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No: �J�o a 3 �a
Da[e: �/ /� Q �
ADMINISTRATNE ORDER, that pursuant to Chapter 86.03 of Admuustrative Code, the proper City ofFicials are
hereby authorized to execute the following lease agreements that are one year or less in duration.
V endor
Ciry Academy at Wilder
Dist. 12 St. Anthony Park Comm. Council
Dist. 14 Edgcumbe Macalester / Groveland
Dist. 14 Kids Park at Gtoveland
District 1 Commnniry Council
District 15 Highland District Council
District 16 Summit Hill Association
Equiry Home Services - North End Multi - S
Jane Addams School for Democracy
I,ex Ham Community Council - Dunning
North End News
Ramsey County Human Services
R.A.P. Headstart at Baker
.P. Headstart at Rice
ighbor to Neighbor
Teatro del Puebro at Baker
West Side Safe Neighborhood at Baker
. Assistan[ City Attorney
T��`\(j�_�etCFl Jr�VICE.� `
I.ease Date
07/Ol/03 - 06/30/04
Ol/Ol/04 - 12/31/04
Ol/Ol/04 - 12/31/04
Q1(Ql(04 - 12(31/04
01101f04 - 12/31/04
011O1J04 - 12J31l04
01101l04 - 12131J04
01/01/04 - 12/31/04
04/01/04 - 12/31/04
Ol/Ol/04 - 12/31/04
Ol/Ol/04 - 12/31/04
Ol/Ol(04 - 12(31l04
01/01f04 - 12/31f04
08/01103 - 07131/04
01101l04 - 12131104
01/01/04 - 12/31/04
Ol/Ol/04 - 12/31/04
Lease Descr�tion
Wilder Rec. - Charter School Space
So. St. Anthony Rec. - O�ce Space
Fdgcumbe Rea Ctr. - Office Space
Groveland Rec. Ctr. - Off`ice Space
Conway Rec. Ctr. - Office Space
Hillcrest Rec. Ctr. - Offlce Space
Linwood Rea Ctr. - Office Space
Rice Rec. Ctr. - Office Space
Baker Rea Ctr. - Office Space
Dunning Rec. Ctr. - Office Space
Rice Rec. Ctr. - Office Space
Rice Rec. Ctr. - Office Space
Baker Rec. Ctr. - Office Space
Rice Rea Ctr. - Office Space
Rice Rec. Ctr. - Office Space
Baker Rec. Ctr. - Office Space
Baker Rea Ctr. - OPfice Space
Department Head
Administrative Assistant to Mayor
� Green Sheet Green Sheet
Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
DepartmenVotficrlwuncil: Dateinitiatetl:
R ParxsanaRecrearion 31ACT-03 Green Sheet NO: 3007294
ConWct Person & Phone: Deuartrnent Seni To Person InitiaUDate
Bob6ieischeid � 0 ar an ecrea' n �J�
2 �� 9 Assign 1 ksandRecreation De tDirector
Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Number 2 ttome
Foi �
Routing 3 O ce ' 'al Servi
i Order 4 � �
Total # of Signature PaQes _(Clip NI Loeations Por Signature)
Action Requestetl:
Approval of the attached Administrative Order authorizing proper City officials in the Division o s an ecrea on to execute all
lease a�eements that mature in 2004, and aze one yeaz or less in durarion, pursuant to Chapter 86.03 of the Administrative Code.
Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contrects Must Mswer the Following Questions:
Planning Commission �. Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a contract for this department?
CIB Committee Yes No
Civil Service Commission 2. Has this personffirm ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any
current city employee?
• J � Yes No
�7y Explain ali yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sfieet
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (VJho, Wha1, When, Where, Why):
According to Chapter 86.03 of the Adminishative Code, all leases of one year or less in durauon shall be initiated and authorized by the
I Administrative Order.
Upon approval, the process of entering into leases and receiving payments from the lease aa eements will be initiated.
I Disadvantages If Approved:
I None
Disadvantages If Not Approved:
The division would be unable to enter inro lease agreements of a one yeaz duration ot less.
Total Amount of CosURevenue Budgetetl:
i Fun�ng Source: ActiviiY Number.
�inancial Information: