D002275City of Saint Paui, Minnesota Office of the Mayor u Administrative Order Badget Revision N,�:� 1�ov�Z75 �� � io a 3 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, consistent with the authority gcanted to the Mayor in Secrion 10.07.4 of the City Cl�arter and based on the request of the Director of the Division of Parks and Recreation, to amend the 2002 Special Recreation Activities budget (Fund 391), the D'uector of the Qffice of Financial Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: From: 391 - Special Recreation Activities 23191 - Senior & Handicapped Recreation Programs 0357 - Athletic/Recrearion 23193 - Parks and Recreation Revenue Development 0557 - Ttansfer to G� To: • 391 - Special Recreation Activities 23190 - Special Reereation Activities 0249 - Other - Miscellaneous Services 0389 - Other - Miscellaneous Suppfies 0521 - Refunds ! / , .�L:.. � �[.� , • .-. , �i .: - • CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 49,951 (49,951) 41,600 (41,600) 0 91,551 (91,551) 0 5,000 54,801 59,8Q1 0 34,975 34,975 850 1,775 2,625 5,850 91,551 97,401 � / ��� 'I� _ �, _ ,. 391AO.xis Page: 1 of 1 �.. n , �0 � .�o� a,� � � � � � o�nRn�wn�c�ou� . nare wrtw� GREEN SHEET NUMBER: 204878 —`` Parks m�d Recreation q/enoo3 corrrncr r� nNU �r+oNe � xxs�auoa� �+ s oFrnHHt►saroox�craa /_,� a cmaEwc J BaR266�6455 � �� Q7YA7TORNEY 5 O-F.3.-PGWUNTBIG MUSf�OMCOUNCdM�BIDABY(QAT�: oROEi 3 FtJANCJAL3HivICESOR. Ol}�tPanaBRec. � MAYOR(ORAS9STANI) - 1 OiFHLDepvtrnen[Aaawrtan[� N/A — TOSALNUAR620F31GTfAlUREPAGCS CLi11LLlOCAS10N8Po0.S16W1SfN1E REp16ST� A�fOYBI Oi UI! BMeCI18A A�11911�IVC OI'ABf WIIICII YYI� 4811i6@f IMMgl� BII�IO�IY M PlOVIW! SIIIfiCIdR TI�IdHIg 81 UIE bilA� COIIUOI IEV2I O the Pu1cs a�d Reereatia�'s Z00Z SpeaW Reaeation AdiviNes F�e�d Budyet {397). R[-confMOUa4TioNS (MM�UVuR�pc[(R) vaesowutaeviceca�iw�cisrUSinxswot7xefouowiNOnuesmns: PLANNINGCOMMISSION CMLSERVICECOMMISqON t. FIa51heD���rmererwuike0undefcontrac[fafNisde{�aNnent7 q8 COMMfTTEE 07HFR: � yes ❑ Xo A STAFF OTiER: 2 Fiffithepe�soNfitme.erhcenacdyempbyea? . _OISTRICTCOUNdL _OTHQ2: ❑Yes ❑� 3. DoesthepasoNfirmp�sasltilinotnwmalPOSSESSmbyacurtentcdyempbyee? ❑Yes ❑No � a all mw�xs on ahMantl aCaeh b rNa shae! INRINTING PROBLEM. ISSUE. OPPORIUNITY (WM. �NhaC N�hen. VYhen. WhY). To provide adaquate fixiding at the M�dgdary coMrd kvd o( the Parks and Recreation's 2002 Speeiai Rxreation Aetivities Fund BudgM (381). ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: ' The Parks and Recreation's 2002 Special Recreation Aetivfties Fund Budget �587) will have adequate funding at the budg�ary control levds. q3A�VANfAGESIFAPPROVED: � Nwie. DIS4DVAMAGES IF NOT APPROVEb. The Parks and Recreation's 2002 Speeial Recreation ActNBies Fu�b Budget (S91) will be overspent at U�e bodgetary control le�els. rora.unour�n'oFrRnNSncnoN: 59t.55t� cosr�vowewooermtca.�ta�.l ❑rg p+ xa vawwNCSOUnee: S RevenueFutN-391 ncrrvrtrMUraen: 2319f1.2319t.23193 ' FlNANCW.INFORMATION: (EXPINM ooi-re�enaaobs a�e: �a�