � ffice i aci Servi 4 ;�iN Cferk � — `-'�,. '*-- g����. ':, y� a�1t�! j � .!�9Ju Total # of Signature Pages _(qip Ail Locations for Signature) Actfon Requested: �' ' ' �� � � '� � Approve administrative order with Saint Paul Pazks and Recreation authorizing City officials to participate in Senior Citizen events and classes where food is served. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Planning Commission CIB Committee � Civil S� � Commission Y dd `— 1. fias this person�rm ever worked under a contract for this departmenY? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Dces this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city empbyee? � Ves No Explain a11 yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet tnitiating Problem, issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): These events or classes aze centered azound the producrion of ineals orhave food as part of the acuviry. Currently, there are 25 named events or classes some of wluch meet mulriple times per year. These events and olasses aze part of the senior programs offered to Saint Paul zesidents for the purpose of educarion, fun, self esteem, self reliance, a sense of social belonging and the elunination of botedom and loneliness. Advantaqes If Approved: DisadvanWpes If Approved: None DisadvanWgeslfNotApproved: Totai Amount of Transaction: Punding Source: ,F inancial Informati on: (Expiain) Cosf/Revenoe Budgeted: ActivitY Number; ROUTING ORUER: neiow are coirect mutiirgs for the six mos[ frequ�t types of documeaLS: CONTRACTS (as�mes aukhorized bvdget exists) COIJNCII. RES 1 , (hrtcirle[�IICII�y�, , � , j �'pg�'t� � OLUTION (amwd budgets�'accep[ grants) , f31TCChX�, � . , . , � , 2.'�8Lh31CIIL.�1iCCY0[� � Q�CS�Of��ll]�Q781$�VICC5�6CCLOi. , . ' � , ` ,r ,'- � . 3. ;Ciry Attomey 3: City. elttomeg `_----�— 4 Mayor/A:ssistani(forcontractsoverSF5,000) 4. 2viayorJAss4stant � �� � � , � � , � � � 5. HiunanRiBhts C£oz,contracts over SSa 000) .� 5.� Ciry Conncl. , � � � � �� � 6. dffice ofFviancial $etvices - Accoimfing, 6, OSce'ofFinaacaat Services - Accoimting , ADMII�SIRAITVE ORDERS (Budget Reyision) ' COi7NCII,' RESOI.LJTION (all otha; and' Ordivances) , I. Actim'i9 ManaBer, or I�psctmeut Accx��tant , 1. 'Deparhnent �'sector 2. �DegmtmentDirecror, ' � � 2- CLLyA�ttcuney� `�� , � � � 3,,C?fficeofFinaaciai�ServicesDirector 3. Iylayor/.�xsist�t ; - � � � � � 4. CityCledc � 4. City�Co�a2 � , � � � 5. , O�ce ofFinenciai Secvices - AccwmRing ADbIINJSIRATIVE;ORDIItS(atlothers) , EXEC[IITVE;ORDER , 1. Depazfnie�I3iiector , 1• Depattment,Director 2. C,i'ry' AtWraey- �� �, � � 2: C� ��.A#tq�+ry' �� � 3.,QfficrofFiasacislSetvicesDitector 3.'MaXor/Assistant 4. Ci Clerk ' 4. ' C" Ckrk ,; tY , �Y . , � � . � TOTALNiJdvfBER,OESIGNATTJREP�IGE& � � � � � �� "�' ' �� �� � �� fndicate the # of peges on wiuch signat�res are Te4�� �'PaPeTCuP,or tlag each otthese pagea.', � � ' � � � � � „ � , � AC�IONRFQUESTID ' � � � � � � � � � - Descn'be whai the proj�uest seelcs to s�lish in eitber cLronological ot3er at a,da of impoitence, whichever is mostappmpriatef�theissae. Do,notwritecompI�e'sentsnces.,Begm'eacfi3t6emmywgIist,withaveib.,' ' ' � RECO2�iDATI�NS � � � � � � � � � � � � � Complete if the issue in questionbas been ptesen4edbefoie enY bbdY public,arprivste: � � PER$O�+TAL SERVICE' CONlRACTS�: , � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� This infarmaEion will lie used to dete�ine the ci�r's lisbilityfor workers compensation claims, faxes' and proper crv�l sie�vic.e hitiag rutes. ' � � � � � , � � � Ii+RTlATINGPROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORIIR3TfX E�lam tfie situetion a conditions that created a nced for your pro�ectar requesL, , t1D�ANTlt(iES IF AEPRO\rED � , � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � lndicate wk�ethent}ris is simply'sn annual budSet Pro�Lse re4uired by 3aw%hertei or whether tliete' are specificways in ',, . wT�icfitheCityofSaint�P�nisad,itscitizen's'�willf�enefitfrom"tfiisproject�acti�.'" � „ �� � � � DISAllYANTAGES IF APPR04ID. � � � � � � � � � " ` � ' � "�' � � Whstnega4iveeffects�mejorc�esto�dstingoipastpta�sesmightthisProJectfieRuestPradu'ce�£itis'passed , �(e.�,tiaffic�cielays To�w�o�? Wh�?ForhowTa�ng? � , , � � � DISADDANfAGE$IF�NOT�APPROVED ' � � � �� � �� � W6atwill;bet6enegalive,coosequencesifthepromi.§edacti�isnotePP?rn'ed7,.InabiiitytodeiiverserviceT Continue, „ " �� �high traffq noise, aocident tate7, I:os� ofrevenue2 , � � � � � � �, �, G, � FItFA23CIHL IIvIPACT P.ithough yom m�sttailarthc'info�mation you provide here to'die issue you'ste add�iog, ia generat you musf answer' - two que3hoos: Aow much�is iL 8uin8 ta cost7, Who is B�Bm F� � � � � �r� i r . �� � � � �� ��