Agenda 3-3-1999Page 1 of 5 AGENDA OF THE SAINT PAUL CITY COUNCIL Wednesday, March 3, 1999 - 3:30 - 5:00 P.M. PUBLIC HEARINGS 5:30 - 6:30 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 3RD FLOOR City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Nancy Anderson, Assistant Secretary to the Council Mary Erickson, Clerical Support - 266 -8565 Office of the City Council Web Index • Consent Agenda • For Action • Administrative Orders • For Discussion • Ordinances • Public Hearings CONSENT AGENDA (Items 1- 21) NOTE: ALL ITEMS LISTED UNDER CONSENT AGENDAWIL,L BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OFTHESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THECONSENT AGENDA AND CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. FOR ACTION 1. Approval of minutes of January 13, 1999. 2. Claims of Stacy Bettison,Bill Cutting, Jan Gasterland & BillyPeterson, Russell Felt, Minikanda Mini Storage, Brian Poppoff, ProgressiveInsurance Company (for Jen Stefanik), Thomas Schwinghammer, and BarbaraStandal. 3. Letter from the Departmentof Planning and Economic Development announcing a public hearing beforethe City Council on March 10, 1999, to consider the appeal of St. AnthonyPark Community Council to a decision of the Planning Commission approvinga site plan for an Amoco gas and convenience store at the northwest cornerof Kasota Avenue and Highway 280. file : //C:ADOCUME— l \cayre \LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_143901 \Agenda 3- 3- 1999... 12/15/2010 Page 2 of 5 4. Letters from the Citizen ServiceOffice /Property Code Enforcement declaring 430 Blair Avenue and 993 BurrStreet as nuisance properties and setting date of Legislative hearingsfor March 16, 1999, and City Council Hearings for March 24, 1999. 5. Letters from the Citizen ServiceOffice /Property Code Enforcement declaring 372 Clifton Street, 310 GeorgeStreet West, and 1087 Ross Avenue as nuisance properties. (For notificationpurposes only; public hearing will be scheduled at a later date if necessary.) 6. AdministrativeOrder: D001652 Authorizing paymentto Dennis A. Goldberg & Associates, Inc. for negotiation services rendered. 7. Resolution - 99 -185 - Establishinga public hearing date of March 24, 1999, for the proposed Saint AnthonyPark Special Sign District. 8. Resolution - 99 -186 - Suspendinglicenses held by Checker's Nite Club, 1066 East 7th Street, for delinquenttaxes owed to the State of Minnesota. 9. Resolution - 99 -187 - Authorizingthe proper City officials to execute a contract with the U.S. Equal EmploymentOpportunity Commission for the provision of investigative services. 10. Resolution - 99 -188 - Approvingpayment in the amount of $23,441.19 to Debra Smith, Gordon Smith, and theirattorney Martha Neese in full settlement of their claim against the Cityof Saint Paul. 11. Resolution - 99 -189 - RefundingSewer Availability Charge, issued December 31, 1998, in the amount of $1,000.00to S and S Construction. 12. Resolution - 99 -190 - Holdingthe State of Minnesota harmless for granting a variance to permit portionsof Victoria Street between Arlington Avenue and Larpenteur Avenue to beconstructed to a design which does not meet Municipal State Aid standards. 13. Resolution - 99 -191 - Approvingthe January 1, 1998 - December 31, 1999 Collective Bargaining Agreementbetween the City of Saint Paul and the International Association of FireFighters AFL -CIO Local 21. (To be laid over to March 10 for adoption) 14. Resolution - 99 -192 - Approvinga 1998 Memorandum of Agreement between Independent School District No.625 and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees,Local No. 844 to implement a pilot program to see if recruitment of qualifiedpersons of color can be increased in the Civil Service systems by usinga different recruitment and testing model. (To be laid over to March 10for adoption) 15. Resolution - 99 -193 - Authorizingthe Saint Paul Human Rights Department to retain the services of Jon L.Lunde at the rate of $93.00 per hour for services as law officer relativeto the Verification Center, Inc. Civil Enforcement Hearing. 16. Resolution - 99 -194 - Approvinga program of refunding Single Family Mortgage Revenue Bonds to providefor the recycling of program monies. file : //C:ADOCUME— l \cayre \LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_143901 \Agenda 3- 3- 1999... 12/15/2010 Page 3 of 5 17. Resolution - 99 -195 - Transmittingthe Planning Commission's recommendations on pawnshop zoning regulationsto the City Council. 18. Resolution - 99 -196 - Authorizingthe proper City officials to accept and expend $56,760 in grant fundingmade available through the Saint Paul Public Housing Agency Drug EliminationProgram for youth programming and teen council activities at McDonoughRecreation Center. 19. Resolution - 99 -197 - Authorizingthe Division of Parks and Recreation to apply for a Department of NaturalResources National Recreation Trail Program grant. 20. Resolution - 99 -198 - Authorizinga grant application and execution of a contract between the City of SaintPaul, Greening the Great River Park, and the Minnesota Department of Transportation. 21. Resolution - 99 -199 - Allowingthe Saint Paul Police Department to enter into an agreement with the MinnesotaNational Guard Armory to accommodate inservice training for police officers. FOR DISCUSSION 22. Update from the Director offechnology and Management Services on the City's efforts to prevent andsolve potential problems associated with "The Year 2000 Computer Bug." (Requested by the Council on November 25; update will not be presentedbut will be laid over to March 10) 23. Resolution - 99 -89 - Mayorrecommendation and City Council adoption of the Saint Paul ComprehensivePlan: Summary and General Policy. (Laid over from February 24) 24. Resolution - 99 -90 - Adoptingthe Saint Paul Housing Plan as an amendment to the Saint Paul ComprehensivePlan contingent on further review by adjacent communities and the MetropolitanCouncil. (Laid over from February 24) 25. Resolution - 98 -1133 - Adoptingthe Land Use Plan as an amendment to the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan.(Amended and laid over from February 24) 26. Resolution - 99 -200 - Changingthe rate of pay for the Citizens Service Director classification from Grade20 to Grade 26 of the Non - represented City Managers, Employee Group 17. 27. Resolution - 99 -201 - Directingthe Police Department and City Attorney to explore the feasibility andadvisability of filing suit against gun manufacturers and report theirrecommendation to the City Council on March 24, 1999. 28. Report from the Divisionof Parks and Recreation on a work plan to address the recommendations inthe performance audit. (Requested by the City Council on February 24) ORDINANCES 29. Final Adoption - 99 -20 - Anordinance amending Chapter 21 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code entitledOfficer's Qualifications by establishing minimum qualifications for theunclassified position of Parks and Recreation Director. (Amended and laid over fromFebruary 24) file : //C:ADOCUME— l \cayre \LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_143901 \Agenda 3- 3- 1999... 12/15/2010 Page 4 of 5 30. Final Adoption - 99 -136 -An ordinance prohibiting the use of the City's traffic signal preemptionand priority systems by unauthorized persons, and providing authority forsuch use by authorized operators of emergency vehicles. (Amended on February 17) 31. Final Adoption - 99 -137 -An ordinance amending Council File 98 -766 relating to study of pawnshops. PUBLIC HEARINGS(public hearings will begin at 5:30 p.m.) 32. Third Reading - 99 -162 - Anordinance to amend the Zoning Code relating to the location of pawnshops. 33. Resolution - 99 -202 - Approvingthe Taxicab Driver's License Renewal Application by Brian T. Gore, 537Topping Street. 34. Final Order - 99 -203 - Inthe matter of improving the alley in Block 10, Sylvan Place (bounded byPalace, Saratoga, Jefferson, and Warwick Project 418892a -i with Pascal - JeffersonProject 18882) by grading and paving with a bituminous material. (File#18892a -i) 35. Final Order In CondemnationProceedings - 99 -204 - In the matter of condemning and taking an easementin the land necessary for the slopes, cuts, and fills, including the rightof removal of lateral support from subject land or reminder thereof, occasionalby excavations thereof of construction of slopes in the grading and pavingthe alley in Block 10, Sylvan Place (bounded by Palace, Saratoga, Jefferson,and Warwick Project 418892a -S with Pascal- Jefferson Project 18882). (File418892a -S) 36. Final Order - 99 -205 - Inthe matter of improving the alley in Block 6, Sylvan Park and Block 3 Vernon'sRE (bounded by Jefferson, Brimhall, Stanford, and Saratoga Project 418892b -iwith Pascal - Jefferson Project 18882) by grading and paving with a bituminousmaterial. (File 418892b -i) 37. Final Order In CondemnationProceedings - 99 -206 - In the matter of condemning and taking an easementin the land necessary for the slopes, cuts, and fills, including the rightof removal of lateral support from subject land or reminder thereof, occasionalby excavations thereof or construction of slopes in the grading and pavingof the north -south alley bounded by Jefferson, Brimhall, Stanford, andSaratoga Project 418892b -S with Pascal- Jefferson Project 18882. (File 418892b -S) 38. Final Order - 99 -207 - Inthe matter of improving the alley in Block 6, Jefferson Park (bounded byWellesley, Pascal, Stanford and Albert Project 418892c -i with Pascal - JeffersonProject 18882) by grading and paving with a bituminous material. (File 418892c -i) 39. Final Order In CondemnationProceedings - 99 -208 - In the matter of condemning and taking an easementin the land necessary for the slopes, cuts, and fills, including the rightof removal of lateral support from subject land or reminder thereof, occasionalby excavations thereof or construction of slopes in the grading and pavingof the east west alley in Block 6, Jefferson Park (bounded by Wellesley,Pascal, Stanford and Albert Project 418892c -S with Pascal- Jefferson Projectl8882). (File 418892c -S) 40. Final Order - 99 -209 - Inthe matter of improving the alley in Block 3, Sylvan Park Addition andBlock 2, Vernon's RE (bounded by Brimhall, St. Clair, Saratoga, and StanfordProject 418892d -i with Pascal- Jefferson Project 18882) by grading and pavingwith a bituminous material. (File 418892d -i) file : //C:ADOCUME— l \cayre \LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_143901 \Agenda 3- 3- 1999... 12/15/2010 Page 5 of 5 41. Final Order In CondemnationProceedings - 99 -210 - In the matter of condemning and taking an easementin the land necessary for the slopes, cuts, and fills, including the rightof removal of lateral support from subject land or reminder thereof, occasionalby excavations thereof or construction of slopes in the grading and pavingof the north -south alley (bounded by Brimhall, St. Clair, Saratoga, andStanford Project 418892d -S with Pascal- Jefferson Project 18882). (File418892d -S) 42. Public hearing to considerthe application of The Better Living Homes Inc. for a Combined Final andFinal Plat Review to allow for the subdivision of property into lots f6r30 townhouses and one proposed office at 1310 -1368 Conservatory Court. file : //C:ADOCUME— l \cayre \LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_143901 \Agenda 3- 3- 1999... 12/15/2010