D002267CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No: Doa aa� � City c�erk SUDGET REV{SION �ate: /{—/ � Finance oept ADMINISTRAT4VE ORDER, Consistent with the authority grented to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter the Dlrector Ot the Department Ot Planning & EcOnOmiC DevelOpment �equests aUthOnzatiOn t0 Spon50� the BIO 2003 Exhibft Space at the BIO Conterence t� Exposition to be heltl in Washington D.C., June 22 to June 25, 20U3. WHEREAS, the BIO Conference & F�pasition is a national eventwhich will focus on the expanding biotech industry, and provide a unique venue and opportuniry for the City to present the advantages of expanding and lopting businesses in Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, the goal of participating in this event is to establish new business contacts, present new business partnership opportunites, and encourage business expansion with Saint Paul; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED; that the Department of Planning and Economic Development is authorized to contribute the sum of $5,000.00 to MNBIO from account P6-126-36075-0299-64621. • 3 ���03 e@,r d 6: Ac vity anager ate equeste y: epa ment irector ate)� 1-��i� �/3 f/6j Approved by: Dir or of Financial Services (Date) \ J ���aaa� � P� -���. �u►c�s ,�, ... , a:i� 3-�t-o3 TOTAL �OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET ��� No 102099 ��. FoR ❑ aRwnou6v � anamR _ � w1MltUti6RMCFiG/C ❑ n4111GLaERY/ACtTa ❑wvoRta�wasuurtl ���*`�'_+c (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) „_„� �PPP�t7t�PCC- �F -PcDi�t�N. ORO� W1Lt� ,�t,pt� ��-�-�s Q.�-t,��.oN ►� -,-� a�3 ��o �oN��. � ��51`Clo►J '"Co �� -t-�Eg-� �1J �.4���ttrNG7o1J� DC _ o� ���a -��as. PLANNING CAMMISSION q8 COMMI7TEE CML SERVICE CAMMISSION tSONAL SERVICE CONiRACfS MUST ANSWER iXE FOLLAWING Q Has this Personlfirm eoer workeG under a con�act for thie depaAment? YES NO Has fhis DeB�rm ever heen a cilY empbyeeT , YES NO Does ihis perswufirm poaeess a sltill not namallYP� �' airy curren[ ciry empbyee? VES NO Is tlea peispilfirtn a targetetl veridoY! YES NO �Jk��1'1Gt PA�� 11-� T{-F � F`(o�-vo 3�j t O Go N�°6- - �cPO�ii�'ioi..7 w�i.c.. QR.OU ��E �P<N EX�'�'�'�" oPPdiZ`ruN�t FOR `�K. G!'�"'N �a St�OWC ITS '�ON•�"C��ME�i� �'O�Es�T"I `k- �tJ�(!L� gc.t5� �1�5 - Ia LoG�'cE i-t�CLE N�a oF rwwsacnoH t S � OOd . 00 SOURCE :,IAL INFORMnnoN (FxPwN� COST/REVENUEBUOGETED(qRCLEONh7 � NO ACTNI7YNUMBER �`�'� �O�`� ���� �. �.y�a 1 3�a-s�o3 �