D002255r C I T Y 0 F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ��ed �aPies W: - Ciry Cierk (Originaq - Finance Dept's Accountlng Division - Police Dept Accounfing Unit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 � 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No: Date: WIIEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department's Volunteer Services and Community Services Units are seelang endorsement to sponsor a banquet in St. Paul, for the department's volunteer groups. Date is to be determined at a later time. These volunteers provided thousands of hours of free labor this past year, and WHEREAS, the purpose of this banquet is to recognize the services that these groups provide to the City of Saint Paul and the Police Department. Public events in Saint Paul such as the Winter Carnival, Taste of Minnesota, Grand O►d Day, etc. would not be possible without the support and services of these volunteers. They are also responsible for providing security and traffic control at all of the festivals, local parades and similar events throughout the city, and WHEREAS, the only recognition these volunteers receive is the awards banquet and it is important to the moral oFthese groups that time is taken to recognize their contributions. Awards and plaques are presented at the banquet to those volunteers who contribute the most, which is an incentive to the rest of the volunteers. Room rental, decorations, and meals are needed for this banquet, and WHEREAS, the public purpose of this event is to recognize volunteer groups that provide security and traffic conYrol at public events in Saint Paal, and NOW, BE IT ORDERED, the proper City Officials are hereby authorized to pay for costs associated with the above mentioned banquet, �ot to exceed $10,000.00 �� 3-� �� App y: CityAttor ey Da[e •': 2003volunteerbanquet.ao ' D 'UiTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED � Police zia�ioz GREEN SHEET No. 204598 (/ CANTACT ERSON & PHONE INfML/D INff7ALIDATE C}lief Willianl Finney 292-3588 1 oernrtirar meECroa arccouxa� MU57 BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) PLOCCSSAJAP I i KIiYATTORNEY �� I Y IGTiCLERK f�� V� �iM4NCU1L5ERVILESWt_ �FlWlLWLSERV/ACCiG � pwYOR(ORASSLSTANi) �RIGH�S i�� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED Approval of the attached Administrative Order authorizing the Saint Paul Police Department to pay for expenses related to a_Volunteer Appreciation Banquet. REC�MMENDATI�N APpcoYe (A) Of RejeCt (R) PERSOWAI SERYICE GOPITRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOIIOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this perso�rm ever worked under a contract tor this deparimeM? PLANNING COMMISSION YeS No CIB COMMITTEE 2, Has this persaNfirm ever been a city employee? CIVI� SERVICE COMMISSION YES No 3. Does this perso�rm possess a skill not normaliy possessed by any curren[ city employee� YES NO 4. Is ihis persoNfirm a targeted vendoR YES NO E<plain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach �o green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) Every yeaz, the Community/Volunteer Services Unit sponsors a banquet for the Deparunent's volunteer groups. These volunteers provided over 30,000+ hours of free labor in 2002 and trus is the only f�ae � e�c �ive. The cost of the banquet will be appro�mately $10,000.00. � G �••� MAR 0 0 2003 ADVAN7AGESIFAPPROVED This is the only v�hicle we have to recognize the tremendous service that these groups provide to the City of Saint Paul and the Police Department. Every public event in Saint Paul such as the Winter Carnival, Taste of Minnesota, Grand Old Days, etc., enjoys the support of these events. It is very important to the morale of these groups that we take Ume to recognize their contributions. We also present awards and plaques at the banquet. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED Without the support of this function, the volunteers will undoubtediy begin to feel that they are not appreciated. The likely result would be significant attrition in memberslrip. With the increase of activities in Saint Paul, such an atffition would be devasting to our ability to address the growing numher of events. ' TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ $10,000.00 COST/REVENUE BU9GETED (CIRC�E ONE) YES NO � FUNDING SOURCE General Fund (001) ACTIVITY NUMBER 04309 FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) 2003volunteerbanquetao