D002340Original Pinic Canary lJ Clty Clerk Fin. & Mgmt Services Department CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF TI3E MAYOR ADMI1vISTRATIVE ORDER FOR TII1� EXTENSION lQ� Date: �ao a35�� �J "- � "O `� ADMIIVISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, in the matter of that certain contract known as Activity No. 25059 for Shepard Road Landscaping; Randolph to Chestnut City Froject No. 00-P-1201 Woyda and Mortel, Inc. Contractor, the specified date of completion is July 30, 2001 and the Contractor did not complete the contract by said date of completion however; beCause the water service needed to the irrigation system was not provided until July 24, 2002. and it is hereby ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, ea�tends the time of comptetion to August 27, 2002 and it is FURTHER OI2DERED, That the City of Saint Paul hereby does Waive claim for liquidated damages on this project. n LJ APPROVED AS TO FORM �,`��.., � . 7�'�.8� Assistant City Attorney � Date r S��/-v ' Department ea , jO/ao�� Date ministrative Assistant to t e Mayor Date Public Works CANTACT PERSON & PHpNE Larry Lueth 266-6084 MU�EONCOUNCfLAGENDABY (DATE) IATE tNITIATEO � ^ 10/29/2003 v ASSIGN � CINATfORNEY NUMBERFOR ROI7IING ❑ FINANCW.SERVICESDIR ORDER EET ��� a�y� No. 245877 CITY COUNCIL _¢_. ❑ CT'CLERK ❑ FINANCIAL SERV/AGCTG ❑ LARRV WEiH �N/ � /O / ��� ❑ DICKRUPER7 ❑ MAYOR(ORASSISTANn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ,ACTIONREQUESTED . . . � - ' ' ' ' - Spproval of Administrarive Order for time extension. Original complerion date July 30, 2001. Revised completion date August 27, 2002 3hepazd Road Landscaping; Randolph to Chestnut �ity Project 00-P-1201, SAP #164-020-92 RECOMMEN�ATIONS:Apprwe (A) or Rejec[ (R) __ PL4NNINGCAMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE ! CIVILSERVICECAMMISSION A STAFF � MUST ANSWEft THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this persaVfrm ever wo�keE untlar a wnVad for ths tlepartment? YES NO 2. Hes Yhis persoNfifin evar been a ciry employea'+ VES NO 3. p0es ihs p¢rs�rm possess 2 skill not namalty pDSSessetl by anycuRent pty employee? YES NO 4. Is this persoNfrm a brgetetl ventloR YES NO Explain all yas answen on sepamte shaetantl aMaeh ro graen shaet WHY): The contract consists of constructing an urigarion system, �ee ptanting, and sodding. The water source for the irrigarion system was not supplied by the City vnril July 24, 2002, well after the specified completion date. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVEO: Authorize the addi6onal time requ'ued to complete the project. Once the water supply was made available, the project was completed the £ollowing month. 1.� •, I DISADVAMAGESIFAPPROVE�: None � � r � �im+uvqMAtiESIFNOTAPPROVEO: „ Additional time for completion not authorized � TO7ALqMOUNT OF TRANSACTION E COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRGLE ON� ves NO AGTNI7YNUMBER rnnaSnFi_p�ue_�sn5o �' F�IG SOURCE N/A i �IA� INFORMATION (EYPW N)