D002311CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA OFFICE OF THE MAYOR City Clerk Finance ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION Chancae ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section '10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of Pianning 8 Economic Development to amend the 2003 budget of the PED Operations Fund, the Director of the Office of Financial Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: WHEREAS, the decennial Census of Population and Housing provides valuabie data for planning and development purposes; and WHEREAS, the federai government reports some data at the block level, but most data at the tract and 6fock group level, making it impossible to determine conditions in Saint Paul ptanning districts, subdistricts, and the downtown fringe from standard Census reports; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Department of Planning and Economic Development previously purchased a special run of 1990 Census data for planning districts and subdistricts; and WHEREAS, the U.S. Census Bureau is able to produce 2000 Census data for planning districts, subdistricts, and the downtown fringe for a cost of $10,000, as indicated in the attached "Cost Estimate and Acceptance' ; and WHEREAS, the Wilder Research Center desires to share in the cost of acquiring this data, for use in its "Community Dataworks" project; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED; that the budget be amended to reflect the approval to accept the $5,000 donation from the Wilder Foundation and spending authority for the payment to the Census Bureau: i PED Operation Fund GL-126-36000-6905 Donation GL-126-36075-9299 Services �� �� ,``,�. , - -��' � r_ y<< ��.. � �. 1. __ .. _. .,. � Current Budaet $0.00 $32,352.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 No: ��Q !X � � � Date: / � / 'If 3 Amended Budaet $5,000.00 $37,352.00 �' Approved by: Director of Financial Services (Date) � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �oo a3i � 1 PE — p���ng&EcononricDevelopment � 30.JUN-03 Contact Person & Phone: Mark VanderSchaaf 6E637 on Councii Agenda by (Date): y Assign Number Eor Routing Order Green Sheet NO: 3002120 0 �lanoine & Economic De etoo � I 7 tanni &Econo �cDevel Activi na erorD� 2 lannin & cono icDevelo De a e tDirector � 3 inan 'al Services Office Ftinancial Servi i 4 i Clerk Ciri Clerk Total # oF Signature Pages _(Clip AII Locations for Signature) Adion Requested: Amend budget to incoipozate donarion of $5,000 from Wilder Reseazch Centei, to be used to shaze the $10,000 cost of purchasing census data for plauning districts, subdishicts, and the downtown fiinge. idations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Pla�ning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission Contrects Questions: 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for th4s department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? � Yes No Erzpiain afl yes answers on separete sheet and attach fo green sheet Ini&aGng Problem, lssues, Oppoctunity (Who, WhaQ Wheo, Where, Why): - Wilder Reseazch Center offered to share in the cost of data purchase, thereby maldng it affordable for PED. AdvaMapes If Approved: Able to acquire needed data Disadvanqpes If Approved: None DisadvanYages If Not Approvetl: Unable to acquire needed data Total Amount of 5000 , 7rensaction: Fundinst Source: dOnation Financial Information: � (Explain) CosURevenue Budgeted: rJ Activitv Number: GL-720-36075-0299 & GL-126-36000-6905 d7 00� 3 i I ��_�, � COST SSTIMATE AND ACCEPTANC& �oe��� St. Paul Qept. of Planning & Economic Dev. 1300 City Hall Annex 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55162 - lrvcc - riease iactvae ����,�d � 2ile Yeference numbei� attachme�t � (iteffi 4b) or Project formai[rng .��r (it� 4d)-on a21 insfru�t�au , correspondence wi.th the .Census 8ureau. Vander Schaaf ..�ay�,aa n�e� b. Census Sureau 651-266-6637 Timothy Fitzgerald 301-763-2432 11-28-0088-00-00-00-00 Popufation Division �2003-00042305 I 9065000 a-�xa,e- �e-�E ! STP-36/St. Paul Dept. of Planning & Economic Dev. Fiscal year Amovnt a. P=om a. Q'� amount etated ia item 5 will be the fi�l chaxqe provided [he y, 2�Q•3 �'�Q QQQ June 12 � 2��.3 agreement ia sigaed and returned � vithia 90 �7ay6 og t7u date in Siem �. . 0 12t. AUgUSt 31, 2003 �'•Q'"'� £'°'1 `tw�e vill ba determined by c. accual coets iacursed. paymeat _ • b. C Docuaaat ldea[iE3catioa � � ' �udy Lesch : YBaL : 2003 41-6005521 ' -------------- ---------------- -; Telephoae number c. Paymeat achedule - Mark (x) on� ao� ; 651-266-6668 i.�llnuval aaveaca 3.oMOathlr advanee ,a_ a er 2 � ¢ysst�zly a6vanc� 4.�Other (co� aCtaeh�C7 ; , See statement attached a � b.n BC-505A (Addeadim) ' c.n Othes attacLmeate ]lmovat $10,000 This agreement incoryorates a41 pmvisions set fcRh on the revecse side �ertns of P�qreement ar�d atry additional provisions contained M a adachments indicated in+tem 10. Customer should earefupy teview ali information and understand afl condiHons under whieh tha Bureau �Cenws petforms wark. Offtcial signatures in Bems 12 and 13 should represeM offkiats who have the auftwrify to oNigate fifnds and autt a. xame aIIa title - PZeaE John F. Long Chief, Population Division a. Neme Had title - P1eaBC type Martha fuiler Director, St. Pauf Dept. of Plann. & Econ. Dev. � �� �►K.A.t►l�l.��4ffriU TERMS OF AGREEMENT C , J A. AuthorityforWOrk-Appfiuloa!/agrawnend witb othe� Fedara/ ayanurs. 7he Bureau of the Census {hereinafter reterred to as Censusl is conducting work in this agreement under the authociN contained in either 13 U.S. C. 81b), or 75 U.S.C. 7525, additional tertns/cond'¢ions are set forth in the attached eddendum. When executed, this a9reement is binding in accord with 37 U.S.C. 7501(a1(71 and is subjeC[ to the pfovisions of appropriation Iaw appliwb�e to agreements entared into with private crontractors. 8_ Confidantiatity- Appfia to anyagreement that involves coll�etion or urs of dafa tnbjeci to ditclwu» »sirieticn: und�r ilNs 73 U.S.C. Daq coliected in this survey are subject to all mnfidentiality requirements prescribed in 13 U.S.C. 9(a). Census will not release any magnatic tape or other microdata file without first assuring that these requirements have baen met, induding e{imination of individual identification and limitation of certain subject and geographic detait. \ C. PotaMief YYoric Wnstsai�rts w Ioterruptions Proviw - App/iw to a/! apnsmertb wHh otber F�dorslay�nofu. The abiliry of Cansus to perform work may be impaired hv aareement revisions. emolovment ceilinas. Federai force, temporary fudou8hs, or ather controis Impose6 by the Office of Management and Budget, &cecuYrve Order, or Congrassional action. Census will make every reasonable e8ort m edhere fo timing and othar requirements specified in egreements. However, if Census enrnunters such ditficuhies and as e resuh is unable to compiy with the terms of this agreement, it shali not be bound by such terms. Under such circumstances, Census and the costomer agree to euplore actions to be takan, including changes in work spea£catio�s, schedula stretchauts', or discontinuance of the work. . D. Ownenhip of Property- Appleublo whon prop�rty i+b�ing purchas�vd in fulfiflewM ot igrwm�ot Ali supplies, equipment, software, furniture, and property of any otherkind purchased with fnnds received hereunder, in futfiliment of the terms of this agreement, sha4t becoma the property of the Census Bureau, un�ess otherwise provided in an addendum hereto. E. Conditions for Aeeeptnner - Applie+ So a!I agiwrrtints. 73 U.S.C. 8 and 15 U.S.C. 7525 contain the authoriry to perform special work or services on a cost basis. These sections authorize performance of t�e work or services involved, if ihey ara consistent with the basie publie duties and obfigations of Census. Censvs reserves the right to reject or terminate all or any part of the agreemartt a�d raturn the unused 6aiance of funds advanced if required by the exigencies of the pubiic interesi. Ce�sus wiil make every reasonabte effort to avoid delays, failures, and ercors in the performance of • PoHtA HC-`.ASA REPMSf ilz.�a9e1 E. Conditions for Aaaptanea - Continuad its work; howevar, the customer may not hold Census responsibie for such delays, failures, or errors. The fequesiing party must pay the cost of remmpilations, corceciions, or acceteretions. Under certaim m�ditions, Census is able to fix in aMance the finai charge to be made for the described work. If such �onditions prevaii. Item 7 on the face of the form wiil be filled acwrdingty. In other circumstances, Census vhll base ffie final cfiarge forthe vrosk nn ihe adual incurcad costs. !f accual cost aro lower, Census will refund the difference beRVeen any advance payment based upon an estimate of the costs . and actual costs. If the accuai cosu exceed the escimata, the requesting party will be 6illed for and will pay the difference. The estimated cosi for this reimbucsabte agreement 4or multi-year work is based on estimating factors known at this time. Any es[ima[els} for subsequent years is subjed to change. Census will discuss any changes to the estimated cos[ with the customer and request sup- plemental funding prior to beginrting that years work. Rem'ntance is due 30 days from tfie date of the invoice. After the due date. Census may assass a late charge on the 6alance dus for each 30 day period or portion thereof at the current percentage rate prescribed by the U.S. Treasury. Unless otherwise provided, this agreament is subjecc to and Census shall observe appficabie confidentiality provisions of tkle 13 in handling data while earrying out the work under this agreement Census may furnish the information suhject to additional limitetions and qualifications, and the raquesting party shall be bound 6y sueh limitations in any pubiic use of the information. Census reserves the rigM to preclude publication of the material by restric[ing its use to the purchaser only or to require ciearonce of any proposed publicetion of the infotmation. If the govemment receives or supervises eollection ot the basic data in the regufar couree of business and if Census regards ihe information to be of generel public interest, Census reserves the right to publish the mformation and make ii avaiiabie witFiout charge or at cost of pubiication. If Census does not publish ihe info�mation gsnerally, and its reiease is rtot restricted by law and/or tfie terms of this agreement, any individual or organization requesting the same information wili be charged the mst of repraduction. In all cases, Caesus resarves the right to kaep a cro�py of the information in its files and M use sveh information for its own purpose. In case of any dispute or question invotving the use of tha i�formation, Census may make such use of it as will best serva the pubiic interest. Ordinarily, the information, files, and recards produced hereunder are retained for a period of 5 years from the date o4 origin except that electronic data tapes may 6e blanked afrer 90 days unless specific arrangements in writing are made to the contrary. Howevaq Census is not obli9ated in any way to retam such files and records for any specific period and may dispose of them at such times and in such manner as it may determine appropriata, subject ta the reguiations of the General Services Administration. ,�Doa31� floa;�3ii Statement of Work . Saint Paul Department of Planning and Economic Development The Saint Paul Department of Planning and Economic Development enters into this a�eement with the Bureau of the Census with a commitment of $10,000 for prepazation of a special tabulation of Census 2000 data in accordance with the attached specifications. The special tabulation will be used for planning purposes in the Saint Paul, MN azea. Fulfiliment of this agreement will include tabulations of 100% and sample demographic profile data in 1 data file with one delivery date. This ageement covers the cost of producing 100% and sample demographic profile data for 17 planning districts, 83 sub-planning districts, a downtown core azea, and a downtown fringe area for a total of 102 geographic locations. Data will be presented in accordance with that produced for demographic profile tables DP-1, DP-2, DP-3, and DP-4 in Census 2000. The Bureau of the Census Disclosure Review Board (DRB) has required that each geographic area must have a population of 300 people in order for data to be shown for the area. Rounding rules will also be applied. If mutuaily agreed upon by the Saint Paul Department of Planning and Economic Development and the Bureau of the Census, the Bureau of the Census will deliver the special tabulation data to the Saint Paul Department of Planning and Economic Development in Excel spreadsheets by Auwst 31, 2003, or as soon as possible thereafter. � • 1�lla�3il u Table DP-7. Profile of General Demographic Characteristics: 2D00 Geographic Area: United States [For information on confidentiality protection, nonsampiing error, and definitions, see texTj Subjeci Number � Percent Total population ..........................�281,427,906 SEX AND AGE Male ........................................ 138�053.563 Female ...................................... 743.368.343 UnderS years ............................... Sto9Years _.._ ............. ............. 10 to 14 years ............................... 15 to 19 years ............................... 20 to 24 years ............................... 25to 34 years ............................... 35 to 44 years .. ... .. . .. . .. .. . .. . . .. . .. . ..... 45 to 54 years ............................... 55 to 59 years ............................... 60 to 64 years ............................... 65 to 74 years ............................... 75to 84 years ............................... 85 years and over ............................ Median age (years) .......................... . 19.�75.798 20,549.5�5 20,528,072 20,2'19,890 78,964,001 39,891,724 45,�48,527 37,677,952 73,469,237 10,805,447 78,390,986 12,361,1 SO 4,239,587 35.3 100,0 49.1 50.9 6.8 7.3 7.3 72 6.7 14.2 16.0 13.4 4.8 3.8 6.5 4.4 1.5 (X) �Syeats and over ........................... 209,�28,09d 7A.3 Male ...................................... 100,994,367 35.9 Femafe .................................... 108.�33.727 38.4 21 years and over ............................ 196,899,193 70.0 62 years and over ............................ 4�,256,029 14.7 65 years and over ............................ 34,991,753 12.4 Male ...................................... tA.409,625 5.1 Female .................................... 20.582.128 7.3 RACE • One race ......... .......................... White .............. Black or African American . . . . .. ..... .. ... . .. American indian and Alaska Native........... Asian..................................... Asian Indian ............................. Chinese ................................. Filipino .................................. Japanese ................................ Korean .................................. Vietnamese .............................. Other Asian ' .... .... . . ... . . . ... . ... . . .. . Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander.... Native Hawaiian .......................... Guamanian or Chamorm .................. Samoan ................................. Other Pacific Islander � . .................. Some otherrace ........................... Two or more races ........................... Rate alone o� in combination with one o� more other races: ' Whiie....................................... Black or African Amencan ..................... American Indian and Alaska Native ............. Asian....................................... Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific islander. ,.... Some other race ............................. 274,595,678 217,460,626 34,658,190 2,475.956 10,242.998 �,678,765 2,432,585 1,850,314 796,700 1,076,872 1.122.528 �,285234 398,835 140,652 58,240 91,029 108,914 '15,359,073 6,826228 216,930,975 36,419,434 4,179,307 11,898.828 874,414 78,521,486 97.6 75.1 12.3 0.9 3.6 0.6 0.9 0.7 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.1 5.5 2.4 77.1 12.9 1.5 42 0.3 6.6 Subject HISPANIC OR LATINO AND RACE Total population .......................... Hispanic or Latino (of any race) ................ Mexican ................................... Puerto Rican ............................... Cuban.................................... Other Hispanic or Latino .................... Not HispaniC or Latino ........................ White alone ................................ RELATIONSHIP Total poputation .......................... In households ................................ Househoider ............................... SPouse................................... Child...................................... Own child under 18 years ................ O[herrelatives ........................ .... Under 18 years ......................... Nonrelatives ............................... Unmarried partner ....................... In group quarters ............................. Institutionalized population ..... ............ . Noninstitutionalized population . . .. .. . .. .. .. . . HOUSEHOLD BY TYPE Totai householtls ......................... Family households (families) ........ .......... With own children under 18 years ......... . Married-couple family .............. ......... With own children under 18 years.. ....... Female householder, no husband present..... With own children under 78 years.......... Nonfamily househoids ........................ Householderliving alo�e .................... Householder 65 years and over............ Households with individuals under �8 years ..... Households with individuais 65 years and over .. Number I Percent 28�,427,906 35,305,518 20.640.77� 3,406,178 �,2d7,685 10.017244 246,�16,088 � sa,ssz,na 100.0 � 2.5 7.3 72 0.4 3.6 87.5 sa� 281.42�,90b 273,643273 105,480,101 54,493,232 83,393,392 64,494,637 15,684,378 6,042,435 74,592,230 5,475,768 7,778,633 4,059,039 3,719,594 105,480,101 71,787,347 34,588,368 54,493232 24,835,505 12,900,103 7,56�,874 33,692,754 27,230,075 9.722,857 38,022,�15 24,672,708 Average household size ....................... 2.59 Average famify size ........ . .................. 3.54 F40USiPJG OCCLSPAP7CY Total housing units ....................... 115,904,641 Occupied housing units .. . ... ... .. .. _ . .... .. . 105,48Q10S Vacant housing units .......................... 70,424,540 for seasonal, recreationai, or occasional use ............................ 3.578,718 100.0 972 37.5 19.4 29.6 22.9 5.6 2.1 52 1.9 2.8 1.4 1.3 100.0 68.1 32.8 51.7 23.5 12.2 72 31.9 25.8 92 36.0 23.4 (X) (X) 100.0 91.0 9.0 3.1 Homeowner vacancy rate (percent) ............. 7.7 (X) Rentai vacancy rate (percent) .................. 6.8 (X) HOUSING TENURE Occupied housing units .................. 105,480,101 �00.0 Owner-occupied housing units ................. 69,815,753 662 Renter-occupied housing units ................. 35.664,348 33.8 Averege household size of owner-occupied units. I 2.69I (X) Average hovsehold size of renier-occupied units . 2.40 (X) - Represents zero or rountls to zero. (X) Not applicabie. ' Other Asian alone, or two or more Asian categories. � Other Pacific islander alone, or rivo or more Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander categories. ' In combination with one or more of the other races listed. The six numbers may add to more than ihe total population and the six perce�tages may add to more than 100 percent because individuals may report more than one race. • Source: US. Census Bureau, Census 2000. ll S. Census eureaµ Census 2000 Daa ��ii Tabfe DP-2. Profile of Selected Social Characteristics: 2000 Geograpfiic area: United States • [Data based on a sample. For information on confidentiality protection, sampling error, nonsampling error, and definitions, see text] Subjeci I Number Percent Su6ject ` Number Percent SCHDOLENROLLMENT Popula[ion 3 years antl over enrolled in school .................... Nursery school, preschool ............. .... . ... Kinderganen ................................. Elementary school(grades 1-8) ................ High schoot(grades 9-12) ..................... Coliege or graduate school .................... EDUCATIONAL ATfA1NMENT Population 25 years and over .......... Less than 9th gmde .... . . ..... . . ... .. . ... ... . 91h to 12th grade, no diploma .. . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . High school graduate (includes equivalency)..... Some college, no degree ...................... Associate degree ............................. Bachelor's degree ............................ Graduate or professionaldegree ............... 76,632,927 4,957,582 4.t 57,491 33,653,641 16,380,951 77,483,262 182,211,639 73,755,477 21,960.148 52,168,987 38,357,595 11,512,833 28,377,792 76,144,813 Percent high school g2duate or higher ......... 50.4 Percent bachetoPs degree or higher............ 24.4 MARfTAL STA7US Population 15 years and over..,....... 221,148,677 Never married ............................... 59,913,370 Now married, except separated ................ 120,231,273 Separated ............................. ..... 4,769220 Widowed ............... ...... ............. 74,674,500 Female .................................... 11,975,325 Divorced .................................... 27,560,308 Female .................................... 12.305294 100.0 6.5 5.4 43.9 2t4 22.8 100.0 7.5 12.1 28.6 21.0 6.3 75.5 8.9 tx) 700.0 27.1 54.4 22 6.6 5.4 9.7 5.6 • GRANDPARENTS AS CAREGIVERS Grandparent Iiving in household with one or more own grandchildren under 18 years ............................. 5,777,677 1�0.0 Grandparent responsible for grandchiidren ...... 2,426,730 42.0 VETERAN STATUS Civilian poputation t8 years and over .. 206,130,352 �00.0 Civilian veterans ............................. 26.403.703 12.7 DISABILITY STATUS OF THE CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALV2ED POPt3LAT{ON Population 5 to 20 years ............... With a disability ........ .. .. . . .. . . . . .. .. . ... . . Population 27 to 64 years ....... ....... With a disabiliry .............................. Percent employed .......................... No disability ......................... ........ Percent employed .......................... Population 65 years artd over.......... Wiih a disability ...................... .. ...... RESIDENCE 1N 1995 Population 5 years and over ........., . Same house in 1 g95 .......................... Different house in the U.S. in 1995 ............. Same County . . . . . .. . .. ... _ , ... . .. . . . .. . .. Different county ............................ Same siate ............ ................. Differentstate ............................ Elsewhere in 7995 ............................ 64,689,357 I 100.0 52'14,334 8,� 759,731,544 30,553,796 56.6 128,577,748 77.2 33,346,626 �3,978J18 700.0 192 (X) 80.8 (X) 1 OQ.O 41.9 262,375,152 142,027,478 �72.851.828 65,435,073 47,416,815 25,327,355 22,089,460 7,495,846 100.0 54.1 43.0 24.9 78.1 9.7 8.4 2.S NATNITY AND PLACE OF BtRTH Total population .......................... Native....................................... Bom in Unded States ....................... StaFe ofresidence ........................ Differentstate ............................ Bom outside United States .................. Foreign bom ................................. Entered �990 to March 2000 .............. Naturalized citizen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Not a citizen ............................... 281,421,906 250,3i4,017 246,786,466 168.729.388 78,057,078 3,527,55� 31,707.889 13.178.276 12,542.626 18,565,263 � 00.0 88.9 87.7 60.0 27.7 �.3 17.1 4.7 4.5 6.6 REGION OF SIRTH 6F FOREtGSI SORN Total(excluding born at sea) .............. 31,107,573 100.0 EuroPe ...................................... 4�9i5�557 �5.8 Asia ................................. ... ... 8226254 26.4 Africa ....................................... 887.3DD 2.8 Oceania ..................................... 768,046 0.5 LatinAmerica ................................ 16,086,974 57.7 Northern America ............................. 829,442 2.7 LANGUAGE SPOKEN AT HOME Population 5 years and over .............. English oniy ................................. Language oiher than English ..... ....... ..... Speak English less than "very weli" ........ Spanish................................... Speak English less than "very well" ........ Other Indo-European languages _ . . , . .... . .. Speak English less than "very weli" ........ Asian and Pacific island languaqes........... Speak English less than "very weli" ........ 262,375,152 215,423,557 46,951,595 21,320,407 28,�01,052 73,757,256 70,017,989 3,390,307 6,960,065 3,590,024 500.0 82.1 17.9 8.1 107 52 3.8 �.3 2.7 7.4 ANCESTRY (singie or muitipie) Total population .......................... Total ancesfries Yeported . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Arab........................................ Czech' ...................................... Danish...................................... o�ton ......:................................ English...................................... French (except Basque)' ...................... French Canadian' ............................ German..................... _.............. Greek....................................... Hungaria� ................................... Irish' ........................................ ttafian....................................... Lithuanian ................................... Norrve9ian ................................... Polish....................................... Portuguese .................................. Russian..................................... Scotch-irish .................................. Scottish ..................................... Slovak...................................... Swedish..................................... Swiss....................................... Ukrainian.................................... United States or American ..................... Welsh....................................... West Indian (exciuding Hispanic groups) ........ Otherancestries .............:............... 281,421.906 1,202,871 7,703,930 1,430,897 4,542,494 24,5�5,138 8,325,509 2,435,098 42,885,162 1,153,307 1,398,724 30,594,730 15,723,555 659,992 4,A77,725 8,977.444 1,177.172 2,652,214 4,319,232 4,890,58� 797,764 1,781,877 3,998,3'10 911.502 892,922 20,625,093 1,753,794 7,869,504 97,609,005 100.0 f02.7 0.4 0.6 0.5 1.6 8.7 3.0 0.9 152 0.4 0.5 10.9 5.6 0.2 1.6 32 0.4 0.9 i.5 1.7 0.3 0.6 7.4 0.3 0.3 7.3 0.6 0.7 32.6 -Represents zero or rounds to zero. (X) Not applicable. • 'The data represeni a combination of rivo ancestries show� separately in Summary Flte 3. Czech includes Czechoslovakian. French inciudes Alsa- tian. French Canadian includes AcatlianlCajun. Irish indudes Celtic. Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Gensus 2000. 0.S Census Bureau, CenSas 2000 D��a3;� • Tabie DP-3. Profile of Selected Economic Characteristics: 2900 Geograpfiic area: United States [Data based on a sample. For informa[ion on confidentiality protection, sampling error, nonsampling error, and definitions, see text� Subjeci EMPLOYMENT STATUS PoQulaSon 76 years and over....._...... Inlaborforce ................................ Civilian labor force .......................... Employed............................... Unemployed .. ..... . ... ... .. . ......... ... Percent of civilian labor force ....... .... Armetl Forces .............................. Notinlaborforce ............................. Females 76 years and over .............. In laborforce ................................ Civifian laborforce .......................... Employed.. .... .. . ... .. .. .. ... .. . .... . .. Number Percent 277,�6&,077 t00.0 138,820,935 63.9 737.668,798 63.4 129,727.512 59.7 7,Q47,286 3.7 5.8 (X) 7,152,737 OS 78,347,142 36.1 112,185,795 100.0 64,547,732 57.5 64,383,493 57.4 60.630,069 54.0 Subject INCOME IN 1999 Households""'. • "' • .".." • •""..... Lessthan 570,000 ............................ St0,000 to 514,999. _ .. .. _ ......... _ . _ . .... $15.000 to 524.999 ........................... ^y25,000 to $34,999.. . _ ............ _ ........ S35.000 to 549�999 ........................... $50,000 to $74,999 ........................... $75�000 to 399.999 ........................... $tOQ,000 to 5149,999 ......................... $150.000 to $199,999 ......................... $200,000 or more ..........................'- Median household income (dollars) ............. With earnings ................................ Mean earnings (dollars)' .................... With Social Security income ................... Mean Social Security income (dollars)' ....... With Supplemental Security Income ............ Mean Supplemental Securiry income �doilars)' ................................. With public assistance income ................. Mean public assistance income (dollars)' ..... With retiremeni income ....................... Mean retirement income (dollars)' . .. . . .. .. , . . Famil9es ................................ Lessthan $10,000 ............................ $10�000 to $14,999 ........................... $15,000 to $24,999 ........................... $25,000 to $34,999 ........................... $35,000 to $49.999 ........................... $50�060 to $74.999 ........................... $75.000 to $99,999 ........................... $t00,D00 to 5149,399 ......................... $150.000 to $199,999 ......................... $200,000 or rtrore ............................ Median family income (dollars) ................. Numberl Perceni t05,539,122 70,067,027 fi,657,228 �3,536,965 13,519,242 77,446.272 20,540,604 70,799,245 8,147,826 2,322,038 2,502,675 41,994 84.962.743 56,604 27,084.417 77,320 4,6'15,885 Own children under 6 years............ 21,833,673 100.0 All parents in family in labor force .............. 12,787,507 58.6 COMMUTING TO WORK Workers 16 years and over .............. Car, truck, or van -- drove alone ...... ......... Car, truck, or van -- carpooled ..... ............ Public tra�sportation (inciuding ta�icab) ......... Waiked...................................... Other means ................................. Worked at home ............................. Mean travel time to work (minutes)' .... ........ Employed civilian population 16 years and over ..................... OCCUPATION ManagemenS, professionat, and related • occupations ................................ Service occupations ... . .. . ... . ..... .. . . . .. . .. Sales and office occupations .................. Fattning, fishing, and forestry occupations....... Construction, eutraction, and maintenance o�upatio�s ....... . ........................ Production, transportation, and material moving occupations ................................ INDUSTftY Agriculture, forestry, fishing a�d hunting, and mining ................................. Construction ................................. Manufacturing ................................ Wholesale trade .............................. Retailtrade ......................... Transportation and warehousing, and utilities .... Information .................................. Finance, insurance, real estate, and rental and leasing.......... .......................... Professional, scientific, management, adminis- trative, and waste management services....... Educational, heafth and sociai services ......... Arts, entertainment, recreation, accommodation and food services ........................... Other services (eXCept public admimstration) .... Public administration .... . .. . ... . .. .. . . . . . .. . .. CLASS OF WORKER Pmate wage and salary workers ............... Govemment workers .......................... Self-employed workers in own not incorporated business ................................... Unpaitl family workers ........................ 128,279,228 100.0 97,102,050 75.7 15,634,051 122 6,067,703 4.7 3.758.982 2.9 1,532,219 12 4,184,223 3.3 25.5 (X) 129,72'1,512 704.0 43,646,731 33.6 19,276,947 14.9 34,627,390 26.7 951.810 0.7 12256,138 9.4 t00.a 9.5 6.3 t2.8 12.8 76.5 19.5 10.2 7.7 22 24 (X) 80.5 (X) 25.7 (X) 4.4 6,326 3,629,732 3,032 17,659,058 17,376 72,26�,760 4,155,386 3,115,566 7,757,397 8,684,429 12,377,108 16,130,100 9,009,327 6,936,210 7,983,673 2,112,564 50,046 (X) 3.4 (X) 76.7 (X) 160.0 5.8 4.3 10.7 12.0 17.7 22.3 12.5 9.6 2.7 2.9 (X) 18,968,496 t4.fi Per capita income (dollars)' . . .. . . .. . . . .. .. . . .. 21,587 (X) Median earnings (dollarsJ: Male full-time, year-round workers .............. 37,057 (X) 2,426,053 t.9 Female full-time, yearround workers ........... 27,194 (X) 8,801,507 6.8 18,286,005 14.1 Number Percent 4,666,757 3.6 below below 75,227,716 11.7 Poverty povedy 6,740,102 52 Subject level level 3,996,564 3.1 8,934,972 6.9 pOVERTY STATUS IN 1999 �amilies ............................"'. 6,620,945 92 72,061,865 y 3 With related children under 18 years. ..... .... ,. 5,155,866 43.6 25,843,029 49.9 With rHated chiltlren under 5 years,.......... 2,562,263 57.0 Families with female househoider, no 10,210295 7.9 husband present ..:.................... 3,375,916 26.5 6,320,632 4.9 With related children under 78 years............ 2,940,459 34.3 6,212,015 4.8 With related children under 5 years........... 7,401,493 46.4 Individuals .............................. 33,899,812 12.4 101,794,367 78.5 78 years and over ............................ 22,152,954 10.9 18,923,353 74.6 65 years and over .......................... 3,287,774 9.9 ' Related children under 78 years ............... 1�,386,031 16.7 8,603,76� 6.6 Related children 5 to �7 years ............... 7,974,006 15.4 400,037 0.3 Unrelated individuals 15 years and ovec ........ 10,727,935 22.7 • -Represents zero or rounds to zero. (X) Not appiicabie. ' If the denominator oF a mean value or per capita value is less than 30, then thaf value is caiculated using a rounded aggregate in the numerator. See text. Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000. U.S. Census Bureau, �ensus 2000 ,�aba3l r • Table DP-4. Profile of Selected Housing Characteristics: 2000 Geographic area: United States [Data based on a sample. For information on confidentiality procection, sampling error, nonsampling error, and definition5, see texT) Subject Total housing units .................... UNITS ttJ STRUCTURE 7-unit. detached .............................. t-unit. attached .............................. 2 units ...................................... 3 or 4 units .................................. 5 to 9 units .................................. 10 to 19 units ................................ 20 or more units ............................. Mobile home ................................. Boat, RV, van, etc ............................ YEAR STRUCTURE BUILT 1999 to March 2000 . . . ....... ... ...... . ... ... 7995 to 1998 ................................ 1990 to 1994 ........................ ....... �980 to 7989 ................................ 1970 to 1979 ................................ �960 to 7969 ................................ 1940 to 1959 ................................ �939 or earlier ............................... Numberl Percent 115,904,64� I �00.0 69,865,957 6,447,453 4.995.350 5,494,280 5,414,988 4.636,717 70,008.058 8,779228 262,610 60.3 5.6 4.3 4.7 4.7 4.� 8.6 7.6 02 2,755,075 8,478.975 8,4fi7,OQ8 78,326,847 21,438,863 15,917,903 23,145,9�7 77,380,053 ROOMS 1 room ...................... ............... 2 rooms ..................................... 3 rooms ..................................... 4 rooms ..................................... 5 rooms ..................................... 6 rooms ..................................... 7 rooms ..................................... 8 rooms ........... ......................... • 9 or more rooms ............................. Median (rooms) .. 2,551,061 5.57$782 77,405,588 18,514,383 24,274,071 21,385,794 73.981,917 9,343,740 8.929,905 5.3 2.4 7.3 7.3 � 5.8 18.5 137 20.0 7 5.0 2.2 4.8 9.8 76.0 20.9 18.5 12.1 8.1 7.7 (X) Occupied housing units ............... 105,480,10'I 100.0 YEAR HOUSEHOLDER MOVED INTO UNIT 7999to March 2000 .......................... 21,041,090 19.9 1995 to 1998 ................................ 30,479,848 25.9 1990 to 7994 ................................ 16,948,257 16.1 1980 to 1989 ................................ 16,429.173 75.6 1970to 7979 ................................ 10.399,015 9.9 1969 orearlier ............................... 10,�82.718 9.7 VEHICLES AVAILABLE None ....................................... 70,861,067 10.3 7 ........................................... 36�123,613 342 2 ........................................... 40�461�920 38.4 3 or more ................................... �8,033,501 17.7 HOUSE HEATING FUEL Utility 9as ................................... Bottled, tank, or LP gas ....................... EleCtriciry .................................... Fuel oil, kerosene, etc .. . . . .. . . .. ... . . . .. . . .. . Coatorcoke ................................. Wood....................................... Sotarenergy ................................. Otherfuel ................................... Nofuei used ................................. 54,027,880 6,880,185 32,010,40� 9,457,850 142,876 1.769.787 47,069 4t2,553 731,506 512 6.5 30.3 9.0 0.1 7.7 0.4 0.7 0.6 0.7 2.4 SELECTED CHARACTERISSSCS Lacking complete piumbing facilities............ 670,9&6 Lacking compiete kitchen facil'vties .............. 715,535 No telephone service ......................... 2,570,705 � -Represents zero or rounds to zero. (X) Not applicable. Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000. Subject OCCUPANTS PER ROOM Occupied housing uniis ............... 705,480,'10� 160.0 t.o0 oriess .................................. 99.aa6.so9 sa2 1.01 to 1.50 ................................ . 3,t98.596 3.0 7.5� or more ................................. 2.874.896 2.7 Number I Percent Specified owneroccupied units........ � 55,212,708 � �00.0 Lessthan $50,000 ............................ SS�p00 to 599.999 ........................... $100,000 to 5149.999 ......................... $150A�0 to $199,999 .......... ............... $200.000 to $299,999 ......................... $3�0�0�0 ta 5499.999 . ... . .. ... ... .. .. .. .. . .. . $500,000 to $999,999 ......................... $i or more ........................... Median (dollars) .............................. 5,457,8'17 16.778.971 7 3,110,384 8,075,904 6,583,049 3,584,108 7,308,116 313,759 �79,600 9.9 30.4 23.7 14.6 77.9 6.5 2.4 �.6 (X) MORTGAGESTATUS AND SELECTED MONTHLY OWNER COSTS With a mortgage ............................. Lessthan $300 .......................... $300to $499 ............................ S500 to $699 ............................ $700 to $999 ............................ $7,000 to ^�1,499 ......................... $1,500 to 5�.999 ......................... $2,000 or more .......................... Median (doliars) .......................... Not mortga9ed ............................... Median (dollars) ........ ................. SELECTED MONTHLV OWNER COSTS AS A PERCENTAGE OF HOUSEHOLD INCOME IN 7999 Less than �5.0 peroent ....... . ................ 15.Oto 19.9 percent .......................... 20.0 to 24.9 percent .......................... 25.Oto 29.9 percent .......................... 30.0 to 34.9 percent .......................... 35.0 percentor more ......................... Noicomputed ................................ Specified renter-occupied units ........ GROSS RENT Less tha� $200 .............................. $200 to $299 ..............................�.. $300to $499 ................................ $SOOto $749 ................................ $750to $999 ................................ $1.000 to $1�499 ............................. $7.500 or more .............................. No cash rent ................................. Median (doilarsJ .............................. GROSS RENT AS A PERCENTAGE OF HOUSE}tOLD iNCOME fN ti999 Lessthan 15.0 percent ........................ 15.010 59.9 Perceni .......................... 20.Oto 24.9 percent .......................... 25.Oto 29.9 Percent .......................... 30.0 to 34.9 Percent .......................... 35.0 percent or more .. . . .. .. .. . .... .. .. .. . .. . NotcomPuted ................................ 38,663,887 255243 2,749,992 4,943.283 9.612,512 11.679,988 5,555,203 4,467,666 1.088 16,548,227 295 70.0 0.5 3.9 9.0 17.4 212 10.I 8.1 (X) 30.0 (X) 20,165,963 36.5 9,66�,469 77.5 7,688,079 13.9 5,2�0,523 9.4 3,325,083 6.0 8,779.648 15.8 441,403 0.8 35,199,502 100.0 1,844,181 1.818.764 7,739,515 1�,860,298 6,045,173 3,054,099 1,024,296 �.873,176 602 52 52 22.0 33.7 17.2 8.7 2.9 52 (X) 6,370263 5,037,98� 4,498,604 3,666,233 2,585,327 10,383,959 2,657.135 18.7 14.3 12.8 50.4 7.3 29.5 7.5 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000