D002421Original City Clerk Pink Fin. & Mgmt Services Canary Department \ J C� 31 � N 7�� _\ I: � l 7 d 11, OFFICE OF TfIE MAYOR No.: Date: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER FOR TIME EXTENSION 1.�Ob�/ � �5-O`� ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, in the matter of that certain contract known as ACtivlty NO. 26062 fo� P��nt Douglas Sanitar; Sewer F.xtension City Project No. 03-S-1893 , Schurcon. Inc. Contractor, the specified date of completion is October 31, 2003 and the Contractor did not complete the contract by said date of completion because of additional work added the the contract. and it is hereby ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, extends the time of completion to Julv 2, 2004 and it is FURTHER ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul hereby for liquidated damages on this project. • APPROVED AS TO FORM �51����� Assistant City Attorney Date • dnPS waive claim �� Wdr�ir�istrative Ass t nt to the Mayor �FS O�rec_�-c� r ' a ���� r �� V `= DAiEINffNTED 6/14/04 Dan TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES SHEET ncrarv nEnuesi� Extend Con�'act Complerion Date from October 31, 2003 to July 2, 2004. POINT DOUGLAS SANITARY SEWER F<YTF.NSION City Project No. 03-S-1893 Conh�actor Schurcon, Inc. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) A PLANNING COMMISSION 0 2 oEVmm��,vrowECroa' avswN 3 NUMBERFOR �CRYATfORNEY NWTWG �FlNANCWLSERYICESOIR OROER �MAYOR(ORASSISTIIM) � mWARN � NO Dc�o�Ya/ 202418 INRiPLDAiE •�� �!� � CT'CIFRK _ � FlN. SEXJICES�ACCT. O DIV(S[ON M4NAGFR (CIJP ALL LOCATONS FOR SIGNATURE) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB COMMITTEE YES NO CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Z. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee? YES NO STAFF 3. Does this perso�rm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? YES NO Explain aii yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INIMTING PROBLEM.ISSUE, OPPoRTUNITV (WHO, W HAT. WHEN, WHERE, WHY): pue to addirionai repairs added to the contract. ��+. r.,�..�. � t_:..� y ,. 'a' �'":i � $� �. �w° ��.. '3 �n"�� e+.�..., �w ,� �' �' 1 � „ ��`e� �§ ����i S,.A gr1��" ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: The time extension authorizes additional contract time required to complete the additional work. OISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None DISAOVANiAGES IF NOT APPROVEO: Contractor's work performed after October 31, 2003 will not be authorized. TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTIONS "O COSTIREVENUEBUDGEfED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE N�A ACINITY NUMBER C99-2A010-0784-26062 FINANCIAL INFORMATON: (EXPLAIN)