D002233CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR AD�STRATIVE ORDER � ADMINIS"I"RATIVE ORDER, No: D 3 �.s.-� �ieo� Date: December 18. 2002 That the proper City officials aze hereby authorized to expend funds during 2003 on food and beverage p�chases for regular and subcomxnittee meetings of the Pazks and Recreation Commission held during what is normally lunch ar dinner time. Examples include the annual facility tour and annual retreat, each held from 4:30-9:00 p.m., and meetings of the Long-Range Pluuiing Subcommittee, held from 12:00-130 p.m. Total expense not to exceed: $750.00 Budget code: 03103 � APPROVED AS TO FORM � Department o inaacia! Seivices - D'uector • , 1 � �� ,�; �- , ,;=--�' t ; � �,�-� s-�- �' Departrnent Head °' �'�! '� ��. .� �1 4 -��' City A�ttomey � �'---- - U DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNQL Parks and Recreation COMACT PEftSON AND PHONE �Rossberg 266-6447 MUST BE ON COUNC�LAGEN�A 8Y (�ATE) January 13, 2002 TOTAL#OFSIGNANREPAGES � QIPALLLOCA71C1NSFORSIGNANRE) DATE INITIATED December 18, 2002 I N UMBFR FO a�,� RDER � s. � eloa�� GREEN SHEET �� NO. �- � INRIAL(DATE INRIPL�ATE /yJ,� ���� 1 DEPARiMENTDIRECTOR 8"_/R , `�' CRYCOUNCIL 2 GITYATTORNEY 4 CITYCLERK 3 FINM7CIAL SERVICES DIR. ❑ FlNANCIAL SERV/ACCTG ❑ MAYOR (ORASSISTANi) r J Rossberg 300 - CHA_ ACTION REQUESiE6. Signatures authorizing the proper City officials to expend an amount not to exceed $750.00 4or the purchase of food and beverages for �cial meetings of the Parks and Recreation Commission held during normal lunch and dinner hours. RECOMk1ENDATIONS. Approve(A)w0.e�eU(R) RECEI CON7RACTSMUSTANSWERTME __ PL4NNING COMMISSION _ CIB COMMIITEE qVIL SERVICE COMMISSION A STAFF DEC202002 CITY A� Has ihis perso�rm avcv worketl under a conhaM for this tlepariment? YES NO Has this persoNfirtn ever been a city employse? YES NO :} i Dces llris personlfirtn possess a skill irot nomralry possessetl by arry curteM dty empioyee? Y YES NO 4 Is ihis perswvFrm atargetetl ventlon VES NO Ezplain ail yes answers on separate sheet and atfach to green sheet INITIATMG PROBIEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN(Who, VJhat, VJhen, Whers, Why). The Parks and Recreation Commission occasionally holds meeting during normat lunch and dinner hours, at � ch times it is desirable to serve food and beverages. Examples include the annual facility tour and annual reat held from 4:40-9:00 p.m. and meetings of the Long-Range Planning Subcommittee held from 12:00- 1:30 p.,m. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED� Regular and subcommittee meetings of the Parks and Recreation Commission will be abie to be held during the lunch and.dinner hours when that is the most desirable time without obliging participants to either skip or delay a meai or bring their own food and beverages. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED� None. DISAOVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED The Parks and Recreation Commission wili be unabie to hoid regular or subcommittee meetings during the lunch or dinner hour when that is the most desirabie time without obliging participants to either skip or delay a meal or bring their own #ood and beverages. TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION� 7SO.00 COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO FUNDINGSOURCE Parks and Recreation Commission budqet ACTVITVNUMBER 03103 FINANqAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) n amount not to exceed $750.00 to be expended ftom 2003 budget.