D002268CITY OF SA1NT PAUL, MINNESOTA OFFICE OF 7HE MAYOR Ciry Clerk Pinance ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION $200,000.00 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority grented to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of Planning 8� Economic Development to amend the 2003 budget of the City Saies Tau Capital Projects Fund, the Director of the Office of Financial Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: WHEREAS, a Neighborhood STAR grant of $500,000 was approved on December 17, 1997, (R97-7530) as part of the City's 1998 annual budget for the construction of the Metro State Community Library; and WHEREAS, Council Resolution 97-7320 adopted by Councii November 5, 1997, recommended future funding of $200,000 for the Metro State library Skyway; and WHEREA5, Metro State is now prepared to begin construction of the library and skyway; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED; that the budget be amended to reflect the additional $200,000 grant to Metropotitan State Library: Currefrt Amended Fund 930 City Sales Tax Capital Projects Fund audget Cnange sudget P7-930-90306-0547-77158 Metropolitan State Library • P7-930-90305-0547-77160 STAR Year Round Projects $500,000.00 $575,764.62 Net Change ($200,000.00) �:.�,., -�.. :... _. _.� �� � - .. - $o No: t"j -. Date: - � $700,000.00 $315,764.62 � ���/G3 Approved by: D�tor�Financial Services (Date) • ���P��D�� l�equ� y�.�epa�en irector ate) ,t�r�a aa� DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCII.: DATE INITIATED 102134 PED 03/13/03 GREEN SHEET No.: CONTACC PERSON & PHONE: mlTTavnA1'E m1i'[ni,mA1'e Judy Lesch, 6-6668 p 2 DEPARTIvIENT DIIL FUIIE� CITY COUNCII. ST BE ON COUNCQ. AGENDA BY (DATE) �IGN _ CI1Y ATTORNEY_ 4 CIIX CLERK NUMB 'T�2 3 FINANCIAL SERV DIR 5 FINANCIAL SERV/ACCTG FOR MpypR(ORASST.) 1 ADMIIVSERVDII2. Hammer ROU1'ING — ORDER TOTAL # OR SIGNAT[JRE PAGES 1(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE� acr�oN �QvESx�n: Signatures on the attached Administrative Order to amend fhe budget for the Metro State Library Neighborhood STAR project. RECOMMENDAI'[ONS: Approve (A) or Reject �) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PI.ANNING COMMISSION 1. Has tt�is person/firm ever worked under a contract for [his department? CIB COMMPCCEE � Yes No CIVII. SERVICE COMMISSION 2. Aas this person/fiixn ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a sldll not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Eaplain all yes answers on separa[e sheet and attach to green s6eet INTTIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Whq What, When, Where� Why): CF 97-1320 incfuded the Neighborhood STAR Board's recommendation to fund the Metropolitan State University Library Skyway/East 7`" Footbridge in the year 2000. Current STAR and budget staff were aware of this future funding commitment therefore the allocation was not included in Cycle 6's (year 00) STAR Resolution. Metropolitan State is now in a position to begin construction and wishes to get under contract for both the library construction grant of $500,000 and the $200,000 grant for the East 7` Skyway/Footbridge. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DTSADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: ' � DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $ ZOO�OOO COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: FvrmsresouxcE: Neighborhood STAR Program ac�riviTVrrun�Ex: From: P7-930-90305-0547-77160 To: P7-930-90306-0547-77158 � 3�i3��.3 �/ FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIIV) aa . �`�-� Bob Hammer �J� � City ofi Saint Paul Department of Planning & Economic Development � M�' — �u0`( P��-�-� �'` P2.�.e�s� �i x wcL --� �..t�—o , �� �—� � �'� srrKP�to�J . �— ��.—��� --�Ic��.�-� � � p �c�� �v��'��► �°� � ���S�U��`''��iJ� 1C►Joc� � ..p�oc.�.i - - f� Na•v t�.�.�r' — 1400 City Hall Annex Phone: 651-266-6693 25 West Fourth Street Fax: 651-228-3220 St. Paul, MN 55102-1622 email: bob.hammerCcr�ci.st�sul.mn.us