Agenda 4-22-1998Page 1 of 7
Wednesday, April 22, 1998 - 3:30 -5:00 P.M.
City Hall and Court House
15 West Kellogg Boulevard
Nancy Anderson, Assistant Secretary to the Council
Mary Erickson, Clerical Support - 266 -8565
Office of the City Council
Web Index
• Consent Agenda
• For Action
• Administrative Orders
• For Discussion
• Ordinances
• Public Hearings
• Miscellaneous
• Meeting as the Housing and Redevelopment Authority
CONSENT AGENDA (Items 1- 13)
1. Claim of Anthony Mattson.
2. Amended Summons and Complaint in the matter of The Schnitzer SiteGroup vs. the City of Saint
Paul, et al.
3. Letters from the Department of Fire and Safety S ervices/Property Code Enforcement declaring 370
Atwater Street, 1171 Minnehaha AvenueWest, 918 Park Street, and 503 St. Albans Street North as
"nuisanceproperties." (For notification purposes only; public hearings will bescheduled at a later date if
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4. Letter from the Department of Planning and Economic Developmentannouncing a public hearing
before the City Council on May 6, 1998 toconsider the application of Richard Eitel to rezone property
from R- 2(single- family residential) to B -3 (general business) for the purposeof constructing and
operating an auto repair facility at thesouthwest corner of Larpenteur Avenue and I -35E frontage road
(westside of freeway).
5. Administrative Orders:
• D001526 Amending the 1997 budget in the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental
Protection to balance the Special Fund Budget.
• D001527 Authorizing the Department of Libraries to expend monies, not to exceed $6,000.00,
provided by The Friends of the Library for volunteer recognition events.
• D001528 Authorizing expenditures, not to exceed $7,000.00, by the Division of Parks and
Recreation for the Honored Volunteer Dinner on April 28, 1998.
• D001529 Amending the 1997 budget in the Department of Public Health to clear deficit accounts.
6. Resolution - 98 -300 - Approving the appointment of RichardKramer, by Mayor Coleman, to the
Board of Zoning Appeals
7. Resolution - 98 -301 - Approving the reappointments of GeraldBeedle, Clayton Larson, and Diane
O'Donnell, by Mayor Coleman, to theTruth -In -Sale of Housing Board of Evaluators.
8. Resolution - 98 -302 - Declaring May 18, 1998 as Jeffrey MarkErickson Day in recognition of earning
the Eagle Scout Award.
9. Resolution - 98 -303 - Declaring the Polish American Club theofficial home of Saint Paul's Majowka
Days celebration and adoptingits 28th Annual Majowka Days button as the official button.
10. Resolution - 98 -304 - Establishing the rate of pay for a newclassification entitled Engineering
Technician Supervisor- WaterUtility.
11. Resolution - 98 -305 - Authorizing a Mutual Aid Agreement betweenthe City of Saint Paul and the
State of Minnesota Department ofPublic Safety.
12. Resolution - 98 -306 - Authorizing the inter - governmental transferof Sergeant Karsten Winger to the
Ramsey County Attorney's Office towork with police gang units.
13. Resolution - 98 -307 - Approving the Joint Powers Agreementbetween the Metropolitan Council and
the City of Saint Paul forinstallation, replacement and maintenance of bus stop signage.
14. Resolution - 98 -214 - Approving new minimum qualifications forthe Engineering Aide I and II
classifications. (Adopted on April 1,1998, reconsidered and laid over from April 8)
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15. Report by Pam Wheelock, Department of Planning and EconomicDevelopment, on
recommendations and criteria for applying the VendorOutreach program to the Department's economic
development programs,and the results of the initial application. (Per C.F. 97 -1037 adoptedAugust 27,
1997) (Laid over from March 25)
16. Update by the Mayor's Administration on current plans toaddress payroll issues identified by the
Mayor and City Council. (PerC.F. 98 -265 adopted April 8, 1998)
17. Resolution - 98 -267 - Moving 1998 contingency money budgeted inthe Property Code Enforcement
Activity into proper budget codes soimplementation of the program to enforce health and safety codes
innon- owner - occupied 1 and 2 family dwelling units can proceed. (Laidover from April 15)
18. First Reading - 98 -308 - An ordinance amending Chapter 317 of theSaint Paul Legislative Code to
create a temporary amusement ridelicense.
19. First Reading - 98 -309 - An ordinance repealing Chapter 349 ofthe Saint Paul Legislative Code
pertaining to licensure of rentalclothing.
20. First Reading - 98 -310 - An ordinance repealing Chapter 379 ofthe Saint Paul Legislative Code
pertaining to licensure oflocksmiths.
21. First Reading - 98 -311 - An ordinance amending Chapter 417 of theSaint Paul Legislative Code
regarding parking lots; clarifying thedistinction between a parking lot and parking garage, removing
theadvisory committee requirement, and specifying the minimum standardsfor structural condition
PUBLIC HEARINGS (public hearings willbegin at 5:30 p.m.)
22. Third Reading - 98 -234 - An ordinance granting a renewalfranchise for cable service to Continental
Cablevision of Saint Paul,Inc. (Laid over from April 15 for continuation of thirdreading /public hearing)
23. Third Reading - 98 -277 - An ordinance amending Chapter 430 of theSaint Paul Legislative Code
pertaining to Cable Communications Service.
24. Resolution - 98 -295 - Requesting transfer of control of the cabletelevision franchise from US West,
Inc. to US West, Inc. (To berenamed MediaOne Group, Inc.) (Laid over from April 15 forcontinuation
of public hearing)
25. Resolution - 98 -312 - Approving application for an Auto RepairGarage License by Budget Towing,
Inc of St. Paul, 705 7th StreetEast. (ID 419970000050)
26. Resolution - 98 -313 - Approving application for a Second HandDealer - Motor Vehicle (1st) License
by William Schwartz, dbaDowntown Auto Sales, Inc., 359 Robert Street South. (ID 419980000435)
27. Resolution - 98 -314 - Approving application for Malt Off Sale,Grocery (C), and Cigarette /Tobacco
Licenses by VCK Oriental MarketInc, 1377 Arcade Street. (ID 4 19970000226)
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28. Resolution - 98 -315 - Approving application for Restaurant (B),Liquor- Outdoor Change in Service
Area (Patio), Liquor On Sale - Sunday, Liquor On Sale (B), Gambling Location (Class A),
andCigarette /Tobacco Licenses by KLA Inc., dba Awada's On Plato, 199Plato Boulevard East. (ID
29. Resolution - 98 -316 - Approving application for a Malt Off SaleLicense by Foodsmart LLC, 544
University Avenue West. (ID 40035509)
30. Resolution - 98 -317 - Concerning the Auto Repair Garage Licenseheld by Mary P. Fasching, dba
M.F. Automotive, 1728 Selby Avenue.
31. Resolution - 98 -318 - Approving the Taxicab Driver's LicenseRenewal Application submitted by
Kevin R. Peterson with onecondition.
32. Resolution - 98 -319 - Concerning adverse action against licensesheld by A.C.A. Management
Services, dba Amoco Food Shop, 1347University Avenue West. (Uncontested)
33. Resolution - 98 -320 - Concerning adverse action against thecigarette license held by Grand Wheeler
Sinclair II, 1345 GrandAvenue. (Uncontested)
34. Resolution - 98 -321 - Concerning adverse action against licensesheld by Little Grocery, 1724
University Avenue West. (Uncontested)
35. Resolution - 98 -322 - Concerning adverse action against liquorlicense held by Novak's On
Randolph, 919 Randolph Avenue.
36. Resolution - 98 -323 - Approving application for a CurrencyExchange License by Team
Management, Inc., dba Capital City CheckCashing, 477 Rice Street.
37. Resolution - 98 -324 - Approving the decision of the LegislativeHearing Officer on Property Code
Enforcement Appeals for property at860 Vandalia Street, 1511 Rose Avenue East, 594 -6 Reaney
Avenue, 62013ates Avenue, 551 Barge Channel Road, 599 Grand Avenue, 200 N.Mississippi River
Blvd. 44AB, 1005 Sherburne Avenue, 390 N. LexingtonParkway, 1853 Iglehart Avenue, 1607 Hewitt
Avenue, 1336 HewittAvenue, 427 Charles Avenue, 430 Blair Street, 479 Iglehart Avenue,and 673 Burr
38. Resolution - 98 -325 - Ordering the owner to remove or repair thebuilding at 800 Concordia Avenue
within fifteen (15) days fromadoption of resolution. (Legislative Hearing Officer
39. Resolution - 98 -326 - Ordering the owner to remove or repair thebuilding at 502 Lynnhurst Avenue
East within fifteen (15) days fromadoption of resolution. (Legislative Hearing Officer
recommendswithdrawal as the building was demolished by the owner)
40. Resolution - 98 -327 - Ordering the owner to remove or repair thebuilding at 675 Sherburne Avenue
(front house) within fifteen (15)days from adoption of resolution. (Legislative Hearing
Officer recommends allowing the owner six months to complete rehabilitationprovided a code
compliance inspection is completed, the $200 vacantbuilding fee is paid, and a $2,000 bond is
posted by noon April 22,1998)
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41. Resolution - 98 -328 - Ordering the owner to remove or repair thebuilding at 38 Sycamore Street East
within fifteen (15) days fromadoption of resolution. (Legislative Hearing Officer
recommendsallowing the owner six months to complete rehabilitation provided thevacant building
fee is paid and a $2,000 bond is posted by noon Apri122, 1998)
42. Appeal of David Austin (for Mary & Leah Paulson) to a summary abatement order for property at
2016 Fremont Avenue. (LegislativeHearing Officer recommends granting the appeal)
43. Appeal of Darlene Ebert to a summary abatement order for propertyat 430 West Minnehaha Avenue.
(Legislative Hearing Officer recommends denying the appeal)
44. Resolution Ratifying Assessment - 98 -297 - In the matter ofsummary abatements, boardings -up, and
demolitions for October throughDecember 1997; boardings -up for August through December 1997;
summary abatements (grass cutting) from mid -July through November 1997;demolitions for August
through December 1997 and January 1998;summary abatements (property clean -up) for August through
December1997; and abandoned vehicles for July through December 1997 andJanuary 1998. (File #Re-
Escrow, J97BOARDUP, J9711TDBC, J9711C,J971IA, J97ABDVDIS) (Laid over from April 15)
45. Final Order - 98 -329 - In the matter of condemning and taking atemporary easement in connection
with the improvement of Swede HollowPark. (File 418862 E2)
46. Final Order - 98 -330 - In the matter of improving the alley inBlock 5, St. Anthony Park North
(bounded by Dudley, Grantham, Hoytand Chelmsford) by grading and paving with bituminous material.
(File 418867)
47. Final Order - 98 -331 - In the matter of condemning and taking aneasement in the land necessary for
the slope, cuts and fills inconnection with the grading and paving of the alley in Block 5, St.Anthony
Park North (bounded by Dudley, Grantham, Hoyt, andChelmsford). (File 418867 -S)
48. Final Order - 98 -332 - In the matter of improving the alley inBlock 158, Robertson's Addition
(bounded by Bellows, Delos, Bidwell& Isabel), by grading and paving with bituminous material.
(File 418868)
49. Final Order - 98 -333 - In the matter of condemning and taking aneasement in the land necessary for
the slope, cuts and fills inconnection with the grading and paving of the alley in Block 158,Robertson's
Addition (bounded by Bellows, Delos, Bidwell, &Isabel). (File 418868 -S)
50. Resolution Ratifying Assessment - 98 -334 - In the matter ofimproving the following brick streets:
Kenwood Parkway, around thecircle and from the circle to St. Albans Street; Maiden Lane, fromSelby
Avenue to Nina Street; and Virginia Street, from Summit Avenueto Selby Avenue. (File 418795)
51. Resolution Approving Assessment - 98 -335 - In the matter ofcondemning and taking permanent
easements for water utility purposesin connection with the Jackson /Maryland "Low Service Number
2 "relocation project. (File 418864E)
52. Resolution Ratifying Assessment - 98 -296 - In the matter ofconstruction of storm sewer connections,
as requested by the propertyowner, in conjunction with the Seventh /Cedar Area Storm SewerSeparation
Project. (File 418766) (Laid over from April 15)
53. Public hearing to consider the application of Como NorthtownCredit Union to rezone property from
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RT -1 (two family residential) toB -2 (community business) to allow additional parking and a
newentrance for the existing credit union at 965/967 Churchill Street(northwest corner of Churchill
Street and Front Avenue). (Laid overfrom April 1)
54. Recognition of Retiring City Employee Roger Ryan, Department ofPlanning and Economic
Wednesday, April 22, 1998
2:00 - 3:00 P.M.
1. Approval of Minutes from April 8, 1998.
2. Request to Transfer HUD Rental Rehabilitation Funds to theLexington- Hamline Community Project,
District 13
3. Request for Funding, Brewery Breakthrough Project, Capital CityDevelopment Program, District 9
4. Approval of Housing Replacement District Plan, Citywide
5. Mortgage Credit Certificate Aid Application, Citywide
6. Approval of Child Care Loans for Children's House Montessori,District 15
7. Authorization to Acquire the following HUD and Tax ForfeitVacant Lots for Development Under
Dayton's Bluff Capital CityDevelopment Program and Payne- Phalen Capital City Program -
Replacement Single Family New Construction: (1) Parcels 681 Mendota, 1058 East Sixth, 412 Hope,
1101 Ross, 578 Forest, 898 Margaret and1048 Margaret, Dayton's Bluff, District 4 and (2) Parcel 702
EastLawson, Payne- Phalen, District 5
8. Authorization to Acquire the Following HUD Foreclosed VacantHouses for Development under the
Payne- Phalen Capital City Program - Houses to Homes Rehabilitation: (1) Parcels 589 East Lawson and
599East Lawson, Payne- Phalen, District 5
9. Authorization to Acquire Tax Forfeited Parcel at 81 WinnipegAvenue, District 6
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10. Mock Pre - Construction Conference and Vendor Outreach Update,Citywide
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