Gorham, MarilynNOTICE OF CIAIM FORM to the oty of saint Paul, Minnesota Minnesato Stote Stotute 456.A5 stutesthot"...every peBan. .wha eloins donoqesfron ony nunicipolity. .shol cause to be ptesehted ta the Aavehing body afthe nuni.ipalitywithin 130 ddys dftet the dlegetl lass ot injuty k.liscavercd a hatice stotihq the tine, pl,ce, ond.ncLnstonces therpof, ondrhe an.Lnt af comp"nsorbn ot ather rc lieJ d.h dn ded " peas.competerhslorm nitsEntirerybycl€aryrypingorprinringVouranswerstoeachqueston lyouhaleaddtiona docum€ntaron,yo!mayaddthose documenrstoyoursubmkson. Youwi notbe.onradedbyt€leph.ne!ness.ariJication in.eded lhecaimproceslorlnvesu&tionscafiakeupwardrolfolria) weeksThisformmustbesigned,datedwithalapprcabesectio.scompleled.submiss.nthkcomplet€dlormtothe.:'Li.r1:lj.iarriribyemai (.irycerk@cr*paulmn ut, fax(651166 3574)orma addre$edio "saintP.u city crerk,15 w€sr Kell.gs Blld , sliL€ 31o, saint P3u , MN 55102-. Claimant: First Name: Marilyn Last Name: Gorham P e.se lndicate Yo!r PronoLrns: tr she/Her/Hers, tr HelBlm/His, !rhey/rhem/rhelrs Company or Business Name: s this .la m beinB made by an nsurance Company? NO lfyes,whatisyourCl.inrlFileNurnber? No- s this clalm being made by an Attorney? NO lf yes, what is your F ie N!nrber? lf yes, provide yo!r lnsured's/ Client's Name state Please che.kth€ reason that most clos€ly d€s.ribes the reason foryour submitting a claim. PIease note th€ documents that wil reed ro be provided with your completed form. Photographs wil be accepted. All documents submitted become the propertY of the clty of Saint Paul and shall not be returned. please state why or howyou feeithe City ofSaint Paulls r€sponsible foryour Damages? The pothole was dangerous and should have been filled long before drove through that intersection. lwasunabletogetbacktotheintersecuontotakeaphotoofthe hole r.rntil May 28th at which time the pothole had been filled. Youcanseetheextentoftheareainvovedbasedonthesizeofthe patching that was done. Numerous newspaper artlcles and television news stories have focused on the lack of pothole repair being done rhis year bythe City ofSt. Pau andthepoorconditionoftheClty'sroadswhichwasres(]ltinglnnumerouscartbeinBdanrag€d in multlple locat ons in the City. DaYrime/Work Phone Date of rncident or Datp Discovered (Must Comp ete):5/24/2023line: Approximately 2:00 p.m n Automobile wastowed and mayor m.y not h.v€ sustained damage: please provide copy oftowingticket (lfavailable), rece pt from lirpound Lot, and two estlmates for repairs or actua bil that has been paid. D Snow Emergency: please provide copyoftowingticket (ifavailable), receiptfrom lmpound Lot, and two estimates for repairs or actual billthat has been paid. ,df luilo City:Zip Code: Please state, in detail, \dhat happened that prompted yoLr to file a Notice oI C alm Formr My car tire was damaged beyond repalr by a pothole at the intersection of I 35E & Rardolph Avenue. The pothole could not be avoided as turned east onto Rando ph from I 35E nol1hbo!nd. I drove up Lexingron Ave after hitting the potho e thinkifg there was no damage, however, by the t me I reached Grafd and Avon, my tire was flat and had to c.1l a towing servlce to have the spare put on so I coLrld return to my home. n Automobie damag€ from a motorvehicle ac.identiplease providetwo estimatesfor repairs or actual blllthat h.s beef paid tr Automobile damage from a street defect or pothole: please provide two estimates for repairs or actLra bi i that has been pald. D Property damage:please providetwo estimates for repajrs or actualbi that has been pajd. E You were injured during a motorvehicle accident: please provide police report number, detaitsabout injury. O You were injured in the CIty ofSaint Paul: please provide potice report number, witnesses, and details about injury Continue to page 2 of t{otlce of Claim Eorm. Failurc to comptele and return both pages wifi resutt in detays. Thls sectlon must becomoleted for all clalms. ls there a pollce report forthis lncident? NO lf yes, please providethe police r€port case number lfyes, what law enfor€ement agency responded? Where did the iocident take place? Please provide a street address, inrersection or name of city park or facitity What would you llketo see happen to resolve this claim to your satisfaction? tor oroD€rtv denBEe clalms. inaludinl vehlcle atcldents. Your vehicle's inlormatio \eat 2022 Meke: VolkwaSen Model Passat Color: Red Licens€ Plate#: ERRRXIE State vehlcle iS.eglstered iniwl Registered owner ofvehicle: William and Marilyn Gorham Driver: Marilyn Gorham Area{s)damaged: Right rear tke was damaged beyond repair. Wheel cover was also damaged but reimbursement for that is not being requested at thjs time. The total amount r€qu€rted for reimbursement is 5361.81. Paid invoic€s are attached. lf a City vehicle was involved, License Plate f Color: Was ther€ City insignia on the v€hicle? YES / NO Drive/s Name Other property damaged For iniurv claims ol anv tvoe. What part of yolr bodywas anjured? Did you go to the emergency room or urgent care? YES / No Where? Was med ical treatment received? YES/NO Where? First day of medical treatment?Are you stjll receiving medical treatment? YES / NO ,tyou are su bmittiG other documents, please state whatyou are attaching and how many pages: Total number of pages being submittingincludingthisrorm s10. lncludeda.ethetirechangeinvoiceandthetirereplacementinvoicealonSwithphotosofthe RevisedMarch2023 l0try-4 Were there witnesses to this inddent? Please provide names and contact phone numbers: Did you miss any work as result of this in.ident? YES / NO How mucn time have yod misseo trolr work? tire change being done on by Elite Towing, the damaSe to th€ th€ and wheel cover and the pothole which was repaired afterthe dama8e to fiy tir€ occurred, ay siSnlng this torln, you a8ree that all lntormatlon pmvided ls true and co.red lo the best ot your knowledte. Pl€ese I{OTE that asbmitting a t ls€ ot misleadlng clalm can and wlll result ln pros€cution under Mlnnesot. Statutes. Name of Person completingform: Marilyn Gorham Signatureof Pe.son submitting this form: Relationship of person signingto Party making the c aimrSarne Date document is being si|. ed:6123/2023 in"uq t0 RECEIPT Basi. Details calJ# Date/Time oate/lime 26596 25596 cash/Private Serail cusrorier sl24/2AE @ 2t25 PM V N Nrimber 1VWBArA!8Na009068 ModeL: 2022 Volkswagen Passat L!.€nse Plar.:BRRRKtE (Wt) D.ivab e: No #26l:eB @ lJi+&Pr+ '/z+lzD"3 @ Z:d\t'M Iire Chanse (6s1-266-), 792Grund Ave,St Paul, MN 55105, USA tire chanBe right rear Charges Summary units/Qry Price lineTotal $gs.oo s95.00s0,00 so.oo 1 1 Subtotal 595.00 Taxes 50.00 Grand Total 595.00 Cash payment of S95.00 applied Signature: USDOT:3376675 4qn (, tff'tl'u t- Jt a--{//r @;lP,fr"="*^+Y lnvoice #114113 Page 1 or2 0€l/30/m23 Ma lyn & Billcotham +1 612-865-&569 2022 VollGvYagon Passal 1 WVBA7A3ANC009068 Engine:14,2.01i DOHC l6V; PIAIC: BRRRKIE odomeld 1ni25797 Odomete, Oulr25797 Advlsor: Technician: Sam McNamee GRAND TOTAL: $266.81 SERVICES Galeway Aulo Care's 56 Polnt Digital lnspectign inspecl lire for damage alt6r h lling a polhole SUBTOTAL: $0.00 LAAOF Digilal Courtesy lnspection For Sa!6ty And Reliability - Piclures included! Please reler to digilal inspedion lor lesulF Labor: S0.00 Pans: $0.00 Fees:90.00 Sublet: S0.00 Tire Replacement - 1 SUBIOTAL: S251.6a Mountand comouter balance one tire WHL WGTS & VLV STEM 235/45-18 GTTICOVFORT A1 SL TIRE HAzMATS & FEES Iire disposalfe6 $6.50 $209.14 $6.s0 $203.r 4 otY 1.0 FEE $8.00 $8.00 Labor: $28.00 Pats:S215.64 F€os:38.00 sublet:s0.00 rl{btt l0 Gateway Auto Care lnc 715-386.8885 sBrvico@qalewayauloaare.corn 1.0 1.0 r4{ ^ ---.".-". r\<rl'\ r I L Gateway Auto Care lnc 7r5 386,8885 iicrv'.e@9a:e,wayauioca.c Lr1lnr lnvoice #114113 051302023 IYFS DO Ttlts !,OAI{. I hereby asrho.ize rhe €resparrdin! 3epi.e Io b6 don. ala.q anh the .eressary oaraials. 2 'YOU I1I1AY DANE MY CAR ON PI,BLIC FOAOS' GarsBay auto caE ln $all oay op€rare oy vehide lo. th€ plrpose or resrins, insp@lon, 3,'NO PAYMENT, NO KEYS' Afoxpdgs ienls acknowledg€d on my vohrcl6 ro sec!rc fi6 aruunl or setuicas rherclo- 4, "ONLINE COMIIII]NICATION OK' I {,€lcom€ email Jrofi OaEsay Aulo Care lir as ! means ol ,eceMnq copies ol my os limate, work orde,, 2.d nvoice. 5, "HERE'S MY SIGNATURE" I en&.se lhe anached digt€l imiqe ol hy sEnature as eqlrvateni ro my qirer srO&tur. ,rd 3s pr@l oi my ag.eemenl lo lheas lNe lerm. GRAND TOTAL: $266.81 Total Labor: $28-00 Tolal Pa(s:S215.64 Total Fees: $a.00 Toral Sublers: $!-00 Shop Suppliesi $1.68 Sales Tax: $13.49 r/ PAID Wananly penod ir 24 fronrhs or24,000 miles NATIONWIDE. Whi.hever @.!.s rtsr. unlegs onetuise specili€d. FOR ]ATIONWIDE WAFAANTY CLAIMS CALL ] .800452.6272 C5/30r2023 03 -8I't/] eaid by cr€C rCerd v a Terr.air 5266.81 Sr!.eJ h+{$rt \ss-JGrr.-----Er,I,'= a::M at&u'h7 I I