D002228� City of Saint Paul O�ce of the Mayor Administrafive Order • Approved Copies to: - City Clerk - Financial Services — Accounting No: ���aaa� Date: ja�c?�0'Q� - Requesting Department Whereas, The Marketing & Promotions Division has developed a layered marketing approach designed to celebrate and highlight Saint Paul as a great place to live, work and play;and; Whereas, The Marketing & Promotions Division has effectively partnered with organizations to mount a successfixl year of promotions that attract visitors from 50 states and more than 53 countries; and Whereas, The City Mazketing and Promotions staff attended a retreat on Thursday, November 14"' to plan Marketing's 2003 special events as well as budgeting each event in order to continue to promote events and activities that further showcase Saint Paul as a great place to live, work and play. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED, that the proper city official are authorized to pay $175.18 from the existing Marketing and Promotions budget to the Holiday Inn Express for the use of their conference room and Pizza Factory for providing food. City �y �� \�. I - 1 ' b z'" Date � r'inanclal Services llirector DEPAR"C�[ENTlOF�'I�; ElCQUNCIL: City Clerk%1V1,arketing & Promotions f TaCT PERSOn & PFIO\E: � Bueto�v 266-8695 �SUSTBE"OVCOU�CILdGENA� B1 °e '� �` GREEN SHEET No.:202241 z 2���02 Do D aa � 8' [NITIALID�T£ tYITl9I,IIlATE � �DEPAATMENT DIR. CITY CO[J��C[L � aSSIGN 2 CITY ATTOLL�'EY � CI11' CLERIi �-- ����gE,� �FINANCIALSERVDIA. FINANCL4LSERV/ACCTG FOR MAYOR (OR ASST.) _ CNIL SERVICE CAMMISSION ROUTING ORAER TOTAL � OF SIG\ATIiRE PAGES _(CLIP ALL LOCATIOVS FOR SIGNdTURE) aCTION REQUESTED: Requestin� authority to process RECdMMENDATIONS. qpprove (A) or Rejec[ (R) PLANNING COMM[SSION CIB COMMIITEH CNIL SERVICE CONIMISSIOA� to Holiday Inn Express and Pizza Factory for Marketing Reh�eat PERSON�IL SERVICE CONTK4C1'S b10ST �1NS\VER THE FOLLO\Y[NC QUESTIONS: I Nas [his person/firm ever worked under a conhac[ for this department� Xes No 2 Has this person/firm evu been a ciry e�nployee� Yes No 3. Does this perso�/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any cuueo[ dty employee� Yes No Explai� all �-es answers on separate sheet and attach to grecn 9heet INTTId.T`[nG PROBLEDd, ISS1tE, OPPOR7'UNI"IF (�l'l�o, AVhat, A�'hen, AVhere, �Vhy): Marketing & Promotions aYtended a refreat on November 14`" to plan futm�e events. Matketing and Promotions budget needs authority to process payinent to Holiday Inn fixpress for use of their conference room and to Pizza Factory to cover the cost of lunch for staff of Marketing. ADVr1NTe1GES IF e1PPR0�`ED. Marketing Expeiases can be paid RECEfVED ����,� DEC 1 i 2462 DISAAVAATAGES IF APPROVLD NONE DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED Expenses cannot be paid DEC z�� 2oaz TOTAL dMOUnT OF TRANSACTION: $U+ 1S FliNDING SOURCE: Generat Fund FIN ANCIAL I1�FORMATION: COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: No 9CTIVITY NUMBER: OOti2