D002237n U City of Saint Paul Office of the Mayor Administrative Order • Approved Copies to: - City Clerk - Financial Services — Accounting No: �OU �a3 7 Date: ��a��"� � G S. �%0 .� 3 7 3 - Requesting Deparhnent WHEREAS, the Marketing & Promotions Division has developed a layered marketing approach designed to celebrate and highlight Saint Paul as a great place to live, work and play; and; WHEREAS, the Marketing & Promotions Division has effectively partnered with organizations to mount a successfixl yeaz of promotions that attract visitors from 50 states and mare than 53 countries; and WIlEREAS, the City of Saint Paul will be hosting the 2003 Winter Carnival Minnesota Mayoral Reception in Saint Paul; WHEREAS, this reception is a great opportunity for Mayors from throughout the State to gather and meet one another, as well as a chance for Saint Paul to showcase its many amenities to Mayors and their families throughout the state; and THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED, that the proper city officials are authorized to pay $200.00 from the existing Marketing and Promotions budget to Mark Stillman for providing entertainment for the Mayoral Reception. APPROVED AS TO FORM Ci ttorney . �ti� �3 Date • ., � . " � - is-o3 I GREEN SHEET &� u a�� -sr6 �s ' ""�°•. " �. o� ��� CILAGBJMBY (M7q ,Do� aa3 � No 103373 _ V"" wreotwrt �arcwnanar • + ❑rnrc�cuc R0�lTYK �� wMMCJILLaFAYCFSOR wMMO11tmMACRa_ ❑ YYOR(OltAffiGMl) ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CIJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) �h��-� �'c� Qu�-hor�i� ���m��-1- -�o ►'�(�rK. S-F-iI)mpn � �1't� Q� �k�Ura� �cc�p�T't�1v c� �DO.00 PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S =� �' a. G' O IG SOURCE f 1'f..Y�c.�^4.I L�.( v� (�/ Q(� otS 2 '�L INFORMATON (IXPWN) Has tnis persoMrtn e✓erworlad urMer a conaxt rormis tlepammenn VES NO Has this pereoMrm ever 6em a city empbyee7 YES NO Does this peisoMrm poesess a sldll not noimallypos5esseE by any curreM city employee7 VES NO' 1a this pnsoMrtn atar9�d vendoR YES NO COSTrttEVENUEBUDfiEfED(GRGLEON� AC71Vf(Y NUMBER YES NO , � � .. .. , , . . . , ' , �� ', , �. � ' . ' R073TINC:ORDER: . � � , � � BeYowareconectrontmgs#or�thesixmost&eqaeutiypes��dac�fs.," ' � � � r COI3TRACTS'(ass�mes aiithorized budget exists) COUt�iC�E;;RFSOF�UTfON (ameod budgets/eccept gr�(s •. .' E F ) � I Outsicle'ASeneA � 1 �D¢ecYar� 2 DepeEUmentDirector 2 O�ce�of,FmsnaalrSavicesDi�ctor, . 3 City Attoiney � � � � � � 3 C�Ly,A ; tto� �� � � � � �� � � 4. May�ltlssistsnt (f� cPnliacts rna $ZS>000) 4 Mayotfpswst�b' ,' � � �s. ��a� <� �� oo� sso,000)' � s c� co,�, . � �� � � � � � � � 6. Q�ceofFmsncialSesdices-Acco�tinB , 6 OfficeofF�nanbiel; ;�' , � � � � '' . � � nti�siiiaxivE oxDnzs �c��� :courrcti'�so�vrioz� (� �s�a ora;��s3 ; • •� � � 1: A�v� branagerorDepa�enf?.ccwmt�t 1 napmtmeotn;eector 2.'Dep�t:D'a�r ' . 2. Crtytlttomey i, , � � � 3.� �DffceofFinancialServicesD'seetor'� � � � 3 hfayor/�� ��',' � � � � � � 4 ,City Clerk,� , � �� � � � � � 4 Cfly Coimcal : " � � � � � � � � �, 5. Officz a£F�encial.Secvices � Accoimfing .' ' ADNIINISTRATIVE ORDERS all,othas , EXECUTIVE ORDEIt � ) � � � � � � i ,,�, � � � , ., ,. „i , � � � 1 I�pmtmeofbmectar , , t De�a�nt,DueQ°r � 2. Citp�AttnmeY ' 2 Crt9[Y{tome9' � � , ' 3. Office�'Finsncial'SecvicesDgector 3 ivfapor%A� , 4. Citp C'leilc ` � �� 4 CRg Cl�eik ` � � . � , TOTAL NUlu1BER OF SIGNATURE Pt1GES ' •, ' , IndicaYe The # of PaSes oawhich srSoat�ues'a�e Feqaieed �dPaPeMbP nr 8ag eacL of tliese pages' ,''; , � �, � � � � � � , ACTION,REQUESTED , Dcscn'bewhetthepio�edhequestseeksto,accomplis}c'inntherclannologiica�oider�� '«daof�portamx }vluchevecis , ; ,' moStappropnate twnte leke ;yecb ., ' � ` farthe�.'Dono • ' c�p . ,,,sentences.�Begmeach� , ' r � RE bflv�ID S � , CO ATION , Completeiftheisscemqvestiomhas,baeu,P����ffiY�Y P��'ce'Pn� � i ! ' „, PERSONAL SERYICE CONTRACTS: . This infoimati� wall be nsed to d�ine the city's liabili for wo�Cas.compensahon ctaims, taxes and propec civ�l „ � , � � � � � , seNice hiring mles' � IN1TfAT1NG PI20BLIIv� ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY ]aintl� �si{uslion,orc�itionsthatcr�a�edfoi o� , "'ectm�reqiYest � , �P, Y . P m� qYest „ , ADVANIA(�S IF APPROVID . „ . � . ,Indicsfe whetheithis is simply'-am m�nsl budBet,Ploceduze r�uu� i?Y law/cheeter � wh'ether there'`ffie specifiG ways in which the City ofiSamtPmilra¢d itc citizens wiH �benefit from this�,pmJa�t/acaam.,' DI3ADVANfAGES IF APPROi�ID ' ' ' I Whak;negative'effectsormsJ�"��8'�ifO�°�B�P�P���f�Prol��Pradace�f�t�5p6ssed � �� � (eg.,4e�c'delays;no�se tax �Fawhom7 VPhen7Fa�long2 �•" r, i' �� D7SADVANfAGES IF 130T APPROQFD � � � � �� �' � � � � � . � � achaai,is aot� � ved? Inabili to'deliver s'service?"Contmae , Whatwillbe��egative'cwseqqeacegi£thepromised , ePPIO, , tY e� � �h�gtt'�trsffie,noise;acc�enNtate?Losso€revenue2 � � � � � � " FINAAiCfAL IIvIPACT , must tnitoril�' infamah� on � he[e to fhe' �soe ya¢ are,addres9ng, m general }!ou mast �swer ��� Y� Y Provtde e[a " two'queshons�I3oar�ukis'it'gom�,�Yo'cost� W6ois8°mSto�pa�l � � ' �' ��, , , � � „ „ „ „ „ � �� � � � , � � � � , , �i y, � y � , , l�f i�'n�i i I I I i � � ��� � i 1 '', , � . .., i � l�� i .t .',. - I ,.J .., . . .li q,'.JI.�C�^1�I�f�I�G4�l�l��l 11.41:� I.A� . �tl��'I �II .� tk'h �r a ��..w � f I���.i�14� r i, '�➢d