D002445 �_� CITY OF SAINT PAIIL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Approved Copies to: - City Clerk (OriginaQ - Financial Services -ACCOUnting - Requesting Dept ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER: BUDGET REVISION No: JJoba��� Date: 10/20/2004 ADMINISTRATNE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Direetor of the �ce of Technology to amend the 2004 Budget of the Infortnation Services-General Fund, the Direetor of the Office of Finaneial Services is authorized to amend said budget as follows: DEPARTMENT & DIVISION: FUND , ACTIVITY AND OBJECT: GL 001 01115 0219 GL 001 01115 0256 GL 001 07715 0280 GL � GL GL 001 01719 0299 001 01119 0393 001 01119 0518 CURRENT BUDGET 17,611 so,oaa 87,200 136,082 717,123 55,000 APPROVED CHANGES (10,000) (7,000> (72,500) (10,156) (116,085) (55,000) AMENDED BUDGET 7,611 53,007 aa,�oo 125,926 1,038 0 GL 007 01120 0256 37,787 29,500 67,287 GL 001 01120 0393 35,145 181,241 216,386 381,137 (0) 410,637 This Budget Revision will move the funds for the Microsoft Office 2003 Migretion Project info one activity, should it be approved in the 2005 Budget process. �Q. h��.[� ./ rolaz lo� � C �I /Z � Prepared by: Activity Manager Date Approved by: Director�n ncial S�ate � �:rlu.�r�..� rr f�l a� ' equested by: artment Director Date � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � �cr?!) .? �l � �� _ _„ . � Departrne�rt/office/wuncil: Date Inifiated: � rE ��olo��a���. 2�.� I Green Sheet NO: 3024027 CoMad Person & Pho�: ���eM Se� To Person InitlaVDate I Cindy Mullan � 0 echu 1 and ement Asslgn 1 echnol sud Man ement S ctivi Maua er or D�'L 7Q�S7�/x! � Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Numher Z hn and em o e rtm ntDir r �� ��0 For Routing 3 nancial Services Oftice Financial Servi Order 4 k ' Clerk Total # of Signature Pages _(Ciip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Approval of an Administrative Order, Budget Revision to provide one activity source for funding the traiuing and prepararions needed for the Microsoft Office Migrarion Project. � Recommsndatio�: Approve (A) or Rejed (R): Personal Service CoMracls Must Answer the Following Questions: Planning Commission 1, Has this perso�rtn everworked under a contrad for this department? CIB CommiHee Yes No Civii Service Commission 2. Has this perso�rm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this personffirm possess a skill not nortnally passessed by any current city employee? Yes No Expiain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green shee4 [�itiating Problem, Issues, OppoRUnily (Who, What, When, �ere, Why): The Mayor's 2005 budget proposal includes a project to move the City to Microsoft Office. In preparation for the project, Informa6on Services wishes to consolidate the money needed to prepaze for the migration, provide training and acquire conversion assistance. Since the funding is currently in several activities, we are requesting that the money be moved into one activity for ease of management. Advanqpes If Approved: The Microsoft Office Migarion project can be funded from one acrivity source for easier management. Disadvantasles If Approved: None � DisadvaMages If Not Approved: The money for the Microsoft Office Migrarion Project will remain scattered wer four sepazate activities making it more difficult to hzck and manage. Total Amount of Transaction: � CostlRevenue Budgeted: FundinQ source: General Fund Activitv Number: 01115, 01119 and 01120 ' �. Finaneial Information: (Explain)