D002254CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAY012 ADMIlVISTRATIVE ORDER • A/� �G No: _ � � qC .�! Date: ✓'�D — (�3 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, that pursuant to Chapter 86.03 of Administrative Code, the proper City officials aze hereby authorized to execute the following lease agreements that are one year or less in duration. V endor City Academy at Wilder City Academy at Phalen Lakeside Dist. 12 St. Anthony Park Coznm. Council Dist. 14 Edgcumbe Macalester / Groveland Dist. 14 Kids Park at Groveland District 1 Community Council District 15 Highland District Council District 16 Summit Hill Association Equity Home Services - North End Multi - S Jane Addams School for Democracy Lex Ham Community Council - Dunning North End News Ramsey County Human Services �A.P. A.P. Headstart at Baker Headstart at Rice �A Neighbor to Neighbor St. Paul Youth Services, Inc. - Rice Teatro del Puebro at Baker West Side Safe Neighborhood at Baker APPROVED AS TO FORM `9���� ( � �i � nssisraN. ciry ncwmey Date r� -� � � �� Lease Date 07/Ol/02 - 06/30/03 09/Ol/02 - 08/31/03 01/Ol/03 - 12/31/03 01/O1/03 - 12/31/03 Ol/O1/03 - 12/31/03 Ol/Ol/03 - 12/31/03 Ol/Ol/03 - 12/3I/03 Ol/O1/03 - 12/31/03 Ol/Ol/03 - 12/31/03 04/Ol/03 - 12/31/03 Ol/Ol/�3 - 12/31f03 Ol/Ol/03 - 12/31/03 O1fO1f03 - 12131f03 Ol/Ol/03 - 12/31/03 08/01/02 - 07f31l03 01/Ol/03 - 12/31/03 01/01103 - 12/31/03 Ol/Ol/03 - 12/31/03 Ol/01/03 - 12/31/03 c�S Uu.�c�-s1 Lease Description Wilder Rec. - Charter School Space Phalen Lksd. - Charter School Space So. St. Anthony Rec. - Office Space Edgcumbe Rec. Ctr. - Office Space Groveland Rea Ctr. - Office Space Conway Rea Ctr. - Office Space Hillcrest Rec. Ctr. - Office Space Linwood Rec. Ctr. - Office Space Rice Rec. Ctr. - Office Space Baker Rea Ctr. - Office Space Dunning Rec. Ctr. - Office Space Rice Rec. Ctr. - Office Space Rice Rec. Ctr. - Office Space Baker Rea Ctr. - Office Space Rice Rec. Ctr. - Office Space Rice Rec. Ctr. - Office Space Rice Rec. Ctr. - Office Space Baker Rec. Ctr. - Office Space Baker Rec. Ctr. - Office Space r � � �A� 1�� (� / ���dd5� DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATEINITIq"fED GREEN SHEET ��/ S j NO. 203348 Parks and Recreation 02/07/03 ,y CONTACT PERSON AND PHONE INITIA4DATE INITIAUDAiE Bierscheid 266 - 6409 � J WN �DEPARTTAENT DIflECTOR // � CIN COUNCIL NUMBERFOR ROUi1NG � � CRY HTTORNEY CIiY CLEFK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA 6Y (DAlEI NA FINANCIAL SERVICES DIF. � FINANCIAlSERV/ACCTG � MAVOR 10R ASSISTANI) � J�/O t�✓�V TOTAL # OF SIGNANRE PAGES GLIP ALL LOGATIONS FOR SIGNANRE� ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of the attached Administrative Order authorizing proper-city otticials in the Division of Parks and Recreation to execute all lease agreements that mature in 2003, and are one year or less in duration, pursuant to Chapter 86.03 of the Administrative Code. RECOMMEN�ATIONS: Approve IA) or Re�ect (R� PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRt1CTS MUST ANSWEfl THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNMG COMMISSION L Has [his person/tirm ever worked under a conttact for ffiis tlepartmenN CIB COMMITTEE YES NO QVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a mty employee� A Staff YES NO 3 Does [his persoNfirm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any current nry employee) YES NO 4. , is tM1is persoNfirm a tar9ered vendor? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sM1aei antl aRacM1 to green sheeY. IATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (Who, WhaY, When, Where, Why� According to Chapter 86.03 of the Administrative Code, all leases of one year or less in duration shall be initiated and authorized by the Administrative Order. ADVANTAGES IF APPftOVED: Upon approval, the process of enteri�g into leases and receiving payments from the lease agreements will be initiated. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: - ^ �� � 1 � L°s None. FER ' n ?€��3 DISADVANTAGES IP NOT APPftOVED ' �� ,� � 9 *...P � �1 E ! E The division would be unable to enter into lease agreements of a one year duration or less. TOTA� AMOUNT OF TflAN5ACT10N $ COST/PEVENUE BUDGETED �QRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER �] NQAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) � FTyC��'�j��i. ���{�i� P`!e EA €3 �' �' s fa � ��il� G: I FMI WPI /ease2002. wpd