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CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � ' OFFICE OF THE MAYOR d ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No: �Dp � City Clerk BUDGET REVISION Date: i J �� 03 Finance Dept. ADMiN15TRATiVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of Planning S Economic Development, to amend the budget of the Community Development Block Grant Fund. The Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Ptease see Attachment A. • � r G �S u�y3/ffS � pprove y: ayor ate �M:ADODBIIOG. W K'1 10/93 J�ooa3�g I 1 \� • ADMIN15SRATIVE ORDER HCCOUNTCODE PROGRAM 1W37625-C64]-6t3YJ 1003T/12-055]-61098 100.3]801-0551L1140 1063]epIAS5tL1283 �063]8%-056]Et3pi 1063]801-054]E'130C t00.3]&11�6]-61323 100.3]80t.O5G]E1349 100.3]801.056]-61395 1063]801.05G]£t39] 100.31802.0539-61112 100.31&Y2.C613612&3 �00.3]802056]-6130� t003]802A54]5�304 iao-a�aoausss-sun 100.3]803-0565-61198 100.3]&N-029661283 �C0.3]801W41-fit301 1063>806.OSC]-6�304 1063]BOL050]-s1324 100.3]800.05a]-613G9 1063T&ISQSM17-6133T 100.3]8050.54]-61507 1003]80&054]-61301 100.3]808A56]-61306 100.3)Sp8054]-61326 100.3]80&056]-61349 100.3]80&0.541-61396 100.31810.05fi5-61198 100.3]812-054361283 100.3]812-054]-61301 W0.3]812-OSC]-61303 10b3'/812-0.5J]-6t304 100.3]8'12-056]-61323 1003]8i2-056]-fi1396 100.3]81&054]-6139] 1063]812-OSd]-616]3 100.3]8�2-05¢J-61518 100..1893-056i-61305 100.3]813-0ShRfi1C]3 100.3901SQ53]-61012 100.391W-0.53]-61012 t00.39102-053b61tt2 100.39103-053]-61236 1�0.39205-Q547-612fi2 W0.39212-0.54]-61262 100.39212-W4]-61269 100.39213-056]-61269 100.3921]-0.53]-611]9 100.393t]-0.53]-611]9 f00.39402-053]-61296 100.39401053]-61290 100.39612-0.531-61293 100.3941]-053]-611]9 ��0.39603-p53]-81186 1C0.39T�2-056i-64�8 tOP39>10.0.56]-612i8 100.39]1]-0229-6�218 100.39812-053]-81199 100.39901-OSd]-61�A2 iD0.39901-05¢�-612J3 100.39903-0.531-61239 100.39905-0.53➢-61244 10039912-053]-811]9 100.39912-056]-61220 100.39912-056>-61239 100.39912-054'l-61242 100.39312-05J]-61243 100.35912-0.53R61200 f00.39W1-0.53]-61801 100.t99]0.054]-6180.5 Cmm¢Prevaroon R�ab Program Sel¢chveClea2nce HomesteaanssisWCe KsRShabwneRevL Lowe Blulf ReM1ab I IeRema�oiulM3rkef LoweBluffReM1a011 WabazhaGevebpmenlll SeibY�mmonl HRACOnhact$emces Hot�esteatlA55'vsGnce Ken[ SM1erOUme RevC Lowertown Blulf reM1ab Lap FamityGOmmunM1y Ha�Mi�appetlAaessibiliry Hot�esteadA55�sance RentSM1ebumeRevF Lowerrown Bluff rehaU NoM EiM Resitlenhal Lowerlown BIWf reFab II Ne'9hbwlwodNOnPmfit GeHM1e LeaE Ou! 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Improvement Payn¢Res Impmvement ftrvemew SociaVPhy Gen Ptlmn DNe�fetl Loans PayneAVe Physlmp ftes Gono-olletl Housin9 PayneRes ImproremeM RIVQNIEY! $OCId�IPlly Troulbrook InhastrucWre Incubstor Business Provrar Tofal EMERGENCYSHELTERPROGRPM 100.39290.054]-6128> 6otlusHDGCaN Ghanty t00.39290.054]-6t286 MaryHallRerrovaLOn 100.39290.0.5J]-6�291 YVJAGPM1asell 1�039290.0.5h]-s129I The�eu��mgCentes 100.39290.054]-61408 Family5ervices 100.39290.05J]-61qW FamAyS¢rvmes 100.39290.0.50>-B1JH CASADeESperaOZa 100.39290.054>-61490 �steni�gHOUSe 100.39290.056]-614W MotlelQties raai TOTAL SupeetC Verma Ron Rass • iRNOV-03 t1/XM2aW cuwzEnr BUDGEf 25.00O.W 2]SS91.99 966.0]186 3.9]2.ar193 ST.TQ5.49 239250.00 26].]91.69 386.08308 zn �so 00 ]6.4�.]] iGL1L�_E4] 25.Op00p 43 22] &5 53,9]48] M1.Sf1d8G.P8 3J,892.00 5.00000 39,25000 16150 32.500.00 6G9.60629 i.150,�000 90,000.00 143,063 88 232.d83 00 265.31200 118A1600 39d.>50 00 zoo.000 00 t4.58555 5125000 83,&58.00 (83.858.00) 34&5340 565,50000 35,400.00 G3.>5400 10L24600 1,O60.afi528 961245 ]2 6.5p000 10,62252 280,W0.00 895,89026 26.OD0 00 ffi.00000 339.9]000 ]8,030 00 498.962 84 13A�40 �ia,000 oo� 10,00000 558,]611] 6G5 85063 92,602.86 0.5 a50 00 ?2 30.5 93 36,10226 400,000 00 fi8�,49123 40.160,]53.81 18,812.00 95,146 ]8 2s,96000 18,5820p 6,83250 25, I6] 50 3.�00 00 5,00000 10,00� 00 ro,eoo.7s 20.3]1.55439 ATTALHMEMA qMENOF� CHANGE Bf10GET [!.'S41.83) (0.10) (19.50) 4GY.93295 (4,92919) (HI,431.53) (S.]9] 9G) 35.932 &i m.oesza� 3]5.00 1.93I6M1 1,515 00 2S385d zzznzz 200.00000 13.Op0.00 a61]1.fi6 8,463.t4 (i].1a6.06) (20.&5961) (25,8038G) (23,0385]) 350.00 40786 (31,625 00) 20,&59.61 (10.1889]) 95.49916 (13,000 00) (513.12321j 1.4395] 36fi 63 11A,03] 35 3,]919fi (18.416 W) (3]5 00) 1.250 00 (zoo.000 oo� (36665) (izs0007 (83.&5800) 83.&58 00 (t6.22621) (1562) (%.00OW) 35,000.00 9)3 !i (9)3]t) (i6D50j (963 72) (6,500.00) 6,SOOW (280,00000) (2,9dd 08) O80 (6695) (1000) 56.95 (94000) (48244) 10.OW 00 (10,0000�) 1279215 (3,643 502 220000 10.00000 d6244 (10,000.00) ry2.]9215) a2t54 (1,305 59) (333.12].48) 5].652ti Z1&591.89 9fifi.65234 6.3fl5.9M1088 G69163� 151.]fi6.41 263.93i]3 422.�]5 91 200.166]6 3]5.00 16.ddKiCi_61 1.515.00 2,538 fiM1 zzznzz Z00.00000 13.OW OD i86.t]T.fi6 8.4434C ].&53.96 22.36824 28,�]101 1$68.t482t 38250.00 5,00] 86 zs25 00 21.on it 22.311.IXi 95.4991fi 656,fi0629 1,236,8]6 ]9 91,G395] 113,390.51 3�16,520 35 2fi9,109 96 10�,OOD00 394,3]5 00 1,250.00 13.89492 50,00000 14A2913 565.48638 35.000.00 44.]2]>i 1002>229 1.059.901]8 960282.5� 1].32252 892,9J6.18 26,000 80 81.95Jp5 339.96000 ]8.08695 496.022.8C ]253i 5fi 1279215 553,13] 6] 8fi8,050 fi3 1p2,80286 45,912CJ 12,305.93 23.31011 40o.a2154 680,1&564 19,021,826.13 �assso) �e.azzio (92069) A5,62609 (98400) 25,s]600 (4060�) t8.1Tfi00 9450 ],6120p (5]950) 26,58800 (2582) 3,61418 2.]92fi8 ].]9268 (2.]9268) ]2W32 f�,sxs.atl zoe.s�a.a> (335,053.09) 2U,036.500.50 qOLOBGxIs 10AAM D�oa 3 � � �� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � Department/o�celcouncil: Date Initiated: � PE — P�a�S�EconomicDevelopment '13NOV-03 Green Sheet NO: 3008114 Contact Person 8 Phone- Deuartment Sent To Person InitiaVDate I Ron Ross � 0 � lann'n & Ec nomic Develo � 6$692 puj9n 1 launin2 & Economic Develoo Acfivitv Mana2er or D I Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): I Num6er �� 11��c> 2 lann'n &Ec nomicDevelo De a entD'rector For �� Routing 3 inan �al Services O�ce Financial Servi Orde� 4 i Clerk i Clerk I Total # of Signature Pages �(Clip AII Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Approval of the attached Adnaiuistrative Order. � Recommendations: Approve (A) or Rejeci (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Folfowing Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firtn ever worked under a contract for this departmenY? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Prohlem, Issues, �pportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): This budget revision corrects the budgets of some very old CDBG and Emergency Shelter Grant Projects. Tlus action will not affect the current budget. Advantapes If Approved: The budgets will be corrected. Disadvantanes If Approved: None Disadvantapes If Not Approved: The budgets wIll not be corrected. Total Amount of Cpstll2evenue Budgeted: Transaction: IU f A I Pundinp Source: Activity Number. Fi nanCial Information: (F�cplain)