D002242CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMIlVIS'I'RATIVE ORDER • No: d�DD a a �a Date: � — � — v � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, That the proper City officials aze hereby authorized and directed to participate in Senior Citizen events and classes where food is served. These evenu or classes aze centered azound the production of ineals or have food as part of the activity. Currently there are 25 named events or classes some of wluch meet multipl� ttimes per year. These events and ciasses are part of the senior programs offered to Saint Paul residents for the purpose of education, fun, self esteem, self reliance, a sense of social belonging and the elimination of boredom and loneliness. i APPROVED AS TO FORM � � .�� � ��� � � Assis[ant City Attorney V 1�/� n -►-, �i ,. DEPARTMENT/OFFICFJCAUNCIL DATEINRIATED GREEN SHEET ��� NO. 200501� , Parks and Recreation 1-13-03 COMACT PERSON AND PHONE INRIALIDATE INITIAUDATE �/inCe Gillespie 266-6408 � DEPARiMENTDIRECTOR .� �� _CfTYCOUNGL ASSIGN NU0.SFRFOR 2 CT'ATTORNEY 4 CfIYCLERK _ TBEONCAUNqLAGENDABY(DAT� gp�� Q ��p 3 FINANCIALSERVICESDIR MAYOR(ORA&SiSTANT) 5 Parks TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (CL1P ALL LOCA710N5 WR SIGNATUR� ACTION REQUESTED: Approve administrative order with Saint Paul Parks and Recreation authorizing City officials to participate in Senior Citizen events and classes where food is served. REfAMMENDATIONS: Approve(A)orRe�ect(R) PERSONALSERVICECOPl�RACTSMUSTANSWERTXEFOLLONANGQUESTIONS: PLANNMGCOMMISSION _CNILSERVICECAMMISSION — 1. Hasihisperson/fifineverwoMCetluntleracontraGiorthistlepartmenl'+ _CIBCOMMITTEE _ YES NO {� STAFF 2. HasNispersoNfirtneverbeenacrtyertployee? DISTRICTCOUNCIL �'ES NO — — 3. Does ihis personffrtn possess a skill not normally possessetl by any wRent ary employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCAUNCILOBJECTIVE� YES NO FnpWin all yes answers on sepa2M sheet antl altach M green shcet. INRIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPoRTUNITY (Who, What, When. Where. Why): These events or classes are centered around the production of ineals or have food as part of the activity. Currently, there are 25 named events or classes some of which meet multiple times per year. These events and classes are part , of the senior programs offered to Saint Paul residents for the purpose of education, fun, seif esteem, self reliance, a , sense of social belonging and the elimination of boredom and loneliness. � ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: . DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVEO' None R Ec �'v L� � JAN 2 2 200� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: C� , T/'��O R N E A TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION COST/REVENUEBUDGEfED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIALINFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) . • List of events where food is served that may include staff: Senior Royalty Luncheon Senior Royalty Judging Senior Royal Courts Dinner Brunch Club - 24 Cazd Toumaments - 2 Hiking Club Winter Trek & Pot Luck Tours - 20 Music E}ctravaganza Cooking Classes - 3 Volunteer Banquet City wide Picnic & Cruise Golf Tournament Hiker's Pot Luck Chorus Picnic Senior Royalty Picnic Senior Royalty - Minneapolis-St. Paul Get togethers - 2 Big Band Spectaculaz Hiker's Bonfire Advisory Group Meetings - 15 . Health Fairs or Presentations - 6 Bowling Pot Luck & Holiday Party Chorus Holiday Party Hiker's Holiday Party New Year's Celebration �