D002358Original City Clerk Pink Fin. & Mgmt Canary Services � CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF TI� MAYOR No.: .� �a�.�J Date: j a��0�% ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER FOR TIME EXTENSION ADMWISTRATNE ORDER, Whereas, in the matter of that certain contract l�own as Activity No. 26074 for Wvoming - Concord - Atlantic Sanita -�v Sewer City Project No. 02-5-1921 , Schurcon, Inc. Contractor, the specified date of completion is November 29, 2002 and the Contractor did not complete the contract by said date of completion because of dela s in ettin�a nermit from the railroad to install a sanitarv sewer under their tracks. and it is hereby ORDERED, That the City of 5aint Paul, through its Mayor, extends the time of completion to May 28, 2003 and it is FURTHER ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul hereby for liquidated damages on this pro}ect. • APPROVED AS TO FORM �%SA 6�, ��j Assistant City Attorney • Date does Waive claim Public Works :OMACf PERSON & PHONE Dan Haak 266-6084 �UST BE ON COUNqLAGENDA BY (OATE) ��NO 202404 L'CITYCOUNCIL — `—�--- SQcmc�rac _ � FIN. SEkVICES/ACCT. � �MSION MANIIGEF{/ OATE INiT1ATE0 IG RE E N 1/8/04 .� DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR A431GN 3 NUMBEftFOR �CITYARORNEY ���' �FINANCIALSERVICESOIR ORDER Q MAYOR(OR ASSISTANf) � PaulKurC TOTAL # OP SIGNANRB PAGES - (CUP ALL LOCA7IONS POR SIGNATUR� Bruce Baesa�ACCt Extend Contract Completion Date from November 29, 2002 to May 28, 2003. WYOMING - CONCORD - ATLANTIC SANTI'ARY SEWER City Project No. 02-S-1921 Contractor: Schurcon, Inc. RECOMMENDATlONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) A PLANNING COMMISSION, CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION STAFF PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUSS At3SWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: . 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contrad for this department? YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? YES NO Expiain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet fSSUE, OPPORNNITY (W HO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) to delay in getting a permit from the railroad to install a sanitary sewer under their tracks: � � J� ,IAN 1 fi ZUU4 AOVANTAGES �F APPROVEO�. y ��@� �,p The time extension authorizes addirional contract time required to complete the proj���� ���6'!!�� �" , QlSAOVANTAGES (F APPROVEO: None OISADVANTA('iES IF NOTAPPROVED� Contractor's work performed after November 29, 2002 will not be authorized. TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSAC710N FUNDING SOURCE i,rv � COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) ES No ACINI7YNUMBER CO2-2T301-0784-26074 FINANCIAI INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN)