D002279� White- City Clerk Pink- Finance Departruent Canary Department CITY OF SAINT PAUL Office of the Mayor ADMIlVISTRATIVE ORDER No: O� 01 � 7 q Date• � �� ��3 ADD'IINISTRATIVE ORDER, In the matter of that certain contract lrnown as Job No. 25072 for � WABASHA WEST STREETSCAPE PHASE II�DOWNTOWN 2A) , City Project No. 02-P-1229 , Schnrcon. Inc , Contractor, the specified date of completion is October 20, 2002* , and the Contractor did not complete the contract by said date of complerion because delivery of the li¢ht poles for the li¢hting system nortion of the proiect didn't occur until mid-Januarv; and thereafter inclement weather delaved completion , and it is ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, extends the specified date of complerion to March 14, 2003 , and it is FURTHER ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul hereby does waive claim for liquidated damages on this project. APPROVED AS TO FORM: �� . ��� DeparhnentHea � �� 3/`3 ate � �°�-� *Per Specification, the completion date is identified as September 15, 2002 based on a start date ofJuly 8, 2002, a penod of70 • calendar days; however, 6ecause of required coordination with the River Cerstre Pedestrian Tunnel Project, the Contractor was directed to start on August 12, 2002; the 70 calendar days result in our Odober 2Q 2002 completion date. Public Works Construction H. Lueth 266-6083 A$SICN �oDaa79 �� No. 20 2350 INI'iIAWATE — CITV CAUNCIL arr c�wc �,. # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 2 �cur nu �acnnoNS wR s�ewrorsEl ❑ — � �wc� i ev •oval of Administrarive Order for Contract Time Extension for WABASHA WEST STREETSCAPE PHA I Project No_ 02-P-1229; Contractor: Schurcon, Inc. inal Complerion Date: October 20, 2002 Extended Complerion Date: March 14, 2003 RECAMMENDATIONSAppraue (A) ar Rejed (R) _PL4NNINGCAMMISSION _CNILSERVICECOMMISSION CIBCAMMITTEE _ A STAFF _ DISTRIGTCAUNGI — $UPPORTS WHICH COUNCiI O&IECTIVE? PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRAC7'S MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has ihis persoNfirm ever worked under a contract for this deDaAmeni? YES NO 2. Has this persoNfirtn ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does ihis persoNfirtn possess a skill not Iromialiy possessed by any wrtent city employee? YES NO Exp�ain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet NITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORiUNIT' (WHO. WNAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHV): ' This project included the construction of an ornamental lighting system. Delivery of poles for the lighting system typically takes three (3) months. In this case, it took longer. time required to complete the project will be authorized. None IF APPROVE�, �ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED' Additional time required to complete the project will be authorized. OUNT OF TRANSACTION $ None COS7/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) ES souace N/A _ _ JOBNUMBER LSO72 NO FINANGIAL INFORMAT�ON: (EXPLAIN)