D002272G: \FM\QT�02YEAREN D\02YEARE N DAO.xIs CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR . . •' ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Doo a a �� NO: a64S7� DAT£: -rJ 3 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, consistent with the authoriry granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the D"uector of the Division of Pazks and Recreation to amend the 2002 budget of the General Fund (001), the Airector of the Office of Financial Seroices is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: CURRENT BUDGET FROM: 001 - General Fund 03100-Pazks & Rec Adminishation 0857-Computer Equipment 03102-Pazks & Rec Bldg. Maintenance 0313-Lumber for Repairs 0314-Supplies - Paindng 0322-Aggregates 0327-Pipe 0831-Shop Equipment 03103-Pazks Commission 0219-Fees Other Professional Serv 0235-Type II Regulaz 0255-Dues 0256-Registration Fees - Local 0299-Other-Misc. Services 0368-Office Supplies 03105-Harriet Island 0219-Fees Other Professiona] Serv 0349-0ther - Equipment-Paxts 03106-Winter Activities-Bright Lights 0273-Grounds Maintenance Service 0283-Rental - Vehicles 0289-Renta.l - Misc 0439-Frioge Benefit 03108-Pazks & Rec Support Serv Ol ll-Full Tune Permanent 0439-Fringe Benefit 0815-Office Funiture 0857-Computer Equipment 03120-Como Conservatory 0161-SaLary Needs 0221-Postage 0235-Type II Regulaz 0321-Horticulture 03122-Como Zoo 0161-Salary Needs 14,438 29,872 22,405 9,604 29,875 9,620 7,000 1,200 1,319 1,350 1,343 489 12,153 14,500 7,000 37,840 2,903 23,886 331,796 106,913 1,800 17,784 13,746 756 1,059 30,288 40,753 APPROVED AMENDED CHANGES BUDGET Q 1,613) (9,001) (5,210) (7,801) (7,b19) (9,620) (3,268) (1,200) (1,319) (1,350) (600) (489) (8,592) (8,889) (7,000) (37,840) (2,903) (317) (17,393) (8,123) (1,500) (4,500) (756) (756) (621) (16,195) (1Q922) 2,825 2Q871 17,695 1,803 22,256 3,732 743 3,561 5,61 I 23,569 314,403 98,790 13,284 12,990 438 14,093 29,831 G.\FM\QT02YEAREN D\02YEARE N DAO.xIs 0439-Fringe Benefit 03124-Comu Zoo & Conserv Heating • 0279-Other-Repa'v & Maintenance 0353-ChemicallLabor 03S3-Smal] Tools 0439-Fringe Benefit 03126-Free Concerts in City Parks 0131-Cer[ified -Temporary 0241-PrinYing - Outside 03131-Pazks Securiry 0131-Certified - Temporary 0219-Fees Other Professional Sero 0235-Type II Regulaz 0389-Other Misc. Supplies 0578-Safery Allocalion 03133-Pazks Permits Management 0131-Certified - Temporary 0291-Refuse Disposal/Collection 03134-Design Center 0299-Other Miscellaneous 03135-SmalUSpecialized Equipment Ol l l-Fu]] Time Permanent 0299-0ther - Misc. Services 0439-Fringe BenefiY 03170-Rec Center Progamming 0161-Salary Needs 0219-Fees Other Professional Serv 0357-Athletic/Recreation . 0439-Fringe Benefit 03171-Maintenance Support Ol ll-Full Time Permanent 0283-Rental - Vehicles 0322-Aggregates-Sand 0439-Fringz Benefit 0838-Snow Blowers 0843-Playground 03172-Rec Ctr Custodial & Mairrtenance 0439-Fringe Benefit 0836-Trailers 0839-Other-Shop Equipment 0848-Capitalized Equipment 03174-Muni Athletics Programs 0121-Part Time Certified 0161-Salary Needs 0439-Fringe Benefit 03175-Neighborhoods in Transition 0121-Part Time Certified 0439-Fringe Benefit 03176-Rec Check Program 0132-Not Certified Temporary 0357-AthleticBecreation 03177-Special Recreation Pro�ams 0121-Part Time Certified • 222,906 9,832 7.281 1,121 69,748 1,915 2,297 48,452 2,798 2,000 4,330 3Q000 32,778 14,541 336,747 447,895 56,888 144,329 206,090 21,��� 24,939 1,124,723 274,321 247,366 56,000 92,376 6,000 9,000 402,452 S,SDO 5,800 5,800 4,479 2,963 16,430 158,822 59,417 73,498 46,200 44,569 (1,896) (7,649) (3 (1,004) (271) (1,429) (2,297) (26,098) (2,798) (909) (3,034) (27,500) Q8,804) (7,330) (9,042) (52,769) (14,6ll) (15,972) (17,901) (13,824) (9,266) (7,309) (14,105) (25,426) (17,158) (9,215) (6,000) (9,000) (12,631) (5,500) (5,800) (324) (4,051) (1,087) (1,358) (16,898) (2,943) (3,074) (17,042) (7,074) Dooaara 221,010 2,183 3,828 117 69,477 486 22,374 1,296 2,500 13,974 7,2ll 327,705 395,126 42,271 128,357 188,159 7,176 15,673 1,117,414 26Q216 221,940 38,842 83,161 389,821 5,476 428 1,876 15,072 141,92d 56,474 70,424 29,158 37,495 G:\FM\QT02YEAREN D\02YEARE N DAO.xIs 0219-Fees Other Professional Serv 0357-Athletic/Recreation • 0439-Fringe Benefit 0857-Computer Equipment 03180-Seasonal Swimming/Beaches/pools 0131-Certified - Temporary 0241-Printing 0357-AthleticBecreation 0389-Other Misc. Supplies 0439-Fringe Benefit 03181-0�'ord Indoor Swimming Pool 0241-Printing 0256-Registration Fees - Local 0299-Other-Misc. Services 0349-0ther - Equipment-Par[s 03192-Midway Stadium 0283-Rental - Vehicles 03194-Environmental&Natural Resources 0439-Fringe Benefit 0319�-Tree Maintenance 0141-Overtime 0851-Radio Equipment 03196-Wood Recycling Center 0161-Salary Needs 0291-Refuse Disposal/Collection 0341-Motor Fue] 0344-Parts for Vehicles 0383-Sma(1 Tools . 0396-Field Equipment 03197-Tree Trimming 0219-Fees Other Professiona( Serv 0273-Grounds Maintenance Service 0274-Self Propelled 0277-0ther Equipment 0283-Rental - Vehicles 0299-0ther - Misc. Services 0341-Motor Fuel 0342-Tires/Tubes 0343-Oil 0344-Parts for Vehides 03S3-Small Tools 0396-Field Equipment 03198-Stump Program Ol l I-Full Time Permanent 0133-Capitol City Intems 0219-Fees Other Psofessional Serv 0241-Printing - Outside 0299-Other - Misc. Services 0321-Horticulture 0439-Fringe Benefit 36,044 3,000 118,530 2,500 190,283 3,200 5,000 8,595 45,736 I,000 300 4,700 5.200 6,756 76,757 12,231 166 5,317 30,904 10,828 8,845 1,689 5,000 10,000 5,000 3,000 2,000 350,000 10,000 25,000 2,000 1,951 10,845 2,000 10,000 (19,379) (855) (3,816) (2,500) (54,058) (2,371) (5,000) (7,068) (689) (1,000) (300) (1,008) (4,838) (2,392) (5,209) (3,297) (166) (1,185) (10,437) (10,828) (8,845) (1,318) (5,000) (10,000) (5,000) (3,000) (2,000) (78,708) (10,000) (25,000) (2,000) (727) (10,845) (2,000) (1Q000) �ao aa7a 16,665 2,145 I14,714 136,225 829 1,527 45,047 3,692 362 71,548 8,934 4,132 20,467 371 271,292 1,254 50,228 (3,387) 46,8a1 34,165 (34,165) - 10,000 (70,000) - 5,000 (4,222) 778 10,000 (9,875) 125 ]0,000 (8,478) 1,522 20,028 (8,597) 11,431 6,110,202 (979,098) 5,204,373 •' G:\FM\QT02YEARE N D\02YF1rRE N DAO.xIs TO: 001 - General Fund • 03100-Pazl•s & Rec Administration 0114-Full Time Appointed 0261-Fire Insurance 0370-Computer Equipment 0439-Fringe Benefit 03102-Pazks & Rec Bldg. Maintenance Ol l l-Full Time Pemianent 0438-Fringe Benefit 0739-0ther 03103-Pazks Commission Ol l l-Full Time Permanent 0439-Fringe Benefit 03105-Harriet Island 0111-Full Time Permaneot 0438-Fringe Benefit 0533-Materials for Resale 03106-Winter ActiviTy-Bright Lights 0111-Full Time Permanent 03108-Parks & Rec Support Serv 0242-Printing-Rive[print 0389-Other Misc. Supplies 03ll5-River Conidor 011 1-Full Time Permanent 0439-Fringe Benefit 03120-Como Conservatory 0439-Fringe Benefit . 03122-Como Zoo 0215-Fees-Medlcal 0389-0ther Misc. Supplies 03124-Como Zoo & Conserv Heating 0141-Overtime 03131-Pazks Security 0434-Fringe Benefit 03132-Pazks Ground Maintenance 0132-Not Certified Temporary 0205-Natural Disaster 0439-Fringe BeneFit � 03133-Pazks Permits Management 0439-Fringe Benefit 03134-Design Center 0857-Computer Equipment 03135-Sma]USpecialized Equipment 0828-Tractors & Power 0314�-Pazks & Recreation Utitities 0229Ather - Communication 0391-Electriciry 0521-Refunds 03170-Rec CenierPrograauning 0521-Refunds 0815-Office Fumiture 03172-Rec Ctr Custodia] & Maintenance • 5,103 167,139 li2,976 44,i44 25,939 8,i57 12Q489 1,401 69,037 506 94,400 9,000 3,599 23,032 4,b10 507,512 332,705 16,820 78,000 48, li2 44,213 6,377 10,110 6,814 48,863 6,159 2,%2 1,031 1,270 22,554 954 6,756 6,071 2,965 50,564 15,071 1,177 11,613 13,966 9,289 1,300 48,053 110,184 3,661 1,167 9,042 2,338 166,253 66,159 40 63 2,674 �ooaa�a 48,152 49,316 6,377 177,249 154,790 93,407 6,159 28,501 9,388 121,759 23,955 954 75,823 6,071 3,471 50,564 15,071 95,577 ?A,613 17,565 9,289 24,332 52,663 617,696 336,366 17,987 9,042 80,338 166,253 66,159 40 63 2,674 G:\FM1QT02YEAREND\02YEAREN DAO.xIs 0131-Certified Temporary 03174-Muni Athletics Programs • 0219-Fees Other Professional Serv 0389-Other Misa Supplies 0521-Refitnds 03176-Rec Check Program 0439-Fringe Benefit 03180-Seasonal SwimmingJBeaches/pools 0521-Refunds 03181-Oxf'ord Indoor Swimming Pool 0132-Not Certified Temporary 0439-Frutge Benefit 0521-Refunds 03194-Como Pazk Zoo & Conservatory Campus 0114-Full Time Appointed 0299-Other Miscellaneous Services 03195-Tree Maintenance 0283-Renta]-Vehicle 0344-Parts for Vehicles 0438-Fringe Benefit 0439-Fringe Benefit 03196-Wood Recycling Center 0439-Fringe Becefit 03197-Tree Trimming 0111-F�ll TimePermanent 0439-Fringe Benefit � � ��� � � Reqvestedby DepazhnentD'¢ector � Date `1 - 33,7&1 64,000 50 8,269 365 8,874 32,353 200 300 15,000 b8,969 39,358 1,493 789 197 � 1,131 21,964 12,787 127 4,374 1,795 31,884 75,689 15,030 517 21 ��b aa7 �, 33,781 6i,493 839 197 13,589 1,496 30,838 45,140 327 4,374 2,095 46,884 75,689 15,030 69,486 39,379 857,162 33,146 89Q308 27$,195 11,558 286,753 1,863,549 979,098 2,997,922 � < ��� G � Approved by DirecrorofFinancia! Services Date • DEPAR RMENT/OFFIGE/COUNCIL �' Parks and Recreation ., .. � � CAf3�ACT�PERSON AND PHONE Jill Plesher 266-6435 " BE ON COUNGiL AGENDA 3 A ' TOTALNUMBEROFSIGNATURE INITIATED I GREEN SHEET NUMBER: � � \ I 2 DEPARThIENTDIRECTOR NUMBER \ cmarroaNev FOR ROUTING ) NAT�- ORDER/ 3 FINANCIAlSERVICESDIR. MAYOR (OR ASSISTANi) �tf� �� Zo487s D�o a a 7� INRIALIDATE 4 CfiYCLERK 5 O.F.S.-ACCOUNTiNG 07HER: Parks & Rec. 7 07HFR:DepaNnentAcmunfanl iproval of the attacfied Admin�strative Order which witl transfer budget authority to provide sufficient funding at the budgetary wntrol ievel ffie Parks and Recreation's 2002 General Fund Budget (001). NPP�� (A) w RHec! (R) ANSWER 7HE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PLANNINGCOMMISSION CMLSERVICECOMMISSION t. HasMepersoNfirmeverworketlundermntraGforfhistleparonent? CIBCOMMITIEE OTHER: �Yp ❑� A STAFF ^ OTHER: 2. Has ihe pefSONfirtn ever been a city employee? _DISTRICTCOUNCIL _OTHER: ❑yg ❑No . 3. Does Bie personffirm possess a skill not no�mal POSSESSED by a curtent dty employee? ❑ Yes ❑ No Explain ail yes answers on separste sheet and aIIach to reen sheet IATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What. When, Where, Why): provide adequate funding at the budgeqry control level of the Parks and Recreation's 2002 General Fund Budget (001). Parks and Recreation's 2002 General Fund Budget (001) will have adequate funtling at the budgetary control levels. IF APPROVED: Parks and Recreation's 2002 General Fund Budget (007) will be overspent at the butlgetary control levels. AMOUPlr OF TRANSACTION: sou2ce: Generai Fund - 001 lNFORMATION: (EXP WN) COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (Check One) ACTMN NUMBER: ❑ vrs ❑O no G:IFM1Q7lN✓3Wesa/utions,AQS,G2enSheetslGleenSheet51001-YearendAOx/s Page:7o/f