D002225White - Ciry Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Pink - Finance Deparanent Office of the Mayor Canary - Deparnnent • ADNIINISTRATIVE ORDER No: � V � � �� Date: / tJ� `�tG �� AI3MINISTRATIVE ORDER, In the matter of that certain contract known as Activity No. 25067 far Kellogg Boulevard Streetscape • > City Project No. 00 SP164 ,� Prqy No TFAX fi201(]� Shafer C7ontracting(' anv. Inc Contractor, the specified date of compietion is November 30. 2001 and the Contractor did not complete the contract by said date of completion because Extensive additional work items delayed completion of concrete pavement until late October of 2001. W eather conditions in late October do not allow appllcarion of poly preform pavement mazldng. The poly-preform pavement marldng was placed in mid August of 2002, completed on August 14, 2002. and it is hereby ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, throagh its Mayor, extends the time of substantial completion to August t4, 2002 and it is 1�THER ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul hereby does waive claim for liquidated damages on this project. �PROVED AS TO FORM: �1,�/ -' ���}�z, � /� Deparhnent Head �,y�c° Date � MnDot � Public Works �ONTACT PERSON & PHONE Larry H. Lueth 2666083 MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES AGS�ONREQUESTED Appxoval of Adminisffative Qrder for Conhact Time Extension Project: Kellogg Boulevazd Streetscape; 00-P-1190, SP 164-158-19 Conuactar: Shafer Conuacting Company, Inc. Specified Completion Date: Novembei 30, 20�1 Revised, Authorized Complerion Date: August 14, 2002 RECOMMENDATIONS;Approve (A) or Reject (R) � PLANNINGCOMMISSION Ci8 COMMITTEE _� CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION A STArF 12/10l2002 GREEN pD N�2365 � Ini4aVDaE 1 � InitaVDate DEPARTMEM ASSIGN � � /j � cmarroarver _�, i crtvc�wc NUMBERFOR ROVTINC ❑FlNANCIAISERVICESDIR �FINANCIALSERVIACC7G ORDER ❑ MAYOR(ORASSISTAMJ U �RRYUIETH ❑ ❑ (CL1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Has this pers�rm everw«ked untlsra wnuact faUus tlepahmerm YES NO Has Nis pers�rtn ever been a cily employee? VES NO Does this persoNfi�m possess a sWll nW nortnally poss¢ssed by any Curtent uty emplDyee9 VES NO Is this perso�rm a targeted v¢ndM YES NO WHERE, WF1V): on separate sheet anp atlaeh fo green sheet Significant additional work items were required to complete the project. For the most part, the additional work was structural repaus on existing bridge structures on this segment of Kellogg Boulevard. The addirional time required to do the work delayed completion of conerete pavement unfil late Octaber, when it was too cold to complete the traffic lane marldng (poly prefoirn) work. ADVAMAGES IF APPROVED Addirional time required to comp]ete the project will be authorized. DIS4DVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: None DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVEO� Addirional time requ'ued to complete the project not authorized. RECEIVED DEC 2 3 2002 fOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSAC770NE GOSTlREVENUE eUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES No F SOURCE N�A ACTfVtTY NUMBER ZS06� �NC1Al INFORMATION (EXPLAIN)