Agenda 1-6-1999Page 1 of 5 AGENDA OF THE SAINT PAUL CITY COUNCIL Wednesday, January 6, 1999 - 3:30 - 5:00 P.M. PUBLIC HEARINGS 5:30 - 6:30 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 3RD FLOOR City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, Minnesota Nancy Anderson, Assistant Secretary to the Council Mary Erickson, Clerical Support - 266 -8565 Office of the City Council Web Index • Consent Agenda • For Action • Administrative Orders • For Discussion • Ordinances • Public Hearings • Miscellaneous CONSENT AGENDA (Items 1 -23) NOTE: ALL ITEMS LISTED UNDER CONSENT AGENDAWILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OFTHESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THECONSENT AGENDA AND CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. FOR ACTION 1. Claims of Grant Bresnahan, PatriciaCrumley, Gerinda Boyd /Tom Demarrias, Chi Huynh, Thomas Kingrey, Brian Knops,Roseanne Juenemann, Jose Melendez, Raymond Simpson, Scuba Doo Dive Center(Pete Petersen), Terry Wilson, and Sang Xiong. 2. Summons and Complaint in thematter of Nancy Finch vs. the City of St. Paul, et al. 3. Notice of Motion and Motionfor Order to Disburse Partial Payment as to Parcel 1 in the matter of file: //C:ADOCUME— l\LFSUPP— l\LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_134930\Agenda 1 -6... 12/15/2010 Page 2 of 5 thePort Authority of the City of Saint Paul vs. D.S.P.O.T., L.L.C.; S.M.K.Enterprises, Inc. et al. 4. Letter from the Office ofLicense, Inspections, and Environmental Protection announcing a publichearing before the City Council on January 13, 1999, to consider the appealof James and Bonnie D'Aquila to a decision of the Board of Zoning Appealsgranting a lot split variance in order to subdivide property at 5 CrocusHill into two parcels along the existing zoning line. 5. Letter from the Departmentof Planning and Economic Development announcing a public hearing beforethe City Council on January 13, 1999, to consider the application for afinal plat review submitted by Mendota Homes Inc. to allow the existingresidential property to be subdivided into separate lots. 6. Letter from the Real EstateOffice announcing a public hearing before the City Council on January 27,1999, to consider the vacation of part of the alley in Marshall's Divisionof Lots 3, 4 & 5, Block 6 Ames Outlots; City Council District 7, PlanningDistrict 2. 7. Communications from the MinnesotaDepartment of Human Rights in the matter of individual charges filed byKarin E. Anderson, Maureen J. Dolan, Reyne F. Rofuth, Gail L. Langfield- Seib erlich,Lis a L. Veith, and Moua Xiong against the City of Saint Paul. 8. AdministrativeOrders: . D001633 Amending the 1998budget of the Housing Information Office by transferring $5,032.00 to theGeneral Fund for the PC replacement program. . D001634 Authorizing the expenditureof $1,000.00 by the Marketing and Promotions Office to underwrite the costof the East Side neighborhood clean -up. . D001635 Amending the 1998budget of the General Fund for the PC replacement program. . D001636 Allocating fundsfrom the Neighborhood Investment Program to the North End Area Revitalization,Inc. . D001637 Allocating fundsfrom the Neighborhood Investment Program to the Hamline Midway Coalitionfor the Hamline Park Playground Building Renovation Project and to theNortheast Neighborhood Development Corporation for the White Bear AvenueMinnehaha Streetscape Proj ect. . D001638 Allocating fundsfrom the STAR Business Revolving Loan Program for $54,000 to the SibleyPlaza Project. 9. Resolution - 98 -1137 - Approvingthe Memorandum of Understanding between the City and AFSCME Council 14,Locals 2508 and 1842 regarding the 1999 change in the lead abatement enforcementprogram for the Lead Hazardous Paint Program. (Laid over from December23 for adoption) 10. Resolution - 99 -01 - Approvingthe appointment of Susan Kimberly, by Mayor Coleman, as Executive Assistantto the Mayor and Acting Mayor in the absence or disability of the Mayor,effective January 4, 1999. 11. Resolution - 99 -02 - Approvingthe appointment of Michael Campbell, by Mayor Coleman, as file: //C:ADOCUME— l\LFSUPP— l\LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_134930\Agenda 1 -6... 12/15/2010 Page 3 of 5 Assistant tothe Mayor, effective December 28, 1998. 12. Resolution - 99 -03 - RecognizingJayne Lallier for her many contributions to the City. 13. Resolution - 99 -04 - AcceptingState grant money to implement a Community Courts calendar and providefunding to hire staff in the City Attorney's Office to handle cases assignedto this court. 14. Resolution - 99 -05 - Authorizingpayment of $10,000 to Francis Wells in full settlement of her claim againstthe City of Saint Paul. 15. Resolution - 99 -06 - Authorizingthe Saint Paul Police Department to enter into an agreement with DakotaCounty Technical College to use their Defensive Driving Course facilityto train Saint Paul Police Department volunteers. 16. Resolution - 99 -07 - Approvinga five -year extension of Lease Agreement PW /3 providing 19,000 square feetof parking space for Health Partners, Inc. at its Como Avenue Clinic. 17. Resolution - 99 -08 - Authorizingthe withholding of tax forfeit parcels for 1998 from public sale. 18. Resolution - 99 -09 - Authorizingthe Housing Information Office to accept a Housing and Urban Development(HUD) housing counseling grant in the amount of $27,716.00. 19. Resolution - 99 -10 - Authorizingthe Division of Parks and Recreation to use $81,000.00 of 1998 CIB ContingencyFunds to restore portions of Town Square Park. 20. Resolution - 99 -11 - Approvingthe disbursement of Youth Programs funds to the following organizations: Como Zoo /Conservatory Education, Eastview Booster Club, Edgcumbe CommunityHockey Booster Club, Frost Lake Booster Club, Girls Are the Future, Glancey'sGym, Hayden Heights Youth Alliance, Jimmy Lee Booster Club, Lower EastSide Football, Merriam Park Booster Club, Midway Area Youth Athletic C1ub,Pride In Service, St. Paul Science Fair Support Group, Sports For Life,and Youth Express. 21. Resolution - 99 -12 - Establishinga 1998 Phalen Wetland Restoration Phase III project by accepting a Boardof Water & Soil Resources (BWSR) grant in the amount of $325,000. 22. Resolution - 99 -13 - Authorizingexecution of a Joint Powers Agreement between MnDOT and the City for designof the new Arcade Street Bridge. 23. Resolution - 99 -14 - Amendingthe spending and financing plan of Ohio Street Reconstruction by transferringMSA and PIA funding from 1997 MSA Contingency, 1994 Contingency and 1997Local Street and Sewer projects. FOR DISCUSSION 24. Resolution - 98 -1121 - Approvingthe appointment of George Fremder, by Mayor Coleman, to District EnergySt. Paul, Inc. Board of Directors. (Laid over from December 23) 25. Resolution - 98 -1133 - Adoptingthe Land Use Plan as an amendment to the Saint Paul file: //C:ADOCUME— l\LFSUPP— l\LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_134930\Agenda 1 -6... 12/15/2010 Page 4 of 5 Comprehensive Plan.(Laid over from December 23) 26. Resolution - 98 -1146 - Approvalof the First Amendment to Arena Lease. (Laid over from December 23) 27. Resolution - 99 -15 - Approvingthe proposed items of support for the City's 1999 Legislative Agenda. 28. Resolution - 99 -16 - Approvalof the 1999 City of Saint Paul Legislative Initiatives. 29. Resolution - 99 -17 - Approvalof the League of Minnesota Cities' 1999 City Policies for Legislative andAdministrative action. 30. Resolution - 99 -18 - Approvalof the Association of Metropolitan Municipalities' 1999 Policies and LegislativeProposals. 31. Update by the Administrationon the progress of the Electronic Computerized License Inspection and PermitSystem (ECLIPS). (Update requested by the Council on November 4, 1998) ORDINANCES 32. Final Adoption - 98 -1055 - Anordinance amending Section 33.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertainingto the City's Certificate of Occupancy Program by exempting multi -familyresidential buildings that are owner occupied and providing for new inspectionguidelines for renewal of non- residential Certificates of Occupancy tobe based on the hazard of the occupancy. (Substitute introduced on December2) 33. First Reading - 99 -19 - Anordinance placing the position entitled Parks and Recreation Director,formerly entitled Superintendent of Parks and Recreation, in the unclassifiedservice pursuant to Section 12.03.2(H) of the City of Saint Paul Charter. 34. First Reading - 99 -20 - Anordinance amending Chapter 21 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code entitledOfficer's Qualifications by establishing minimum qualifications for theunclassified position of Parks and Recreation Director. PUBLIC HEARINGS(public hearings will begin at 5:30 p.m.) 35. Third Reading - 98 -1117 - Anordinance amending Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 200 to allow petshops and pet grooming facilities to be deputy dog license vendors. 36. Third Reading - 98 -1118 -An ordinance amending Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 347 to allowpet shops to act as deputy dog license vendors and establishing an incentivefor doing so by permitting the pet shop to retain the initial license fees. 37. Final Order - 99 -21 - Inthe matter of opening and extending the alley in Block 2, Keller's Subdivisionof Block 11 by condemning and taking a permanent easement for alley purposes.(File 418890) file: //C:ADOCUME— l\LFSUPP— l\LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_134930\Agenda 1 -6... 12/15/2010 Page 5 of 5 38. Public hearing to receiveinput on the Lease and Hockey Playing Agreement Amendments and the Financingfor RiverCentre Area Project. 39. Public hearing to considerthe report of the Administrative Law Judge concerning the Renewal Applicationfor a Taxicab Driver's License by James Coners, 313 Dale Street. (Laidover from December 23) 40. Public hearing to considerthe appeal of Peter Maranda to a decision of the Board of Zoning Appealsdenying a setback variance and a variance of the maximum allowable sizefor an accessory structure at 1904 Ashland Avenue. 41. Public hearing to considerthe appeal of Louie's Billiards, Inc. to a decision of the Planning Commissiondenying a special condition use permit to allow a billiard hall at 1992Suburban Avenue. MISCELLANEOUS 42. Recognition of retiring Cityemployee Carolyn Weber, Public Health. file: //C:ADOCUME— l\LFSUPP— l\LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_134930\Agenda 1 -6... 12/15/2010