D002238� � City of Saint Paul Office of the Mayor No: �JDDaa,3$' Date: a-y 3 Administrative Order • • Approved Copies to: - City Clerk - Financial Services — Accounting - Requesting Department Whereas, The Marketing & Promotions Division has developed a layered marketing approach designed to celebrate and highlight Saint Paul as a great place to live, work and play; and; Whereas, The Marketing & Promotions Division has effectively partnered with organizations to mount a successful year of promotions that attract visitors from 50 states and more than 53 countries; and WHEREAS, the Marketing and Promorions Division has effectively partnered with organizarions and districts to launch another successful year of promotions that attract visitars from various communities; and WHEREAS, the "Actors Theater of MN" is an event that attracts numerous visitors to Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, the City will provide supplies, materials and advertising in the amount of $1,400.00 to aid in promoting the "Actors Theater of MN" as a community-wide event that serves the public purpose ofpromoting the City of Saint Paul; and THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED, that the proper city official are authorized to pay amounts not to exceed $1,400.00 from the existing Marketing and Promotions budget to continue to promote events and activities that fiu showcase Saint Paul as a great place to live, wark and play. ....: :i� � • •' i ! � Date .ii DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCII,: City C1erkJMarketing & Promotions DATE INITIATED � GREEN SHEET Ol/27/03 No.:103474 v D�a°2� � CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: 17�7TIA1✓�ATE INITInWDATE K ay Bu 266-8695 � 1 DEPnx.I D�x , crrr covrrcu. MUST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) �SIGN � CTTY ATLORNEY� _ CITY CLERK N[7MBER � FINANCIAL SERV DIIL FINANCIAL SERV/ACCTG FOR MAYOR(ORASST.) _CNII,SERVICECOMMISSION RO[7TING ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES _(CL7P ALL L OCAT ION S FOR S IGNA'I'[JRE) ACT[ON REQUESTED: Granting spending authority not to exceed $1,400 to the Actor's Theater for Christmas Cazol Supplies RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject �) PLANNING COMMISSION CIB CAMMITTEE CNII. SERVICE COMMISSION PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS M[JST AIVSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a conhact for this departrnent? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any wrrent ciry employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach [o greeu sheet INTTIATiNG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORI'[JNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why) Requesting spending authority to provide supplies, matenals and advertising -the Actors Theater of MN Chrishnas Cazol ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: A strong sense of community will conrinue ���EIVED DISADVANI'AGES IF APPROVED: NONE DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Future attractions will be in jeopardy TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $1400.00 FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund a � � WST/REVENUE BUDGETED: No ACTIVITY NUMBER: 00252 FROM :Coll'.nsw ATM 1Q43 Gr.�nd Avq #291 Mim�ca}u�lis,MN SSt05 A(14RS iNEATfR 612961-7311 Of MINNESOTh INVO/CE � � -� : C������L __----- � Actors 'I�h.eater of �VIl� Invoice No. � /� �uscomer Name Cify of St. F�aui- Attn: Carl Kuhi __ Atltlress 15 West Kellogg Btvd City St. Paui State MN ZIP 55]02 �Phone � FAX N0. :612-724-3563 Jan. 22 2003 11:50PM P1 1 � J as Carof SuppliesHarriet Isfantl Pavition- Decorations Rental Date 1/22103 Order No. ` _ T Rep FOB- - -..._-----...__�. i Unit Price I TOTAI I $1,400.00 51,400.OQ - $1. . o�...�... ...:..,��� �O Cash O Check O Credit Card Name CC # T � ^ Expifes ____ Shipping & Handfing Taxes �Office t}se Ortty � J ii •