Agenda 12-21-1994Page 1 of 7
December 21, 1994 - 3:30 - 5:00 P.M.
City Hall and Court House
15 West Kellogg Boulevard
Nancy Anderson, Assistant Secretary to the Council
Mary Erickson, Clerical Support - 266 -8565
Office of the City Council
Web Index
• Consent Agenda
• For Action
• Administrative Orders
• Commitee Reports
• Commitee Referrals
• For Discussion
• Ordinances
• Public Hearings
Douglas Street from the south right -of -way of Grand Avenue approximately 88 feet south to the
northern most point of the radius of the cul -de -sac, and a portion of a public alley from the south right -
of -way of Grand Avenue approximately one hundred fifty -five feet south to the easterly extension of the
south line of Lot 12, Block 3, Samuel Leach's addition. (For referral to the Real Estate Division for
check as to form and sufficiency)
4.Letter from the Ramsey County Department of Taxation transmitting Application AM 94 -2943, 155
Wabasha Street South, for reduction of assessed valuation of real estate. (Real Estate Division
recommends approval)
5.Letter from the Division of Public Health declaring 659 Conway Street as "nuisance property ". (For
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notification purposes only; public hearing will be scheduled at a later date if necessary.)
6.Letters from the Division of Public Health declaring 15 Acker Street West, 484 Edmund Avenue, 35
Geranium Avenue West, 475 Whitall Street, and 944 Woodbridge Street as "nuisance properties" and
setting dates of hearings before the LegislativeHearing Officer on January 3, 1995, and before the City
Council on January 11, 1995.
7.Letter from the Department of Planning and Economic Development announcing date of public
hearing for January 4, 1995, in the matter of the application of Robert Schoonover (Burger King) to
rezone property from RT -2 (residential) to B -3 (general business) to allow additional lot area for
development of a fast food restaurant at 16 Douglas Street.
8.Letter from the Office of the City Attorney announcing date of public hearing before the City Council
for January 18, 1995, on the report of the Administrative Law Judge pertaining to licenses held by
Arbuckle's Bar & Grill, 374 St. Peter Street.
9.Administrative Orders:
. D00369 Amending the 1994 budget in the Office of Human Resources by transferring money to
accurately reflect spending in the appropriate object codes.
. D00370 Amending the 1994 budget in the Police Department by transferring $2,800 between
account codes to purchase a personal computer for the Target Range.
. D00371 Amending the 1994 budget in the Police Department by transferring $4,000 from the
overtime budget to the services portion of the Police Youth Liaison grant.
. D00372 Amending the 1994 budget in the Office of LISP to reflect proper accounting for salary
and fringe benefit expenses.
. D00373 Amending the 1994 budget in the Department of Public Works fringe benefit budget of
the Street Repair and Cleaning Fund.
. D00374 Addition of $5,441 to the contract for Municipal Stadium Phase II Restrooms and
Concessions Addition.
. D00375 Amending the 1994 budget in the Division of Parks and Recreation to reflect proper
accounting for fringe benefits and purchase of new computer.
. D00376 Amending the 1994 budget of the City Council by transferring funds from Services and
Supplies to Data Processing Hardware.
. D00377 Amending the 1994 budget in the Department of Public Works /Street Repair and
Cleaning Fund to assist with Bay West's costs at the Dale Street complex.
. D00378 Amending the 1994 budget in the Office of LISP to balance year -end general fund budget
for salaries.
. D00379 Amending the 1994 budget in the Office of LISP to balance the special fund budget.
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. D00380 Amending the 1994 budget in the Office of LISP to balance the general fund activity
. D00381 Amending the 1994 budget in the Department of Public Works by transferring spending
authority within the Sewer Service Enterprise Fund to where spending is projected to occur before
the end of the year.
. D00382 Amending the 1994 budget in the Division of Public Health by transferring spending
authority between various general fund activities.
IO.Resolution - 94 -1264 - Approving renewal of Off Sale Liquor License by The Mao Family Corp, dba
Wolter Brothers Pharmacy & Liquor, 438 West University Avenue. (ID 458841) (Laid over indefinitely
September 14) (Recalled and laid over from December 14)
1 l.Resolution - 94 -1769 - Approving renewal of an On Sale Liquor -C, Sunday On Sale Liquor and
Restaurant -B License by Leo Gadbois, dba Cognac McCarthy's Grill, 162 North Dale Street. (ID
415078) (Laid over from November 14 for adoption)
12.Resolution - 94 -1770 - Approving renewal of various Class III Licenses by: Minnesota Mutual
Parking Ramp, 400 Robert Street North; City Walk Ramp, 69 7th Street East; Dale Service Center, 99
Hyacinth Avenue West; and Lowertown Municipal Ramp, 316 Jackson Street. (ID 410408- 71456) (Laid
over from December 14 for adoption.
13.Resolution - 94 -1771 - Approving renewal of various Class III and Supporting Licenses by: Hmong
Auto Service, 789 Rice Street; Commodore Squash Club, 79 Western Avenue North; Auto Works, 1196
7th Street East; Metro Automotive, 675 Snelling Avenue North; and P & R Repair, 933 Atlantic Street.
(ID 410069- 92323) (Laid over from
December 14 for adoption)
14.Resolution - 94 -1772 - Approving the appointments, by Mayor Coleman, of Pacyinz Lyfoung,
Namoch Sokhom, Carlos Gallego, and Padee Yang to the New Americans Advisory Committee. (Laid
over from December 14 for adoption)
15.Resolution - 94 -1773 - Approving the appointments, by Mayor Coleman, of Pacyinz Lyfoung and
Thomas Heinl to the Truth -in- Housing Board of Evaluators. (Laid over from December 14 for adoption)
16.Resolution - 94 -1812 - Approving the appointment, by Mayor Coleman, of Ruth Blackman to the
Skyway Governance Committee. (To be laid over one week for adoption)
17.Resolution - 94 -1813 - Approving the reappointments of Louis Greengard, Jay Zack, Donna Funk,
Dick Lee, and the appointments of Dick Hanson, Rolf Middleton, Theodore Madden, Mark Butala, and
Calvin Hilton, by Mayor Coleman, to the Saint Paul Private Industry council. (To be laid over one week
for adoption)
18.Resolution - 94 -1814 - Approving the reappointments of Ann Seifert, Margaret Demco, Barbara
Stone, Signe Masterson, and Jean Hammink, and the appointments of Leonard Jackson, and Randi
Mitchell, by Mayor Coleman, to the Saint Paul Overnight Shelter Board. (To be laid over one week for
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19.Resolution - 94 -1782 - Amending the Civil Service Rules regarding Eligible Lists. (Laid over from
December 14 for adoption)
20.Resolution 94 -1811 - Authorizing the Saint Paul Police Department to enter an amendment to extend
the agreement with the State of Minnesota for the intra- governmental transfer of Sergeant Debbie
Montgomery. (Laid over from December 14)
21.Resolution - 94 -1815 - Amending the 1994 budget in the Division of Parks and Recreation by adding
$12,500 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Fund 334 - Municipal Stadium.
22.Resolution - 94 -1816 - Finalizing City Council action taken on November 30, 1994, approving the
preliminary and final plat for Midway Shopping Center to allow recording of separately described lease
23.Resolution - 94 -1817 - Finalizing City Council action taken on November 30, 1994, approving the
Registered Land Surveys for Travelers Insurance Company to simplify the legal descriptions in
recording the various ownerships and air rights.
24.Resolution - 94 -1818 - Finalizing City Council action taken on December 7, 1994, approving the
Registered Land Survey for Michael and Doris Vogt to allow property deeds to be recorded with
Ramsey County.
25.Resolution - 94 -1819 - Amending the 1994 budget in the Department of Planning and Economic
Development /Workforce Development Division by adding $36,000 of grant money received from the
Bigelow Foundation to provide training services to the Rivertown Trading Company.
26.Resolution - 94 -1820 - Authorizing carryforward of unused private activity bond volume cap.
27.Resolution - 94 -1821 - Adjusting 1994 debt service budget to pay debt obligations on refunded 1976
Urban Renewal Bonds, 1993 Urban Renewal Refunding Bonds, 1993 Civic Center Refunding Bonds,
and also to adjust activity code for call on 1984 Water Pollution Abatement Bonds.
28.Preliminary Order - 94 -1822 - In the matter of eliminating the driveway and replacing with B -624
curb and gutter at 782 Marshall Avenue, and setting date of public hearing for February 8, 1995.
29.Resolution 94 -211 - Allowing the City to require residency as a term of employment for new
employees. (For withdrawal; housekeeping matter - Substitute Resolution 94 -1065 was adopted on
September 28, 1994)
30.Resolution - 94 -1476 - Establishing sanitary and storm sewer charge rates for 1995.
(Finance and Budget Committee recommends approval)
31.Resolution - 94 -1823 - Supporting priorities for the 1995 Legislative session. (For referral to the IGR
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32.Resolution - 94 -1824 - Adopting the annual tax levy.
33.Resolution - 94 -1825 - Approving the City Legislative Agenda.
34.Resolution - 94 -1686 - Amending the Civil Services Rules by striking out in its entirety Section 5.1),
Residence. (This resolution was adopted by the City Council on November 30, 1994 and vetoed by the
Civil Service Commission on December 5, 1994)
35.Resolution - 94 -1826 - Directing the Saint Paul public libraries to identify possible redesign to cut
administrative costs by at least 9 %.
36.Resolution - 94 -1827 - Directing the Division of Parks and Recreation to examine the necessity for
full -time permanent employees in activities that are seasonal in nature.
37.Resolution - 94 -1828 - Authorizing the issuance of an RFP to contract for City payroll services.
38.Resolution - 94 -1829 - Directing the Police and Fire Departments to present a plan to consolidate
telecommunications to the City Council by June 30, 1995.
39.Resolution - 94 -1830 - Authorizing an agreement between the City and Ramsey County for joint
purchase of asphalt, use retained earnings dedicated to new construction of asphalt plant to the general
fund, and arrange for public sale of asset.
40.Resolution - 94 -1831 - Directing the Administration to develop, by June 30, 1995, a City policy for
transportation that makes utilization and practice recommendations uniform for all City employees.
41.Resolution - 94 -1832 - Directing the Administration to set standards for supervisors and the ratio of
people managed by one supervisory, by March 31, 1995.
42.Resolution - 94 -1833 - Eliminating the City match of up to $2,000 per year for the deferred
compensation plan for 56 employees.
43.Final Adoption - 94 -1658 - An ordinance amending Chapter 409 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code
creating an extended service license allowing on -sale liquor establishments to remain open after required
liquor service hours for the purpose of food service and entertainment. (Substitute introduced December
44.Final Adoption - 94 -1659 - An ordinance amending Section 410.04 of the Saint Paul Legislative
Code creating an extended service license allowing on -sale liquor establishments to remain open after
required liquor service hours for the purpose of food service and entertainment.
45.Final Adoption - 94 -1660 - An ordinance amending Chapter 411 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code
creating an extended service license allowing on -sale liquor establishments to remain open after required
liquor service hours for the purpose of food service and entertainment, clarifying zoning requirements
and consolidating license classification.
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46.Final Adoption - 94 -1661 - An ordinance amending Section 243.01 of the Saint Paul Legislative
Code allowing on -sale liquor establishments with an extended service license to remain open until 3:00
a.m. for the purpose of food service and entertainment.
47.Final Adoption - 94 -1716 - An ordinance designating the Burbank Rowhouse, 277 -283 Goodrich
Avenue, for heritage preservation.
48.Final Adoption - 94 -1718 - An ordinance designating St. Agatha's Conservatory of Music and Art,
also known as the Exchange Building, 26 East Exchange Street, for heritage preservation.
49.Final Adoption - 94 -1719 - An ordinance designating the Weber House, 202 McBoal Street, for
heritage preservation.
50.Final Adoption - 94 -1720 - An ordinance designating the Joseph Brings House, 178 Goodrich
Avenue, for heritage preservation.
51.Final Adoption - 94 -1722 - An ordinance designating the Messerli House, 1216 East Seventh Street,
for heritage preservation.
52.Final Adoption - 94 -1723 - An ordinance designating the Smith Building, 225- 229 -1/2 West Seventh
Street, for heritage preservation.
53.Final Adoption - 94 -1724 - An ordinance designating Charles Thompson Memorial Hall, 1824
Marshall Avenue, for heritage preservation.
54.First Reading - 94 -1834 - An ordinance amending Chapter 86 ofthe Saint Paul Administrative Code
to provide for alternate signatures for the Mayor and the Director of the Department of Finance and
Management Services on City contracts.
55.First Reading - 94 -1835 - An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 13534 approved January 31, 1967,
by adding that Quirnia Avenue, bounded by St. Paul Avenue and Edgcumbe Road become a one -way
street (eastbound).
56.Third Reading - 94 -1747 - An ordinance affirming the decision of the City Council on November 9,
1994, to approve a petition of Gilbert Sceli (Hearmore Company) to rezone property located at 1445
White Bear Avenue from R -4 to OS -1. (Public hearing held November 9)
57.Resolution - 94 -1836 - Approving application for an On Sale Liquor -B, Sunday On Sale Liquor and
Entertainment -III License by Jazzville, Inc., dba Jazzville (Rosie L. Daniels), 486 North Robert Street.
(ID 415902)
58.Resolution - 94 -1837 - Approving application for a Second Hand Dealer Motor Vehicle License by
Value Auto Mart of MN Inc., dba Value Auto Mart of St. Paul (James C. Carter), 1428 West 7th Street.
(ID 485042)
59.Resolution - 94 -1838 - Approving application for a General Repair Garage License by W Bees Auto
(Ward D. Jefferson), 809 Selby Avenue.(ID 431818)
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60.Resolution - 94 -1768 - Establishing parking regulations near the intersection of Dale Street and
Lafond Avenue. (Laid over from December 14)
61.Resolution - 94 -1839 - Approving currency exchange license application of The Unbank Company,
467 -469 St. Peter Street.
62.Resolution - 94 -1840 - Approving currency exchange license application of The Unbank Company,
1098 University Avenue.
63.Resolution - 94 -1841 - Honoring and remembering Anthony J.Crea.
Roll Call
Old Business
1.Unified Lending Process and Approval of Guidelines
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