Agenda 3-19-1997Page 1 of 6 AGENDA OF THE SAINT PAUL CITY COUNCIL Wednesday, March 19, 1997 - 3:30 PM CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 3RD FLOOR City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Nancy Anderson, Assistant Secretary to the Council Mary Erickson, Clerical Support - 266 -8565 Office of the City Council Web Index • Consent Agenda • For Action • Administrative Orders • For Discussion • Ordinances • Policy Session (Continuation of Civic Center Pedestrian Connection discussion) • Miscellaneous (Election of Council Member for Ward 7) CONSENT AGENDA NOTE: ALL ITEMS LISTED UNDER CONSENT AGENDA WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. FOR ACTION 1. Claims of American Family Insurance Group (for Matthew Sund), John Garafola, Paul Hebert, Jason Pielet, Danette Reis, Roy & Mary Trulsen, Jonathan White, Terrence Williams, and James Wilson. 2. Summons and Complaint in the matter of James Garland Winingham vs. the City of Saint Paul, et al. 3. Plaintiffs Voluntary Dismissal of Complaint in the matter of Patrick A. Carlone vs. the City of Saint Paul, et al. 4. Letter from the Office of the City Attorney announcing a public hearing before the City Council on April 2, 1997, to consider the renewal application for the taxicab driver's license held by Daniel R. Breckman, 1057 Portland Avenue. (Uncontested) file: //C:ADOCUME— l\LFSUPP— l\LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_115142\Agenda 3 -1... 12/15/2010 Page 2 of 6 5. Letter from the Office of the City Attorney announcing a public hearing before the City Council on April 9, 1997, concerning adverse action against cigarette license held by Salem Haddad & Assim Abuhejleh, dba Kormann's Supermarket, 719 Burr Street. (Uncontested) 6. Letter from the Office of the City Attorney announcing a public hearing before the City Council on April 9, 1997, concerning adverse action against cigarette license held by Fleming Companies, Inc., dba Rainbow Foods, 892 Arcade Street. (Uncontested) 7. Letter from the Office of the City Attorney announcing a public hearing before the City Council on April 9, 1997, concerning adverse action against cigarette license held by Rice Street Super Meat Market, Inc., 516 Rice Street. (Uncontested) 8. Letter from the Office of the City Attorney announcing a public hearing before the City Council on April 9, 1997, concerning adverse action against cigarette license held by Mary W. Fletcher, dba Selby Avenue Superette, 1025 Selby Avenue. (Uncontested) 9. Letter from the Office of the City Attorney announcing a public hearing before the City Council on April 9, 1997, concerning adverse action against cigarette license held by Bee & Mary Vang, dba Super Minni Market, 1187 Minnehaha Avenue East. (Uncontested) 10. Letter from the Office of the City Attorney announcing a public hearing before the City Council on April 9, 1997, concerning adverse action against cigarette license held by Unbank Co. 11, 1098 University Avenue West. (Uncontested) 11. Letter from the Office of the City Attorney announcing a public hearing before the City Council on April 9, 1997, concerning adverse action against cigarette license held by Edward & Robert Walfoort, dba Walfoort Liquors, 1100 Arcade Street. (Uncontested) 12. Letters from Saint Paul Public Health declaring 421 Blair Avenue, 908 Hague Avenue, and 1765 Iglehart Avenue as "nuisance properties" and setting date of Legislative Hearings for April 1, 1997, and City Council Hearings for April 9, 1997. 13. Letter from the Real Estate Division announcing a public hearing before the City Council on April 9, 1997, to consider the vacation of a portion of Howard Street. 14. Letter from the Real Estate Division announcing a public hearing before the City Council on April 9, 1997, to consider a vacation to redevelop Block 2, Woodbury and Case's Addition, lying north of Prescott Street and east of vacated Mt. Hope Street. 15. Communication from Saint Paul Animal Control dated March 10, 1997, announcing a request from the University of Minnesota Research Lab for unclaimed dogs and cats. 16. Administrative Orders: . D001165 Amending the 1997 budget in the Police Department by transferring monies in the General Fund Budget. . D001166 Transferring $45,000.00 in CDBG funds to the 1997 Safe City Crime Prevention program. file: //C:ADOCUME— l\LFSUPP— l\LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_115142\Agenda 3 -1... 12/15/2010 Page 3 of 6 . D001167 Amending the 1996 budget in the Department of Finance and Management Services by transferring spending authority within the same fund but different activities. . D001168 Authorizing payment, not to exceed $2500.00, to Nelson Cheese Factory for lunches for eight two -day Police Department training courses "Street Safe/ Officer Survival for the 90's." . D001169 Authorizing payment, not to exceed $950.00, to Byerly's for refreshments for eight two - day Police Department training courses "Street Safe/ Officer Survival for the 90's." . D001170 Authorizing payment, not to exceed $300.00, to Nelson Cheese Factory for lunches for a one -day Police Department "Graffiti Symposium." . D001171 Addition of $10,404.00 to the contract for Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion, CP -4 Building Construction. 17. Resolution - 97 -242 - Approving the appointments of Steven N. McCarty and Paulette Sanders, and the reappointments of Gail Chang Bohr, Gregory M. Donovan, Kent R. Furois, Jill Peterson, and Bruce Weber, by Mayor Coleman, to the Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center Neighborhood Advisory Committee. (Laid over from March 12 for adoption) 18. Approving the decision of the Legislative Hearing Officer on Property Code Enforcement Appeals for property located at 719 Wilson Avenue. (Laid over from March 12) 19. Resolution - 97 -267 - Approving the addition of the following organizations to the 10% List of Eligible Recipients: Eastside Midget Hockey, Front Booster Club, Hancock Booster Club, McDonough Booster Club, Merriam Park Booster Club, North End Childrens' Special Activities Club, St. Paul Science Fair Support Group, and Scheffer Booster Club. 20. Resolution - 97 -268 - Approving the Hazel Park Recreation Center Play Area renovation project grant application. 21. Resolution - 97 -269 - Amending the duties of the Traffic Maintenance Worker class specification in accordance with Civil Service Rule 32. 22. Resolution - 97 -270 - Approving the sale of one surplus zoo animal and the donation of four surplus zoo animals to appropriate zoological organizations. 23. Resolution - 97 -271 - Directing Continental Cablevision of Saint Paul, Inc. to keep an accurate account of all amounts received by reason of the rate increase they have implemented. 24. Resolution - 97 -272 - Approving a preliminary and final plat for property at 1920 and 1966 Benson Avenue. 25. Resolution - 97 -273 - Indemnifying Concordia College during the use of its facilities and equipment for the Future Force program. 26. Preliminary Order - 97 -274 - In the matter of construction of storm sewer and sanitary sewer service connections, as requested by the property owner, in conjunction with the Grand /St. Albans area storm sewer and street paving and lighting project, and setting date of public hearing for May 14, 1997. (File 418713) file: //C:ADOCUME- 1\LFSUPP- 1\LOCALS -1 \Temp \ELF20101215_115142\Agenda 3 -1... 12/15/2010 Page 4 of 6 27. Preliminary Order - 97 -275 - In the matter of permanent easement for public right -of -way for Maiden Lane between Nine Street and Selby Avenue, and setting date of public hearing for May 14, 1997. (File 418840) 28. Preliminary Order - 97 -276 - In the matter of condemnation and taking of a permanent easement for right -of -way purposes in connection with the Wheeler Street/Munster Avenue Realignment Project, and setting date of public hearing for May 14, 1997. (File 418841) 29. Resolution Approving Assessment - 97 -277 - In the matter of boardings -up of vacant buildings for November 1996; demolition of vacant buildings for December 1996 and January 1997; boardings -up of vacant buildings for December 1996; and summary abatements (snow removal and /or sanding walks) for winter 1997, and setting date of Legislative Hearings for May 6, 1997, and City Council Hearings for May 14, 1997. (File 4J9705B, J9705C, J9705B1, J9705A) FOR DISCUSSION 30. Resolution - 97 -2 - Accepting and adopting the 'Business Plan: Implementation of a Comprehensive Housing Strategy" developed by the Department of Planning and Economic Development. (Laid over from February 26) 31. Resolution - 97 -69 - Authorizing financing in the amount of $2,340,000.00 for the purchase of Civic Center Equipment. (Laid over from March 5) 32. Resolution - 97 -187 - Authorizing an amendment to the Pledge Agreement for the Parking and Transit Fund. (Laid over from March 12) 33. Resolution - 97 -247 - Amending the Pledge Agreement related to the expansion of the Seventh and Wabasha Streets Parking Ramp. (Laid over from March 12) 34. Administrative Order: D001164 Addition of $228,121.98 to the contract for Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion, CP -I Demolition, Excavation & Bridge Construction- Parking Ramp Excavation Alternate A. (Laid over from March 12) 35. Resolution - 97 -278 - Budget revision for the initial design and purchase of software for Phase I of the human resources, payroll and benefits system. 36. Presentation by the Administration on an evaluation work plan for the Saint Paul Fire Chief. 37. Letter from Mayor Coleman dated March 7, 1997, vetoing Council File 97 -184 pertaining to hiring a project manager to coordinate anti -gun activities. ORDINANCES 38. First Reading - 97 -279 - An ordinance amending Chapter 11 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to improve upon the language and to more accurately reflect the current animal control environment in the City and allow service animals assisting individuals with disabilities on the grounds in City markets. 39. First Reading - 97 -280 - An ordinance amending Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to bring the chapter up -to -date and reflect the current situation requiring permits to be obtained from the file: //C:ADOCUME— l\LFSUPP— l\LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_115142\Agenda 3 -1... 12/15/2010 Page 5 of 6 Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection. 40. First Reading - 97 -281 - An ordinance amending Chapter 140 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to improve upon the language and to more accurately reflect the current animal control environment in the city and allow service animals assisting individuals with disabilities into the skyway system. 41. First Reading - 97 -282 - An ordinance amending Chapter 170 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to allow horses from the Saint Paul police horse patrol into City parks, parkways or recreation areas without permission of the director. 42. First Reading - 97 -283 - An ordinance amending Chapter 196 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to bring the chapter up -to -date, improve upon the language and to more accurately reflect the current animal control environment in the City. 43. First Reading - 97 -284 - An ordinance repealing Chapter 197 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. 44. First Reading - 97 -285 - An ordinance amending Chapter 198 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to bring the chapter up -to -date, improve upon the language and to more accurately reflect the current animal control environment in the City. 45. First Reading - 97 -286 - An ordinance amending Chapter 199 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to bring the chapter up -to -date, require that ferrets be vaccinated against rabies, improve upon the language and to more accurately reflect the current animal control environment in the City. 46. First Reading - 97 -287 - An ordinance amending Chapter 200 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to bring the chapter up -to -date, improve upon the language and to more accurately reflect the current animal control environment in the City. Creates section 200.17 Collars, leashes, tie outs. 47. First Reading - 97 -288 - An ordinance amending Chapter 347 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to bring the chapter up -to -date, require Saint Paul pet -shop owners to provide customers purchasing an animal requiring a permit the necessary documentation for obtaining a permit and to more accurately reflect the current animal control environment in the City. 48. POLICY SESSION L Continuation of Civic Center Pedestrian Connection discussion. 11. Discussion of responses to snow plowing issues raised at the January 15, 1997 Policy Session. (Discussion continued from February 19) Stacy Becker, Director, Department of Public Works William Finney, Police Chief III. Disparity Study 1. Introduction (Councilmember Blakey) a. Purpose of session b. Expectations 2. Background and Overview of Disparity Study (Mark Robertson) file: //C:ADOCUME— l\LFSUPP— l\LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_115142\Agenda 3 -1... 12/15/2010 Page 6 of 6 a. Origin, composition and mission of the Disparity Study Joint Powers Board b. Objectives of the study c. BBC Report and Humphrey Institute, Bill Wilson d. Study methodology and findings e. Comments from other Board members 3. Review of Other City Programs a. Targeted Vendor Program (Linda Camp, Jacquelyn Hicks) b. Role of PED (Linda Camp, John Kimball) c. Roles of Human Rights and Affirmative Action Offices (Pamela Kelly) 4. Legal Considerations (Paul McCloskey) a. Review of State and local purchasing laws and practices b. Conclusion regarding race and gender -based purchasing programs c. Review of other alternatives 5. Summary of City Staff Report (Martha Larson, Linda Camp) a. Analysis of recommendations from Disparity study and related staff report 6. Summary of County and School District Responses to Study a. Lynne Geschwind, Ramsey County b. Bill Larson, Saint Paul Public Schools 7. Public Comment 8. Council Discussion 9. Close ( Councilmember Blakey) a. Recap of key issues noted during the session b. Direction to staff MISCELLANEOUS Election of Councilmember for Ward 7. ADDENDUM MISCELLANEOUS Presentation by Ramsey County on Welfare Redesign (Laid over from February 19) Sue Haigh, Ramsey County Commissioner Jan Wiessner, Ramsey County Commissioner Tom Faschingbauer, Director of Ramsey County Human Services Mary Mahoney, Assistant Director of Ramsey County Human Services file: //C:ADOCUME— l\LFSUPP— l\LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_115142\Agenda 3 -1... 12/15/2010