Agenda 11-24-2004Page 1 of 5 AGENDA OF THE SAINT PAUL CITY COUNCIL Wednesday, November 24, 2004 - 3:30 p.m. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 3RD FLOOR City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Mary Erickson - 651- 266 -8565 Chris Rider - 651- 266 -8633 Office of the City Council Web Index • Consent Agenda • Communications and Administrative Orders . For Action • For Discussion • Ordinances • Housing and Redevlopment Authority CONSENT AGENDA (Items I - 25) NOTE:ALL ITEMS LISTED UNDER CONSENT AGENDA WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED BY A COUNCILMEMBER, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. COMMUNICATIONS AND ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS 1.Claims of 3N Enterprise, Anthony Carter, Matthew and Lisa Probst, Sherri Rockeman Quinn, and Jim and Jillian Stocker. 2.Summons and Application in the matter of Randall J. Zahradka vs. the City of Saint Paul in a torrens registration proceeding with respect to real estate in Ramsey County. 3.Land Title Summons in Application for Registration of Land in the matter of Printer's Row LLC vs. the City of Saint Paul et al. 4.Letter from the Office of the City Attorney announcing a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge on November 30, 2004 at 9:30 a.m. in Room 41 City Hall to consider all licenses held by M. Reaney, Inc., d/b /a Reaney's Bar, 870 Payne Avenue. file: //C:ADOCUME— l\LFSUPP— l\LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_133651\Agenda l l -... 12/15/2010 Page 2 of 5 5.Letter from the Office of the City Attorney announcing a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge on December 2, 2004 at 9:30 a.m. in Room 220 City Hall to consider all licenses held by Vone X. Moua and Mee Lee Moua, d/b /a Malina's Sports Bar & Grill, 691 North Dale Street. 6.Letter from the Department of Neighborhood Housing & Property Improvement declaring 1011 Burns Avenue as a nuisance property. (For notification purposes only; a public hearing will be scheduled at a later date if necessary.) 7.Letter from the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection announcing a public hearing before the City Council on December 1, 2004 to consider the appeal of Kurt and Maggie Schwichtenberg to a Board of Zoning Appeals decision denying three variances in order to construct a garage addition with a dwelling unit to the existing single family home at 314 Ryan Avenue (Zoning File No. 04- 195197). 8.Letter from the Department of Planning and Economic Development announcing a public hearing before the City Council on December 1, 2004 to consider the application of Riverstone Development to rezone property from R3 (One - Family Residential) to RT2 (Townhouse Residential) to allow for townhouse development at 397 Hazel Street, between Wilson Avenue and Hudson Avenue (Zoning File No. 04- 165 -087). 9. Administrative Orders: D002444 Moving spending budgets to the Operating Transfer to General Fund Object Code for PC replacement acquisitions for 2004 in the Public Works /Sewer Service Fund. D002445Budget revision in the Department of Technology and Management Services to provide one activity source for funding the training and preparations needed for the Microsoft Office Migration Project. D002446Amending the spending plans for Public Works General Fund Activities to correct overages in activity 02190. D002447Moving spending budgets to the Operating Transfer to General Fund object code for PC replacement acquisitions for 2004 in the Public Works Street Maintenance Fund. D002448Moving spending budgets to the Operating Transfer to General Fund object code to pay for PC replacement acquisitions for 2004 in the Public Works Administration Fund. D002449Moving spending budgets to the Operating Transfer to General Fund object code to pay for PC replacement acquisitions for 2004 in the Public Works Traffic Fund. D022450Moving spending budgets to the Operating Transfer to General Fund object code to pay for PC replacement acquisitions for 2004 in the Public Works Engineering Fund. FOR ACTION 10.Resolution - 04 -1098 - Honoring Elizabeth DeCourcy and proclaiming Wednesday, November 24, 2004 as Elizabeth DeCourey Day in the City of Saint Paul. I l Resolution - 04 -1079 - Approving the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City and the file: //C:ADOCUME— l\LFSUPP— l\LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_133651\Agenda l l -... 12/15/2010 Page 3 of 5 Lakes and Plains Regional Council of Carpenters and Joiners for May 1, 2004 through April 30, 2007. (Laid over from November 17 for adoption) 12.Resolution - 04 -1080 - Approving the Memorandum of Agreement between the City and AFSCME Local 1842 (Technical). (Laid over from November 17 for adoption) 13.Resolution - 04 -1081 - Approving the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and the St. Paul Police Federation. (Laid over from November 17 for adoption) 14.Resolution - 04 -1099 - Approving the use of Neighborhood STAR Investment Initiative Funds for the 6th Street Gateway Project and the Dayton's Bluff Greening Project. 15.Resolution - 04 -1100 - Approving the decision of the Legislative Hearing Officer on Appeal for Letter of Deficiency at 1921 Feronia Avenue. 16.Resolution - 04 -1101 - Approving the decisions of the Legislative Hearing Officer on Appeals for Letters of Deficiency, Correction Notices, and Correction Orders for: 1138 Sylvan Street, 1598 Hazel Street North, and 1735 Dayton Avenue. 17.Resolution - 04 -1102 - Authorizing staff to enter into an agreement with the Saint Paul Chapter of the First Tee youth golf development program. 18.Resolution - 04 -1103 - Authorizing the proper City officials to provide funds, not to exceed $3,000, to the Rice Street Business Association for reimbursement of expenses paid towards the Rice Street Festival and Parade. 19.Resolution - 04 -1104 - Authorizing the Police Department to enter into a lease agreement with the Minnesota State Agricultural Society to lease portions of the fairgrounds for winter storage of motor vehicles impounded for violation of parking ordinances. 20.Resolution - 04 -1105 - Accepting materials and supplies, with an estimated value up to $5,000, from the Ranking Officers Association for updating the Police Department's gym facility to enhance the physiological readiness of its police officers. 21.Resolution - 04 -1106 - Authorizing the withholding of tax forfeit parcels from public sale for six months. 22.Resolution - 04 -1107 - Executing a five -year lease between the City and Snelling /Hamlin Community Council to provide community garden plots. 23.Resolution - 04 -1108 - Adopting the FY 2004 Large Neighborhood STAR Program. 24.Resolution - 04 -1109 - Memorializing City Council action taken November 3, 2004 granting the application of Patrick Ilfrey for a Subdivision (lot split) to create three single - family residential parcels at 1374 Woodbridge Street, with variance of the requirement that lots have frontage on an improved street, between Cottage Avenue and Northern Pacific Railroad. 25.Resolution - 04 -1110 - Memorializing City Council action taken November 3, 2004 granting the application of Legacy Management and Development Corporation for a combined plat proposed for a mixed -use residential - institutional development at 626 University Avenue. file: //C:ADOCUME— l\LFSUPP— l\LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_133651\Agenda l l -... 12/15/2010 Page 4 of 5 FOR DISCUSSION 26.Resolution - 04 -1097 - Supporting the State Freedom to Breathe For All Act and encouraging the 84th State Legislative Session to pass legislation prohibiting smoking in bars and restaurants statewide. (Laid over from November 17) 27.Review the Correspondence from Assistant City Attorney John McCormick, concerning the role, authority, and responsibility of the City Council in the Collective Bargaining Process and the approval of collective bargaining agreements. 28.Consideration of the appeal of Mark Voerding, et al. to a decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals granting several variances in order to construct a second principle building on the lot at 449 Portland Avenue. (Public hearing held August 4; laid over from October 6, 27 and November 17) ORDINANCES NOTE: AN ORDINANCE IS A CITY LA W ENACTED BY THE CITY CO UNCIL. IT IS READ AT FO UR SEPARATE COUNCIL MEETINGS AND BECOMES EFFECTIVE AFTER PASSAGE BY THE COUNCIL AND 30 DAYSAFTER PUBLICATION IN THE SAINT PAUL LEGAL LEDGER. 29.Final Adoption - 04 -1027 - An ordinance concerning City Council approval of the City's lobbyists and legislative agendas. 30.Final Adoption - 04 -1054 - An ordinance amending Chapter 329 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, Alarm Devices, to facilitate changes in statutory law and reduce false alarms. 31.Second Reading - 04 -1093 - An ordinance amending Chapter 310.19 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to eliminate the dollar amounts and simply replace them with a discount percentage for those liquor licensees who provide alcohol awareness training to their staff. 32.First Reading - 04 -1111 - An ordinance amending Saint Paul Legislative Code §61.302 entitled "Application forms and fees" by adding new language which changes the fees charged by the Departments of License, Inspection and Environmental Protection and Planning and Economic Development for certain zoning applications and collected for the purpose of defraying the costs associated with processing, preparing and presenting zoning applications to City agencies. HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Wednesday, November 24, 2004 2:00 - 3:00 P.M. City Council Chambers, Third Floor Saint Paul City Hall file: //C:ADOCUME— I \LFSUPP —I \LOCALS —I \Temp \ELF20101215_13365I\Agenda l l -... 12/15/2010 Page 5 of 5 Jan Magnuson, Assistant Secretary (651) 266 -6604 AGENDA ROLL CALL CONSENT AGENDA 1.Approval of November 10, 2004 meeting minutes. 2.Authorization to Schedule a Public Hearing for Sale of 1570 -1590 White Bear Avenue (Hafner's Site) and Enter into a Development Agreement with Timbercraft Enterprises, Inc. in the Hillcrest Redevelopment Area in Greater East Side, District 12, (Laid over from September 22, 2004). 3.Amending the Budget for the Strategic Investment Fund and Authorization of a Loan under the Strategic Investment Fund Program to Tecmark, Inc. for 380 St. Peter Street, District 17. PUBLIC HEARINGS 4.Authorization to Acquire an Easement at Upper Landing for Construction and Maintenance of a Flood Wall and to Acquire an Easement at 266 Shepard Road for Access /Right -of -Way Purposes in West Seventh District 9 in Exchange for Conveyance of Land for Park Purposes in the Block Bordered by 8th Street and 9th Street, Sibley and Wacouta Streets, Conveyance of a Strip of Land along Wabasha Adjacent to Ecolab Park in Downtown, District 17, and Conveyance of 0 Ivy which is part of Phalen Park and located in Payne Phalen District 5. ADJOURNMENT Council Meeting Information Website: For an updated copy of the City Council Meeting agendas or minutes, please visit our Website at http: / /www. ci. stpaul. inn. us /council. Cable: The City Council and Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) Meetings are cablecasted live on Channel 18 and repeated on Thursdays at 7:00 p. in., Saturdays at 12:30 p.m., and Sundays at 1:00 p.m. (Subject to change). Also, the City Council and HRA Agendas are cablecasted on Saturdays at 8:00 a.m. and 7:30 p.m., Sundays at 5:30 p.m., Mondays at 8:00 a.m. 1:30 p. in., and 5:30 p. in.; Tuesdays at 8:00 a.m., and 5:30 p.m.; and Wednesdays at 8:00 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. file: //C:ADOCUME— l \LFSUPP —1 \LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_13365I\Agenda l l -... 12/15/2010