Agenda 5-12-1999Page 1 of 6 AGENDA OF THE SAINT PAUL CITY COUNCIL Wednesday, May 12, 1999 - 3:30 - 5:00 P.M. PUBLIC HEARINGS 5:30 - 6:30 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 3RD FLOOR City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Nancy Anderson, Assistant Secretary to theCouncil Mary Erickson, Clerical Support - 266 -8565 Office of the City Council Web Index • Consent Agenda • For Action • Administrative Orders • For Discussion • Ordinances • Public Hearings • Meeting as the Housing and Redevelopment Authority CONSENT AGENDA (Items 1 -22) NOTE: ALL ITEMS LISTED UNDER CONSENT AGENDA WILL BE ENACTED BY ONEMOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IFDISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENTAGENDA AND CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. FOR ACTION 1. Claims of Donna Bolles, Amalia Christopherson, Pat Flannigan,Melva Holmes, and Jennifer Weiler. 2. Notice of Commissioners' Hearing in the matter of the Housing andRedevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul vs. the City ofSaint Paul, et al. regarding condemnation of certain real propertylocated in the City of Saint Paul. 3. Summons in Application for Registration in the matter ofregistration of title to certain property located in the City ofSaint Paul. (Allina Health System) file : //C:ADOCUME— l \cayre \LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_144020 \Agenda 5- 12- 199... 12/15/2010 Page 2 of 6 4. Letter from the Office of the City Attorney announcing a hearingbefore an Administrative Law Judge on June 3, 1999, 9:30 a.m., Room40 -A, City Hall- Courthouse, concerning the license application ofVernon Crowe, dba Selby Wine & Spirits, 778 Selby Avenue. 5. Letter from the Office of License, Inspections and EnvironmentalProtection announcing a public hearing before the City Council on May26, 1999, to consider the application for a sound level variance byJane and Joe Anfang for a live music concert to be held on June 4,1999, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at 2099 Selby Avenue. 6. Administrative Orders: D001700 Authorizing payment, not to exceed $350.00, to Events by Design for a Police Department course entitled "Instructor Development." D001701 Accepting State of Minnesota Petro Fund reimbursement and amending the budget in the Division of Parks and Recreation Underground Fuel Tank Removal Project and 1999 Capital Maintenance Program. 7. Resolution - 99 -400 - Approving the appointment of Joseph Errigo,by Mayor Coleman, to the Saint Paul Heritage PreservationCommission. 8. Resolution - 99 -401 - Approving the appointments of CarletonCrutchfield, LeClair Grier Lambert, Amanda Welliver, and LawrenceGrewach, by Mayor Coleman, to the Saint Paul Human Rights Commission. 9. Resolution - 99 -402 - Approving the appointments of Robert Awsumb,Clarice Gombold, Steven Lehr, and Justin Mishek, and thereappointments of Douglas Gale, Randy Geller, Henry Kristal, WilliamMason, III, Abigail McKenzie, and Betsy Van Hecke, by Mayor Coleman,to the Business Review Council. 10. Resolution - 99 -403 - Approving the decision of the LegislativeHearing Officer on Property Code Enforcement Appeals for propertylocated at 1401 -1403 Midway Parkway, 1540 Lincoln Avenue, 1295 RiceStreet, 359 Maria Avenue, 910 Forest Street, and 414 LexingtonParkway North, Unit 4. 11. Resolution - 99 -404 - Approving the application for a Liquor OffSale License, by Anita S. Keo, dba Seven Bears Liquor, 1785 SeventhStreet East. (Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval withconditions) 12. Resolution - 99 -405 - Memorializing the decision of the CityCouncil on March 10, 1999, granting the appeal of St. Anthony ParkCommunity Council to a decision of the Planning Commission approvinga site plan for an Amoco gas and convenience store at the northwestcorner of Kasota Avenue and Highway 280. 13. Resolution - 99 -406 - Accepting the print titled "The Spiritof Saint Paul Now and Forever. " 14. Resolution - 99 -407 - Declaring June Capital City Pride Month,and June 19, 1999, Capital City Pride Day. file : //C:ADOCUME— l \cayre \LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_144020 \Agenda 5- 12- 199... 12/15/2010 Page 3 of 6 15. Resolution - 99 -408 - Finalizing City Council action taken April28, 1999, approving the application for a preliminary and final platfor the Cemstone Midway Addition. 16. Resolution - 99 -409 - Approving additional financing for theDunning Recreation Building and Stadium renovation. 17. Resolution - 99 -410- Approving sales tax to include use tax aspart of Minnesota Statute 297A.48. 18. Preliminary Order - 99 -411 - In the matter of sidewalkreconstruction on the south side of West Idaho Avenue from NorthOxford Street to West 200 ft., and setting date of public hearing forJune 23, 1999. (File 4S99011) 19. Preliminary Order - 99 -412 - In the matter of sidewalkreconstruction on the east side of North Fairview Avenue from HewittAvenue to Pierce Butler Route and the west side of North WheelerStreet from Hewitt Avenue to Taylor Avenue, and setting date ofpublic hearing for June 23, 1999. (File 4S99012) 20. Preliminary Order - 99 -413 - In the matter of sidewalkreconstruction in various areas of Ward 1, and setting date of publichearing for June 9, 1999. (File 4S99055- S99064) 21. Preliminary Order - 99 -414 - In the matter of sidewalkreconstruction in various areas of Wards 4 and 7, and setting date ofpublic hearing for June 23, 1999. (File 4S99074- S99078) 22. Preliminary Order - 99 -415 - In the matter of sidewalkreconstruction in various areas of Wards 1 and 3, and setting date ofpublic hearing for June 23, 1999. (File 4S99079- S99085) FOR DISCUSSION 23. Resolution - 99 -321 - Approving application for Auto RepairGarage and Second Hand Dealer -Motor Vehicle Licenses by NassehGhaffari, dba Heartland Auto Sales, 1236 Arcade Street. (Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval withconditions) (Laid over from May 5) 24. Update from Department of Planning and Economic Development staffon the 1999 Minneapolis /St. Paul Single Family Housing Program.(Update requested by the Council on April 14, 1999) ORDINANCES 25. Final Adoption - 99 -231 - An ordinance amending Sections 376.16and 376.17 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; establishing taxicabdriver training as a prerequisite for licensure. (Sub stituteintroduced and laid over from May 5) 26. Final Adoption - 99 -272 - An ordinance requiring the inspectionand registration of certain rental units in one and two familydwellings. (Amended and laid over from May 5) 27. Final Adoption - 99 -273 - An ordinance amending Saint PaulLegislative Code Chapter 310 to increase the Automated Pawn SystemBillable Transaction Fee to reflect enforcement costs. (Laid file : //C:ADOCUME— l \cayre \LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_144020 \Agenda 5- 12- 199... 12/15/2010 Page 4 of 6 overfrom April 21) 28. Final Adoption - 99 -353 - An ordinance amending Chapter 34 of theSaint Paul Legislative Code to accurately reflect current enforcementpractices, to update appeals action, and to address emergency vacateorders. 29. Second Reading - 99 -395 - An ordinance to establish a distancelimitation between establishments licensed to sell 3.2 percent maltliquor at off -sale. 30. Second Reading - 99 -396 - An ordinance finalizing City Councilaction approving a petition for Friends School of Minnesota to rezoneproperty at 1365 Englewood Avenue from RM -3 to OS -1 to allowexpansion of the existing school. (Public hearing held October 28,1998) 31. First Reading - 99 -416 - An ordinance finalizing City Councilaction approving the application of Michael Nadeau to rezone propertyat 377 West Maryland Avenue from B -3 to R -4 to reflect current use ofthe property. (Public hearing held January 27, 1999) 32. First Reading - 99 -417 - An ordinance finalizing City Councilaction approving the application of Cayuga Street, LLC to rezoneproperty at 199/201 Cayuga Street from RT -1 to I -1 to allowdevelopment of surface parking. (Public hearing held January 27,1999) PUBLIC HEARINGS (public hearings will beginat 5:30 p.m.) 33. Resolution - 99 -418 - Approving application for a sound levelvariance by the St. Paul Saints Baseball Club for two live musicconcerts to be held at Midway Stadium, 1771 Energy Park Drive, onJuly 17, 1999, from 1:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. and July 18, 1999, from1:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. (Public hearing continued from May 5) 34. Resolution - 99 -419 - Concerning adverse action against theapplication of Gerald Grossman for an Auto Repair Garage and SecondHand Motor Vehicle Dealer's License at 519 University Avenue. (Uncontested) 35. Resolution - 99 -420 - Concerning adverse action against theMaster Plumber and Gas Fitter Competency Card held by RichardFischer, North Star Plumbing, 419 Beacon Avenue. (Uncontested) 36. Resolution - 99 -421 - Concerning adverse action against theapplication for an Auto Body Repair Shop License by Richard Diaz, dbaRick Diaz Auto Services, 933 Atlantic Street. (Uncontested) 37. Resolution - 99 -422 - Concerning adverse action against theRenewal Application for a Taxicab Driver's License by Henry C.Hormann, 738 3rd Street East. (Uncontested) 38. Resolution - 99 -423 - Removing the "No Parking 8AM- 8PM,Monday-Fri day, Except by Permit" zone on the west side of ExeterPlace between Mississippi River Boulevard and Otis Avenue and on thewest side of Exeter Place from Riverwood Place to 140 feet south. 39. Resolution - 99 -424 - Requesting the owner to remove or repairthe building at 372 Clifton Street within fifteen (15) days fromadoption of resolution. (Legislative Hearing Officer recommendsapproval) file : //C:ADOCUME— l \cayre \LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_144020 \Agenda 5- 12- 199... 12/15/2010 Page 5 of 6 40. Resolution - 99 -425 - Making certain determinations andfindings necessary for acquisition of a parcel at the northeastcorner of Pelham Boulevard and Myrtle Avenue. 41. Final Order - 99 -314 - In the matter of condemning and taking apermanent roadway easement to improve the intersection of White BearAvenue and Minnehaha Avenue. (File 418895E) (Laid over from April 14) 42. Final Order - 99 -426 - In the matter of condemning and taking feesimple title for a property near Mississippi Street and Cayuga Streetfor Phalen Boulevard and for part of the East Metro Bus Facility. (File 418900) 43. Public hearing to consider the appeal of JLT Group to a decisionof the Planning Commission approving a site plan for a truckingfacility at approximately 630 Prior Avenue North with conditionsregulating access to the site, noise, hours of operation and otherissues. HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENTAUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Wednesday, May 12, 1999 2:00 - 3:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS THIRD FLOOR CITY HALL - COURTHOUSE AGENDA ROLL CALL CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approval of Minutes from April 28, 1999. 2. Mortgage Credit Certificate Aid Application, Citywide PUBLIC HEARINGS 3. Authorization to Approve 1999 Funding for Dayton's B1uffCapital City Development Program and Execute Land Sales Contract forthe Following Parcels in Dayton's Bluff, District 4: (1) 412 HopeStreet, (2) 532 Mendota Street, (3) 682 Mendota, (4) 898 MargaretStreet, (5) 1032 Conway, (6) 1048 Margaret Street, (7) 1058 EastSixth Street, and (8) 1101 Ross Avenue 4. Authorization to Approve Funding for York Achievement P1usHomeowners Under the East Side Neighborhood Investment Strategy andExecute Land Sales Contract for the Following Parcels inPayne- Phalen, District 5: (1) 745 Sims Avenue, (2) 590 York Avenue,(3) 670 Sims Avenue and (4) 674 Sims Avenue DISCUSSION 5. Final Approval for Project and Issuance of Conduit Lease RevenueBonds for Higher Ground file : //C:ADOCUME— l \cayre \LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_144020 \Agenda 5- 12- 199... 12/15/2010 Page 6 of 6 Academy Building Company (Higher GroundAcademy Charter School) District 13 STAFF REPORT 6. Housing Update by Executive Director Brian Sweeney (oralpresentation to be given at meeting) ADJOURNMENT file : //C:ADOCUME— l \cayre \LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_144020 \Agenda 5- 12- 199... 12/15/2010