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• CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER • i No Doo � y DATE: 1�� ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor m Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Division of Pazks and Recrea5on to amend the 2003 budget of the General Fund (001), the Director of the Office of Financial Serv�ces is authonzed to amend said budget in the following manner: Ci7RRENT BUDGET FROM: 001 - General Fund 03100-Pazks & Rec Administration 0261-FireInsurance 0370.Computer Equipment 03102-Pazks & Rec Bldg. Maintenance 0117-Trades 0311-Supplies - Plumbing 0313-Lumber for Repair 0322-Aggregates 0439-Fringe Benefits 0739-Other 0831-Shop Equipment 03103-Parks Commission 0219-Fees Other Professional Serv 03105-Hamet Island 0117-Trades 0219-Fees Other Professional Serv 0312-Supplies - Electrical 0314-Suppliea- Paint 0315-Supplies - Janitorial 0349-0ther - Equipment-Parts 0359-Other - Specialized Materials 0369-Other - Office 0394-0ffice Fumiture 03106-Winter Achvities-Bright Lights Ol l l-Full TimePermanent 0219-Fees Other Professional Serv 0439-Fringe Benefit 03108-Parks & Rec Support Serv 0299-0ther Miscellaneous 0368-Office Supplies 0369-0ther - Office 0394-0ffice Fumiture 03120-Como Conservatory Ol l l-Full Time Pem�anent 0241-Printing - Outside 0321-Horticulture 03122-Como Zoo 65,103 9,638 538,563 30,172 29,872 9,604 223,311 6,158 9,620 7,000 140,021 12,153 7,500 8,100 5,000 14,500 10,650 5,000 5,000 71,409 8,000 24,135 2,132 7,000 4,000 3,000 313,926 711 24,968 APPROVED CHANGES (22,238) (9,558) (36,41 I ) (6,986) (8,636) (5,030) (25,639) (6,158) (3,775) (2,801) (48,539) (1,470) (6,427) (5,305) (4,156) (11,679) (10,650) (4,952) (5,000) (6,469) (6,025) (3,301) (1,521) (4,737) (3,483) (1,270) (6,747) (659) (91) ANIENDED BUDGET 42,865 80 502,152 23,186 21,236 4,574 197,672 5,845 4,199 91,482 1 Q683 1,073 2,795 844 2,871 48 64,940 I,975 20,834 611 2,263 517 1,730 307,779 52 24,877 pooayo� Ol i l-Full Time Permanent • 03124-Como Zoo & Conserv Heatin� Ol l l-Full Tune Petmanent 0279-Other-Repair & Maintenance 0349-0ther - Equipment-Parts 0353-ChemicaVLabor 0389-Other - Miscellaneous Supplies 0439-Fringe Benefit 03126-Free Concerts in Ciry Puks 0131-Certified - Temporary 0241-Printing - Outside 0439-Fringe Benefit 03130-Pazks Safety 0219-Fees Other Professional Serv 0235-Type II Rea lar 025GRea stration Fees 0352-Medical Supplies 0356-SafeTy Supplies 0389-Oiher Misc. Supphes 0578-Safety Allocahon 03131-Pazks Secunty 0219-Fees Other Professional Serv 0283-Rental - Vehicles 0386-Clother - Unifovns 0389-0ther Misa 5upplies 03132-Parks Ground Maintenance 0273-Grounds Maintenance Service • 0283-Rental - Vehicles 0291-Refuse Disposal 0828-Tractors and Plows 0848-Capi[alized Equipment 03133-Pazks Permits Management 0131-Certified - Temporary 0283-Rental - V ehieles 0291-Re£use DisposaUCollection 03135-5mall/Specialized Equipmeut Ol l I-Ful] Time Permaneut 0341-Motor Fuel 0439-Fringe Benefit 0828-Tractors and Plows 03140-Pazks & Recreation Util�ries 0229-Other - Communication 03 ] 70-Rec Center Programming 0219-Fees Other Professional Serv 0283-Rental - Vehicles 0285-Rental - Duplicating 0357-Athleric/Recreation O81 S-Office FumiNre 0857-Computer Equipment 03171-Mamtenance Support 0711-Ful] Time Permaneut 0322-Aggregates-Sand 0439-Fringe Benefit • 0838-Snow Blowers 0843-Play�ound 680,829 230,SO I 9,832 9,752 7,281 2,599 72,624 2,025 2,297 214 I,500 2,000 1,000 1,500 779 2,000 S 5,000 1,298 14,268 2,000 2,330 43,252 202,140 65,507 25,560 9,400 34,686 4,320 5,775 464,893 50,741 149,569 78,000 20,W2 21,000 15,407 t 4,407 24,939 7,673 5,000 290,275 56,000 94,545 6,000 9,000 (23,570) (23,969) (6,932) (2,667) (5,763) (2,051) (6,622) (2,025) Q83) (214) (I,500) (2,000) (244) (1,500) (779) (1,951) (11,673) (898) (696) (2,600) (1,483) (29,283) (3,373) (16,480) (25,560) (9,400) (13,543) (2,451) (5,715) (38,005) (14,006) (4,113) (3,063) (6,158) (18,923) (11,120) (10,200) (9,18�) (7,673) (5,000) (42,969) (21,920) (11,863) (6,000) (9,000) 657,259 206,832 2,900 7,085 1,518 548 66,002 2,114 756 49 3,327 400 13,572 847 13,969 198,767 49,027 21,143 1,869 426,888 36,735 145,456 74,937 14,444 2,077 4,287 4,207 75,752 247,306 34,080 82,682 o�ba�oy . • • 03172-Rec Ch Custodial & Maintenance O] I I-Full Tune Permanent 0273-Grounds Maintenance Service 0283-Rental - Vehicles 0439-Fringe Benefit 0829-Other Self Propelled 0836-Trailers 03174-Muni Athletics Programs 0357-Athleric/Recreation 03175-Neighborhoods in Transirion 0121-Part Time Certified 0439-Fringe Benefit 03176-Rec Check Program 0132-Not Certified Temporary 03 S 7-Aihleric/Recreation 03177-Special Recreation Progrnms 0121-Part Time Certified 0439-FringeBenefit 0857-Computer Equipment 03180-Seuonal Swimming/Beaches/pools 0131-Certified - Temporary 0241-Printing 0299-Other-Misc. Services 0319-0ther - Repau and Maintenance 0357-AthleticBecreation 0389-Other Misc. Supp3ies 03181-Oxford Indoor Swimming Pool 0299-0ther-M�sc. Services 0521-Refunds 03 ] 92-Midway Stadium 0283-Rental - Ve}ucles 03194-Como Pazk Zoo & Conservatory Campus 0397-Shop Equipment 03195-Tree Maintenance 0219-Fees Oiher Professional Serv 0221-Postage 0273-Crrounds Maintenance Service 0321-Horticulmre 0396-F�eld Equipment 0545-City Conhibuhon to outside agency 03196-Wood Recycling Ceuter 011 1-Ful] Time Pexmanent 0341-Motor Fuel 0342-Tires/Tubes 0383-Small Tools 0396-Field Equipment 0439-Fringe Benefit 03198-Stump Pr eeram 0133-Capitol Ciry Intems 0219-Fees Other Professional Serv 0221-Postage 0241-Printmg - Outside 0283-Rental - VehicLes 0299-Other - Misa Services 0321-Hort�culture 1,325,805 5,000 87,828 417,447 6,000 S,SQO 5,000 169,399 61,641 73,498 46,200 47,135 I 16,425 2,500 200,911 3,200 7,910 6,000 5,000 6,595 4,700 200 6,756 8,350 28,689 3,444 3,020 5,560 20,000 25,000 131,148 5,414 598 844 2,500 41,268 35,457 10,000 8% 5,000 7,000 ] 0,000 I Q000 (101,091) (5,000) (7,929) (57,264) (6,000) (2,�64) (3,918) (39,530) (8,988) (13,013) (27,788) ��,� Q,964) (2,500) (66,355) (3,200) (2,437) (6,000) (5,000) (1,142) (2,185) (200) (1,035) (1,371) (28,309) (3,186) (900) (3,452) (2Q000) (25,000) (53,345) (5,414) (598) (844) (2,500) (]4,089) (d6,826) (10,000) (416) (5,000) (1,933) ( 7 Q000) (1 Q000) 1,224,714 7Q899 360, 7 83 3,436 1,082 129,869 52,653 60,485 18,412 39,489 114,461 134,556 5,473 5,453 2,515 5,721 6,979 380 258 2,120 2,108 77,803 27,179 18,631 440 5,067 �oo a�0� • 0396-Field Equipment 0439-Fringe Benefit 5,000 (5,000) - 2Q028 (1,259) 18,769 7,346,632 (1,274,479) - 6,072,153 • • TO: 001 - General Fund 03100-Parks & Rec Administration 0114-Full Time Appointed 0432-Unemployment Compensahon 0529-Other-Refunds 03102-Parks & Rec Bldg. Maintenance 0270-Elevator 0294-Testing Services 0299-Other Miscellaneous Services 03103-Pazks Commission Ol l l-Ful] Time Permanent 0368-0ffice Supplies 0439-Fringe Benefit 03105-Hamet Island 0438-Fringe Benefit 0521-Refunds 0829-0ther Self Propelled V eh�cles 03108-Pazks & Rec Support Serv Ol ll-Full Time Permanent 0439-Fnnge Benefit 03120-Como Conservatory 0439-Fringe Benefit 03122-Como Zoo 0215-Fees-Medical 0315-Supplies - Janitorial 0384-Food for Zoo Animals 0439-Fringe Benefit 03130-Parks Safery 011 1-Full Time Permanent 0439-Fnnge Benefit 03131-Pazks Security 012 ]-Part T�me Cert�fied 0439-Fringe Benefit 03132-Parks Ground Maintenance 0132-Not Certified Temporary 0315-Supplies - Janitorial 0322-Age egates - Supplies 0359-Other - 5pecialized Materials 0389-Other Misa Suppiies 0396-Field Eqmpment 0439-Fringe Benefit 03133-Parks Permits Management 0359Ather - 5pecialized Materials 0439-Fringe Benefit 0721-Soil Tests 03135-SmalUSpecialized Equipment 0279-Other - Repair 03140-Parks & Recrearion Utilities 0371-Electricity 146,000 3,927 1 ],248 9,967 25,939 1,401 71,893 27,381 98,869 9,000 100,t32 217,609 86,936 28,081 5,193 9,520 4,077 5,004 333,479 30,240 2,291 723,997 70� 2,602 1,929 4,024 10,433 13,599 5,211 134 2,106 12,44] SOS 8,720 48,044 21,037 2,554 21,625 9,338 12,947 2,280 3,256 3,341 123 4,932 54,954 23,011 10,895 19,607 11,497 2Q239 23,3 ] 4 7,197 4,326 146 346 296,085 707 148,602 1,929 7,951 21,681 23,566 31,150 134 2,106 13,842 505 8,720 7 19,937 48,418 101,423 30,625 9,338 113,079 219,889 90,192 3 I ,422 123 10,125 54,954 32,531 14,972 I 9,607 16,501 2Q239 356,793 7,197 34,566 146 2,637 1,020,082 poo a��� 03170-Rec Center Programming • 0132-Not Certified Temporary 0439-Fringe Benefit 03171-Main[enance SuppoR 0273-Grounds Maintenance Service 03172-Rec Cn Custodial & Maintenance 0315-Supplies - Ianirorial 031"74-Muni Athletics Programs 0111-Ful] Tune Peananent 0219-Fees - Other Professional Services 0439-Fringe Benefit 03175-Neighborhoodsin Transirion 0368-Office Supplies 03176-Rec Check Program 0439-Fringe Benefit 03177-Special Recreation Programs 0299-Other Miscellaneous Services 0389-Other Misc. Supplies 03180-Seasonal Swimming/Beaches/pools 0439-Fringe Benefit 0521-Refunds 03181-Oxford Indoor Swimming Pool 0132-Not Cer[ified Temporary 0353 ChemicaVLabor 0439-Fringe Benefit 03194-Como Pazk Zoo & Conservatory Campus 0132-Not Certified Temporary � 0299-0ther Miscelianeous Services 0439-Fringe BeneSt 03195-Tree Maintenance Ol i l-Full Time Peemanent 0439-Frin�e Benefit 03196-Wood Recycling Center 0283-Rental - Vehicle 03197-Tree Trimming 0111-Full T�me Permanent 0439-Fringe Benefit 83,284 1,075,277 14,000 21,460 34,340 66,798 16,757 7,757 358 500 44,901 365 9,386 5,200 33,256 18,107 298 76,SSS 20,031 7,494 48, 7 12 27,157 19,935 78,230 51,227 44,936 96,163 18,808 i6,322 35,130 - 14,667 14,667 - 15,113 15,113 - 6,932 6,932 3,530,818 1,274,479 4,805,297 273,096 99,173 7,722 47,04] 18,525 4,354 5,646 109 1,252 2,088 206 1,550 85 7 Q645 2,294 74,856 3,050 19,637 1,675 356,380 1,174,450 21,722 68,501 52,865 71,152 22,403 109 9,009 2,446 706 46,451 450 w__ .- � i /? �%z-�� D����.� 3 ;3�-� � --�' - " ���f Requestedby: DepartmentDirector Date Approved6y� D�rectorofFinancialSernces D:�. • Green l,�D b � �i� � DepartmenUoffice/council: Date Initiated: � R 3,_�� Green Sheet NO: 3014275 CoMact Person & Phone• � ���eM SeM To Person InitiaVDate Jill C�emers 0 arks sod Recreation 7} ��� � Z66-6435 A55ign 1 arks and Recreation De arhment Direc[or 6'�i1/l ./ ✓ Must Be on Council f�qenda by (Date): Number y roe � For ROUting 3 'naocial Servic Office Financial Servi Order 4 1 r 5 arks and RecreaHon Jill Cremers Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip /UI Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Approval of the attached Administrative Order which will transfer budget authority to provide sufficient funding at the budgetary control level of the Pazks and Recreation's 2003 GeneraI Fund (001) Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracks Must Mswer the Following Questions: Planni�g Commission �. Has this personlfirm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciry employee? Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separete sheet antl attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): To pxovide adequate funding at the budgetary control level of the Pazks and Recreation's 2003 General Fund Budget (001). Advantages If Approved: The Pazks and Recrearion's 2003 General Fund Budget (001) will have adequate funding at the budgetary controllevel. DisadvaMaStes If Approved: None Disadvantages If Not Approved: The Pazks and Recreation's 2003 General Fund Budget (001) will be overspent at the budgetary control level. �ka��''��`� �6 � Total Amount of CosURevenue BudgMed: nJ �' �� �� ��'�' Transaction: ' ' ` Fundins�source: GeneralFund ActiviNNUmber: Ve�IOUS ��� u� Z�04 Financial info Expla n) RECEIVEp �'�� � @ �°� !� � �� APRY�2 C1TY CLERK