D002309CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMIIVISTRATIVE ORDER • � 11 •' � • No: � DD 3 6 �/ Date- � ! V '�� WHEREAS, the Division of Parks and Recreation is installing ornamental lighting in Western Park, and WHEREAS, the planning, grant administration, and community outreach is being coordinated by Public Art Saint Paul at the request of the Division of Pazks and Recreation, and WHEREAS, Public Art Saint Paul will incur expenses during said coordination process, THEREFORE, it is ordered that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to pay Public Art Saint Paul, 253 East Fourth Street, 5aint Paul, Minnesota, for its expenses incurred for the Western Park planning, grant administration, and community outreach services performed in an amount not to exceed $3,000.00. : � ►Ec�pZ[►�F:�3c��ll C � J I l���„ -,�/ . ► �'- APPROVED AS TO FORM ' ��/ !/�tt1 ,. � -w�� � ssistant CiTy Attamey ���� �n. � 9�.L.� � /' � 6' DeparaneniHead Adminisvative Assistant to Mayoi � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � boaa aa y DepartrnenUofficdcouncil: Date Initiated: .�R — ParksandRecaeafion o��N-� Green Sheet NO: 3001220 Comad Person & Phone: Jim Brewer 266-642� Must Be on Councii Agenda by (Date): � ueDarunenc �entio rerson mmauvace 0 ti Assign 1 dRecreati n D t' r �__� � Number Z For ROUting 3 O ue ' cial ervi Order 4 lerk 5 ks and lion Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Action Requestetl: Approval of Administrative Order Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Planning Commission CIB Committee _ _ _ _ Civil Service Commission � Personal 1. Has this personJfirm ever worked under a coMract for ihis deparfinent? Yes Ido 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a c'�ty employee? Yes No 3. Does this personffirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any cmrent City employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet . fniUating Pro6lem, Issues, Opportuniry (Who, Wha; When, Where, Why): Public Art Saint Paul has agreed to coordinate the planning, grant administration and community outreach necessary for omamental � lighting design and installation in Western Pazk. � Advantages If ApproveC: Public Art Saint Paul wiil be paid for iu costs and expenses for the project. DisativanWges {f Approvetl: None Disadvantayes If Not Approved: Public Ar[ Saint Paul cannot be retained for the project. JUN "± t� 2Q�73 u nmounc o� 2729 e� TraOS9Cii017: Cosi/fievenue Butlgetetl: Fundinst Source: STAR Gfant CO2- Activiri Number: 34pQ7 �cial �nformation: 3H012-0883-34227 (E�cplain) • • • Mr. Jim Brewer Saint Paul Parks and Recreation 300 City Hall Annex St. Paul, Mn 55102 DearJim, �E��IVEL� �uN o z Zoo3� :?1V. ��� rARKS & RECREATIbN �ooa�o q May 27, 2003 In 2002 a$172,000 Neighborhood STAR grant was awarded to Public Art Saint Paul to support planning, design and installation of lighting in Western Park. We are very happy to learn that the project has gone out for bid and that we can expect the lights this summer. In discussing pay out of the STAR grant with Parks and Recreation and the STAR staff, we agreed that it would be simpler and more appropriate for the funds io be paid directiy from STAR to Parks, rather than channeling them through the non- profit Public Art Saint Paul. However, because of our strong interest in the park, we have worked cfosely with the neighborhood and with Parks (first Don Ganje and now you) in pianing the design and instaliation of the lighting fixtures. In our initial discussion with Don about the STAR grant, we had noted that Public Art Saint Paul would expect to be paid a modest amount out of the grant for our planning services and for our time in applying for and facilitating transfer of the STAR funds. Apparently that never was formally documented and, as you noted, some kind of documentation is required in order for the funds to be paid to Public Art Saint Paul, f am enclosing a draft letter of agreement for you all to work from. Our expenses to date are the following: Fee to Michael diBlasi, Schuller and Shook for his participation in ihe Lighting Workshop of March, 2002 (This pre-dates his subsequent contract with Parks for lighting design servicesJ. Expenses reiated to producing the neighborhood Lighting Workshop, March, 2002 Follow-up meeting, February, 2002 rAS? tirne in grani adminisiration, ligniing pienning The total amount that should be reserved to pay PASP is Please call me at 651-290-0921 if you have any further qUestions. Sincerely„ Chnstine M. Podas-Larson, President Public Art Saint Paui Cc: Peter Kramer, PASP Board Chair Councilmember Jerry Blakey Gerry Mcinemy, Office of Councilmember Blakey 350.00 1,022.81 156.19 i ,2GO.Ju 2,729.00 Public Art Saint Paul zrs F. V-�5t.#2o1 tt+t�r�ests€venctt'SCreet Saint Paul, MN �s38P--P5Yt Ssro� 651290.0921 651292.0345 Fax puhlicadstpau{,arg Board ot Uirectors PeterFiramer cnai� Shelli Dockman Chase 7rea5uier Craig Amuntlsen Sue Banovetz Walter Battle lerry Blakey lim Ciamiecki Tom Eggum Edward F. Fox Finette Magnuson lim�Miller Altla Moroni ChrisUne Podas-Larson Martlyn�Porte[ Phihp Rickey imogene Treichel Staff Christine Podas-Larson Piesident Paula Gleeson Specie7 Evenis ';' /.'i, PUBLIC ART SAINT PAUL