Agenda 6-10-1998Page 1 of 6
Wednesday, June 10, 1998 - 3:30 - 5:00 P.M.
PUBLIC HEARINGS 5:30 - 6:30 P.M.
City Hall and Court House
15 West Kellogg Boulevard
Nancy Anderson, Assistant Secretary to the Council
Mary Erickson, Clerical Support - 266 -8565
Office of the City Council
Web Index
• Consent Agenda
• For Action
• Administrative Orders
• For Discussion
• Ordinances
• Public Hearings
• Housing and Redevelopment Authority
CONSENT AGENDA (Items 1 -16)
1. Approval of minutes of April 22 andApril 29, 1998.
2. Claims of Pennyann Klink, JesusMurguia, Shelly Newgren, Evagelina Rodriquez, and Joseph
3. Order Granting Eminent Domain (acquisitionof Front Avenue property) in the matter of the Board of
Education of IndependentSchool District 4625 vs. the City of Saint Paul, et al.
4. Letter from Ramsey County PropertyRecords and Revenue, Valuation Division, requesting a
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reclassificationof property at Grove and Pine Streets to exempt classification. (#AT98- 0130)(Real
Estate Division recommends approval).
5. Letter from the Office of License,Inspections and Environmental Protection announcing a public
hearing beforethe City Council on June 24, 1998 to consider the application from JoeFox of the Ramsey
Ag. Society Board for a sound level variance for livemusic on two stages, carnival music, and fireworks
at the Ramsey CountyFair from 5:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. on July 15 & 16, 1998; 12 Noon tol 1:00 p.m.
on July 17, 1998; 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. on July 18, 1998;and 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. on July 19,
6. Letters from the Department ofFire and Safety Services /Property Code Enforcement declaring 137
CayugaStreet and 1099 Wakefield Avenue as "nuisance properties." (For notificationpurposes only;
public hearings will be scheduled at a later date if necessary.)
7. Resolution - 98 -476 - Approvingan amendment to the 1997 -1998 collective bargaining agreement
between theCity of Saint Paul and AFSCME -Legal to allow a job share arrangement fortwo members of
the City Attorney's Office staff. (Laid over from June 3for adoption)
8. Resolution - 98 -484 - FinalizingCity Council action taken May 13, 1998 denying the appeal of Ron
Seversonto a decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals denying variances for constructionof a carriage
house and parking at 420 Portland Avenue.
9. Resolution - 98 -485 - FinalizingCity Council action taken May 13, 1998 granting the appeal of
Michael Prichardand Scott and Elisa Knudson to a decision of the Planning Commission grantinga
special condition use permit to allow conversion of a residential structureto a residence for frail elderly
and elderly with dementia/Alzheimer'sat 15 Montcalm Court.
10. Resolution - 98 -486 - Approvingand authorizing the issuance of a loan to Wellington Management,
Inc. throughthe STAR Loan Program, District 12.
11. Resolution - 98 -487 - Approvingand authorizing the issuance of a loan to Twin Cities Academy
through theSTAR Revolving Loan Program, District 9.
12. Resolution - 98 -488 - Approvingpayment of $16,000.00 to Judy Brown in full settlement of her
claim againstthe City of Saint Paul.
13. Resolution - 98 -489 - Agreeingto hold Cretin - Derham Hall High School harmless for the City's use
of itstennis courts.
14. Resolution - 98 -490 - Agreeingto hold Frauenshuh Management Company harmless for use of the
Agri BankF C B Inc. parking lot for the 1998 Gus Macker 3 -on -3 Basketball Tournamenton August 14,
15, and 16, 1998.
15. Resolution - 98 -491 - Increasingthe 1998 Engineering Fund operating budget for expenses incurred
by trafficengineering activity 12155 for the development and printing of a transitand parking plan
associated with downtown development.
16. Resolution - 98 -492 - Approvingthe decision of the Legislative Hearing Officer on Property Code
EnforcementAppeals for property located at 100 George Street East, 725 Marshall Avenue 43, and 1034
Suburban Avenue.
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17. Consideration of the applicationof William Dunnigan to rezone property from RT -2 (Townhouse
ResidentialDistrict) to B -3 (General Business District) for expansion of an existingauto repair and
service station at 365 -367 Smith Avenue North. (Publichearing held May 27 and laid over)
18. Consideration of the applicationof Jerome LaCroix to rezone property from RT -2 (Townhouse
Residential District)to B -3 (General Business District) for expansion of an existing auto repairand
service station at 371 Smith Avenue North. (Public hearing held May27 and laid over)
19. Consideration of the appeal ofDonald Willenbring, et al. to a decision of the Planning Commission
grantingthe appeal of Arnold Fritsche to a decision of the planning administratorto approve a lot split at
XXX Wiggins Road. (Public hearing held May 27and laid over)
20. Report from the Mayor's Administrationon legal options relative to the payroll system. (Requested
on May 6) (Laidover from May 27)
21. AdministrativeOrder:
D001540 Amending the 1998 budgetin the Department of Technology and Management Services
by reducing thespending authority of $4.447 million for the Payroll -Human Resources -
Benefitsproject by $2.845 million and use the remaining $1.602 million to fundthe payroll
conversion project. (Laid over from May 27)
22. Final Adoption - 98 -308 - An ordinanceamending Chapter 317 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to
create a temporary amusement ride license. (Substitute introduced and laid over from May 13)
23. Final Adoption - 98 -375 - An ordinanceto regulate conflicts of interest for City officials and
employees whoare offered, or leave the City for, private employment. (Laid overfrom June 3 for final
24. Final Adoption - 98 -441 - An ordinanceto amend Sec. 189.05 and Sec. 189.14(a) of the Saint Paul
Legislative Codeadding status as a Heritage Preservation Site as a condition required tobe disclosed on
the truth -in- housing disclosure report for single- andtwo- family dwellings, town homes, condominiums
and co -ops.
25. Second Reading - 98 -480 - An ordinanceto regulate the collection of mixed municipal solid waste
from residentialproperties by (1) dividing the City into "Residential Daily Hauling Districts "and (2)
limiting the regular weekly collection of mixed municipal solidwaste from those properties to one day
per week in each such district.
PUBLIC HEARINGS(Public hearings will begin at 5:30 p.m.)
26. Third Reading - 98 -458 - An ordinanceamending Chapter 402 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to
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delete an obsoletereference to another portion of the Code.
27. Third Reading - 98 -459 - An ordinanceamending the Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 369.06;
changing the expirationdate on Building Trades Business Licenses from December 31 of the yearissued
to December 1.
28. Third Reading - 98 -460 - An ordinanceto regulate fires, lighted coals and fuels on multi -unit
residential balconiesand patios.
29. Resolution - 98 -317 - Concerningthe Auto Repair Garage License held by Mary P. Fasching, dba
M.F. Automotive, 1728 Selby Avenue. (Laid over from May 27)
30. Resolution - 98 -493 - Approvingapplication for a Parking Lot license by Park N Jet LLC, 2751
Shepard RoadWest. (ID 419989999405)
31. Resolution - 98 -494 - Concerningadverse action against cigarette license held by Parkway liquors,
301 WheelockParkway East.
32. Resolution - 98 -382 - Orderingthe owner to remove or repair the building at 860 Robert Street South
withinfifteen (15) days from adoption of resolution. (Laid over from May 6) (LegislativeHearing
Officer recommends allowing the owner six months to completerehabilitation provided a code
compliance inspection is completed and x$2,000 bond is posted by noon, June 10) (Laid over from
May 27)
33. Resolution - 98 -495 - Orderingthe owner to remove or repair the building at 1068 Arundel Street
withinfifteen (15) days from adoption of resolution. (Legislative HearingOfficer recommends
allowing the owner six months to complete rehabilitationprovided the vacant building fee is paid
and a $2,000 bond is posted bynoon June 10)
34. Resolution - 98 -496 - Orderingthe owner to remove or repair the building at 598 Lawson Avenue
East withinfifteen (15) days from adoption of resolution. (Legislative HearingOfficer recommends
allowing the owner six months to complete rehabilitationprovided a code compliance inspection is
completed and a $2,000 bond isposted by noon June 10)
35. Resolution - 98 -497 - Orderingthe owner to remove or repair the building at 726 Thomas Avenue
withinfive (5) days from adoption of resolution. (Legislative Hearing Officerrecommends approval)
36. Resolution - 98 -498 - Orderingthe owner to remove or repair the building at 590 York Avenue
within fifteen(15) days from adoption of resolution. (Legislative Hearing Officerrecommends
37. Resolution - 98 -499 - Approvingthe vacation of part of Erie Street south of I -35E.
(File 414 -1997)
38. Final Order - 98 -473 - In thematter of improving the alley in Block 3, Lake Park Addition (bounded
byArona, Almond, Snelling and Canfield) by grading and paving with bituminousmaterial. (File
418873) (Laid over from May 27)
39. Final Order - 98 -500 - In thematter of sidewalk reconstruction on both sides of Bellows St. from
W.Page St. to W. Baker St.; both sides of Clifton St. from James Ave. toRandolph Ave.; the south side
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of W. Exchange St. from St. Peter St. toN. Wabasha St.; both sides of S. Milton St. from Palace Ave. to
James Ave.;sidewalk reconstruction with integral curb on the south side of MulberrySt. from Old
Kellogg Blvd. To W. Kellogg Blvd.; the north side of W. PageSt. from Bellows St. to Bidwell St.; both
sides of W. Page St. from CharltonSt. to Bellows St.; both sides of W. Stevens St. from Winslow Ave.
to StrykerAve.; both sides of Victoria St. from Palace Ave. to James Ave.; and theeast side of Webster
St. from Michigan Ave. to St. Clair Ave. (File 4S98037- S98046)
40. Final Order - 98 -501 - In thematter of sidewalk reconstruction at 167, 168, & 171 West
CongressStreet, and 519 Winslow Avenue. (Laid over from June 3)
Wednesday, June 10, 1998
2:00 - 3:00 P.M.
City Council Chambers
Third Floor, City Hall
1. Approval of Minutes from May 13, 1998.
2. Resolution Authorizing MultifamilyHousing Revenue Note, Series 998 (Superior Street Cottages),
District 9
3. Resolution Approving a Loan for352 Wacouta Street (American House), District 17
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4. Designation of Cathedral Hill Homes (Selby -Dayton Apartments) for Reservation of 1998 Low
Income Housing TaxCredits, District 8
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