D002440White- Ciry Clerk Pink- Finance Department Canary Department � CITY OF SA1NT PAUL Office of the Mayor ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No: l D������ Date: � d ' I J`� — C /T ADMINISTi2ATIVE ORDER, In the matter of that certain contract lrnown as 7ob No. 22472 for KELLOGG BOiTLEVARD-FIFTH STREET OV�ItLAY City Project No. 04-P-1256 Ace Blacktou. Inc. , Contractor, the specified date of completion is June 19, 2004 , and the Contractar did not complete the contract by said date of complefion because addifional work was added to the contract via Contract Chanee Order and it is ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, extends the specified date of cornpletion to S December 1. 2004 , and it is FURTHER ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul hereby does waive claim for ]iquidate damages on this project. � \ v" Ky' L�%'�� Department Hea �°/8/cv ate 7 �� APPROVED AS TO FORM: Public Works Deparknent CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE Larry H. Lueth 651-266-6083 �T BE ON COUNCILAGENDA BY (DATE) TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN oEPARfMEMDIRECTOR �o�a��� ' No.205884 ��vo��e AR31GN Q CRYATTORNEY � CITY QERK � NUMBERFOR ���� ❑ FINANCIAI$ERVICESDIR ❑ FlNANCIALSERV/ACCTG � OftOEFt � ❑ 3 � I.arry Lue MIIYOR(OR ASSISTANn ❑ ❑ 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ncnoN �nu�o . - , lpproval of Adiniuistrative Order for Contract Time Extension �ELLOGG BOULEVARD-FIFTH STREET OVERLAY :ity Project No. 04-P-1256 :ontractor: Ace Blacktop, Inc. RECOMMENDATIONS:Apprrne (A) or ReJed (R) _ PLANNINGCOMMISSION _ CIB COMMITfEE , �� CIVIISERVECECOMMfSSION A Sa% PERSONALSERVICE CONTRACT$ MUS7 ANSWER THE FOILOWiNG qUEST10N3: 1. FHS this perspUfi`m everwMcetl unCera contrad fa t�is Oepartment? YES NO 2 Has this persoNfi,m eve� been a dty employea� YES NO 3. �oesthupersorvTirtnpossessaslallnotnormallyp�issessetlbya�ryartentcryemployee? YES NO 6. Is tMS persoNfmm a fargeted ve�MOf� YES NO Expiatn all yes answen an sepanta ahaet antl atbch M green sheat INITIATINGPROBLEM, ISSUE.OPPoRTUNITY(WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, . WHY7 Additional work was added to the contract via Change Order. Additional time is required to complete the extra work. 1OVANTAGESIFAPPftOVED: Additional contract time required to perform extra work added to the contract will be authorized. DiSADVANTAGE5IF APPROVED' None DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPRd Time required to pe� LOTAI. AMQUNT OF TRANS/ 'DING SOURCE N/A extza work not authorized. $ N/A COSflREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) rES No ACTIVIiYNUMBER 225-42360-0279-22472;240-120005-0279