D002227. Approved Copies to: - Ciri Clerk (Original) - Finance Dept.'s Accounting Division - Requesting Dept. No: ���a 7 Date: /p�—oZ(D "L� o� 1 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department Training Unit is conducting a three day training course on 2 Standardized Field Sobriety Tests, and DWI Procedures for the Saint Paul Police Cadet Academy 2002. 3 4 WF�REAS, this course is scheduled for December 4, 5, i l, & 12, 2002, and will be conducted at the 5 Saint Paul Police Department, 100 E. Eleventh Street, Saint Paul, MN 55101. C� 7 WI�REAS, tlus training is specifically designed to train new police recruits the effects of alcoholic 8 beverages on people and the impairments it may cause, DWI Violations/Minnesota Statues and Standardized 4 Field Sobriety testing. Civilian Volunteers will be participants in this training. The training will be instructed and 10 supervised by trained law enforcement specialists. 11 12 WI�REAS, the public purpose of this training is to instruct new police recruits in DWI Violations & 13 Minnesota Statues and Standardized Field Sobriety testing. 14 � 5 Be it ordered that pursuant to the 2002 City Budget, the proper City Officials are hereby authorized 16 to remit an amount not to exceed $200.00 to Big Top Wine and Spirits, 1574 West University Ave. St. Paul, 17 Minnesota 55104 to cover expenses for alcoholic beverages and refreshments for civilian volunteers 18 participating in this training. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 23 A copy of said order is to be kept on file and of record in the Office of Financial Services. Funding source: Account code # 001-04340-0299-40016 L-� �3 �o�.. Date � �23� CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Approved by: Finance I7irector Date „:� iirv2ooz GREEN SHEET kIfTNVDATE 292-3588 r�"”' �oernmrExrwrsECrax� iNCIL AGEN A BY (DATE) ASAP �qRORHEY �` 1 JF �NRIICU�LSFRVICE501R� { WwYOR(ORASSISCANn_ Y�J TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES REQUESTED a of attached Administrarive Ozder aaa � No. 203520 INRIAVDATE ^, f ` C �� �r1NRNCINL SERV/ACGTG �RIGfrtS (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) 1. Has this person/firtn ever worked under a contract for this department? PLANNING COMMISSION ' YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this pereonlfirm ever bsen a city employee? CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION YES NO 3. Dces this persoNfirtn ppssess a skitl frot norcnalty possessed by any curreM ciry employee? YES NO 4. is this personlfirm a targetetl ventlOR YES NO 6cplain afl yes answers on sepa2te sheet and attach to green sheet ....._.._....�........,. �......,�......... �. . „ � ...� ,�� ,� Saint Paul Police Department Recruit Academy will be conducting tranvng in Standardized Field Soberity and DIJI Procedures. lranvng is to take place on December 4, 5, 11 & 12, 2002. This traiuing is designed t� hain new police recnxits the effects of alcoholic rages on people and impauments it may cause. Civilian volurneers will be pariicipants in 8us training. It will be necessary to hase alcoholic beverages from Big Top Wines & Spirits, 1574 University Avenue West, Saint Paul, MN to help facilitate in this 4aiaing. will take place fl�� �. 8 ZQ� C��Y /-� { 6 �fINE� noted. training will nottake place S 200.00 001-04340-Q299-40016 FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) COSLREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE� YES NO ACTIVITY NUMBER 4340 gcsheehnary120202sfs[