D002278Wlute - Ciry Clerk Pink - Finance Department Canary - Department CITY OF SAINT PAUL Office of the Mayor • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No: DO� ��� 7 � Date: � �� Q � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER,In the matter of that certain contract laiown as Acrivity No. 365303 NORTH QUADRANT PHASE III (Including East Seventh Street from Wacouta to Jackson) for City Project No. 02-P-1228 , Thomas & Sons Construcfion Contractor, the specified interim date of completion for opening E. Seventh Street to two lanes of traffic is 60 Calendar Days (June 21, 2002) and the Contractor did not complete that portion of the work by said date of completion because of unanticipated extra work items, overrun in concrete base quantity, and delay in authorization to commence extra work in areaway/vault areas. ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, extends the allowable time of partial closure to �lv 11, 2002, , and it is FURTHER ORERED, That the City of Saint Paul hereby does waive claim for liquidated damages on this project. K /sQ�r > ariment Head �„���� � Date �/� n�i < c�wks ��� l� I\' ' ZI� 1 :_. � I ' � i / .. i ��� �EPAR'fMEM/OFFICE/CWNC�L ATEINITIATED `� � v Y � V� PublicWorksConstruction/PED 3/31/03 GREEN SHEET N 202349 IN R INITIAVOATE — " CON(ACTPERSON&PFIONE OPEDDEPARTMENTDIftECTOR � CfiYCAl1NCIL LartyH.Lueth 266-6083 NU�A16E ��'T'�ATTOFNE`" O CITYCLEFK MUSTBEONCd1NCILAGENDABY(�ATE) ROUfiNG �BUDCETOIRECTOR � FIN&MGT.SERVICES ORUER �MAYORIORASSISTANn �t Lam/Wetn �`�' �3{� AL#OFSIGNANREPACaES 'L tCUP/LLLIOCAT�ONSFORSIGNATIIR� � _ ❑�D�EPARTMEMACCOUM ACIlON REQUES'�E� Approval of Administrarive Order for Extension of Interim Date Origmal Interim Completion Date - June 21, 2002 NORTH QUADRANT PAASE III (Includes E. Sevenih Street - Wacouta to Jackson) Revised Interim Co le 'o Date - July 11, 20Q2 Public Works Project #02-P-1228; Conhact #19406 Contractor. Thomas & Sons Construcrion RECOMMENDn7iONSAppro-re (n) a Re�ect (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PIANNINGCAMMISSION _QVIISERVICECOMMISSION 7, HasthispersoNfimieverworketlunderamniractforthistlepartmenl? CIBCAMMITfEE YES NO A STAFF 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employae? — — YES NO _ �iSiwC7 COUNq� _ 3. Dces ihis persoNfirtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any wrrent city employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNGILO&IECTNE? YES NO Expiain ait yes answers on separate sheM and attach to 9�e� sfieet INITIATING PROBLEM, I$$UE. OPPOR7UNIT/ (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) The contract allowed 60 calendar days to have East Seventh Street restricted to one lane each way. Because of additional work required and access complicarions, the actual time accrued prior to re-opening two lanes in each direction was 79 calendar days. I ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVE�' thorize the time extension and waive liquidated damages. The time extension is warranted because of addirional k items required and a delay beyond the Contractor s control. R�<�� :- �_ �;�;� i � �i._,� :y�� :;� ; DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED' None ����� � ��� APR 0 � 2QD3 �ITY Al"�'Q� DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: Waiver of liquidated damages not authorized. L AMOUNT OF TRANSAC710N $ None COST/REVENUE BU�GETED (CIRCLE ONE) ES No FUNDINGSOURCE N/A ACTIVINNUMBER 1 FINANCIALINFORMATION (EXPL4IN)