D002403CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR J'1,� �� f�� No: QJ j ADMiNISTRATIVE ORDER Date: "T'� ��� • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to pay expenses arising from Recreation Services volunteer recognirion events, not to exceed $4,000. � � J APPROVED AS TO FORM /F :kG �.wLC 1� / "GC. -f —�t-, • `� � Assistan[ CiTy A omey / �� � I � 7'. � ���� t Head Administrati�e Assistan[ to Mayor ► Green Sheet GreE ireen Sheet G"reen ShE �O�a�03 PR Pazks and Recreation ConWct Person & Phone: Ruth Schumi 266-6432 Must Be on Council qgenda by (Date): O6tAPR-04 I Green Sheet NO � Assign Number For Routing Order 3014595 ueoartment sertt iorerson tmnauuate 0 arks and Recrealion 1 arks and Recreation De artment Director �___�, � 2 Citv AttorneV � 3 inancial Services � Office Financial Servi 4 itv Clerk � Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Approval of funding for Division of Pazks and Recreation Recreation Services 2003 Volunteer Recognition Events to be in Spring 2004, nof to exceed $4,000. � ttecommentlations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission � � _ Personai the Following Questions: 1. Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this personffrm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Expiain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Pro6iem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): � This is an oppommity to recognize specific volunteers who have been selected as outstanding in recognition of their donation of time and energy at up to 41 Saint Paul recreation centers, Adaptive Recreation, Senior Programxning and Municipal Athletics. Advantapes If Approved: The Recreation Services volunteer recogniUOn events will continue the Pazks and Recreation tradirion that started in 1983. Volunteers will have a stronger sense of value of donating their time to the City of Saint Paul. Disadvantas7es If Approved: Cost APR Cs � �t�is� DisadvanWges If Not Approved: Volunteers may feel less inolined to donate their time if they aze not recognized for their efforts. Total Amount of Transaction: Fundinp Source: �111 391-23181-23186 Financial Information: 23190, 23191, 33143 (Explain) CosURevenue Budgeted: Y Activity Number: V8fi0US RECEIVED APR 1 4 2004 GfTY CLERK Approved Copies to: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER: No: D�V � -[��r;,riar�rn.:o:,.�n uirnr_F�r uxvrcinx natP�� - Finance Dept's Accounting Division - Requesting Dept l vIINISTRAT'IVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on request of the Chief of the Department of Fire & Safety Services to amend the 2003 bndget of the General Fund, the D'ueMOr of the Office of Financial Services is authorized to amead said badget in the following manner: Current Amended Budget Change Budget From: 001 - General Fund 05001 - Fire Administration 0241 - Printing - Outside 0275 - Office Equip Main[ Contrac[ 0369 - Office Supplies - Master ConVact 05100 - Fire Plans and Treining 0219 - Fees - Other Profsnl Services 0299 - Other - Misc. Services 0389 - Other- Misc Supplies 05101 - Emergency Medical Serv: Fire 0352 - Mediral Supplies 05120 - Fire Fighting & Paramedics 0717 - Full Time Pertnanent 0439 - Fringe Benefits 05050 - Fire Station Maint 0892 - Architect Fee Cptlzd - Bldg 0898 - Building Improvements 05102 - Phys Fitness Program: Fire 0215-Fees- Mediql 0349 - Other Eqmt-PartsSupplies 05121 - Emergency Management - Fire 0299 - Other - Misc. Secvices • TO: CJ 001 - General Fund 05001 - Fire Administration 0439 - Fringe Benefits 0813 - Duplicating Machines 05002 - Data Processing 0389 - Other Misc. Supplies 05110 - Code Enforcement 0242 - Printing - River Print 0275 - Office Equip Maint Contract 05100 - Fire Plans and Training 0848 - Capitalized Equipment OS'107 - Emergency Medical Serv: Fire 0842 - Medical and Dental Equipment 05120 - Fire Fighting and Paramedics 0274 - Self Propelled Veh - Repair 0344 - Parts for Vehicles 0822 - Trucks and Vans 05122 - Hazardous Materials Response 0356 - SafeTy Supplies 0370 - Computer Equipment and Supplies 0848 - Capitalized Equipment 05004 - Health & Safety - Fire 0215 - Fees - Medical 05050 - Fire Stafion Maint 0219 - Fees - Other Profsnl Services 0319 - Other - Repr/Maint Bldg Sup 0373 - Gas Incl Bottle 05721 - Emergency Management - Fire 0111 - Full Time Permanent 0439 - Fringe Benefits ��� � �� �- y "'DLpart nt Director Date � 11,742 17,987 18.421 61,500 23,000 13,175 211,750 22,115.923 7,243,036 6,780 78.972 25,637 11,748 (5,742) (7,130) (10,803) (15,000) (8,500) (12,585) (16,543) (114,133) (16,868) (5,120) (50,993) (13,837) (5,300) 6,000 10,857 7.618 46,500 14.500 590 195207 22.007.790 7226,165 1,660 27,979 11,800 6,448 135,0'12 (4Q868) 94,t44 29,974,683 (323,422) 29,651,261 189,736 16,955 7,431 4,200 37,146 431,335 185,076 253,712 15,000 13,206 123,469 8,391 10,828 2,023 2,037 3,145 13,196 30,736 61.712 24,676 55,790 8.527 2,913 4,023 992 11,007 19,972 12,765 198,127 27,783 9,454 2,037 7,345 13,196 67,882 493,047 209,752 309,502 8,527 2,913 19,023 992 11,007 33,178 136,234 86,610 42212 '128,822 27,664 8,477 36,141 1,391,540 323,422 1,714,962 �j///C � Financial Se ices Director ate