D002216C� City of Saint Paul Office of the Mayor ADNIIl�TISTRATIVE ORDER �oa .�ov aa/� GS No: 52219 Date: 11/12/02 1 WaEREas, The City has agreed to pay the travel expenses of the two finalists in the selection process for 2 Library Director. Library Services has agreed to reimbursement of trauel eapenses to the two finalists not 3 to exceed a total of $2,000. 4 5 RESOLVED, The City will reunburse two Library Director finalists up to a total of $2,000 for travel 6 expenses incurred while traveling to Saint Paul for the fmal interview with the Mayor's O�ce. The 7 proper city officials aze authorized to approve payment not to exceed $2,OOQ.00 from account code GL 8 001-03400-0251 and 001-03400-0252. C� APPROVED AS TO FORM � - / � City Attorney Date: I �' 1 �bZ Financial Services Director � � � �ob�l� � DEPARTM(Za^Pi'/OFFICF✓COUNCII.: DATE INITTATED GREEN SHEET NO.: S2.LI9 Office of Human Resources 11/12/02 ACf PERSON & PHONE: INITiALDATE I�i `ITIAL/DATE _ �e NaleZny 266-6515 � D�r,,��vr n� �'� � cou�c�, Lisa McKeown 266-6479 �7GNED NUhffiERFOR zCtrYarioaNEx aCSrrc[Eltx ROUTING ORDER 3 FClAtTCW,SQtVDIR FINANCfALSEIlV/ACCIG . MUSC BE ON COLNCII, AGENDA BY (DATE) as soon as possible MAYOR(ORASST.) , TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 2 (CL1Y ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR�E) � , nC1'cox 1tEQUES'rEn: For two (2) Library D'uector finalists to be reimbursed up to a total of $2,000 for travel expenses incurred while traveling m Saint Paul for the final interview with the Mayor's Office. � RECOMIv/ENDATiONS: Approve (A) m Reject (R) PERSONAI, SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST AIVSWER TI�E FOLIAWING QUESTIONS: l. P.as this peisonl5cm eve' woikedundtt a conttact for i6is departmenfl PLANNING COht[vIISSION Yes No . _CIB COMbIlTTEE 2. Has dtis pelsoo/fum eva been a city employee9 CIVILSERVICECOMNIISSION Yes No , 3. Dou this persou/ficm possess a skill not nolmally possessed by my cucrent ciTy emptoyee7 , Yes No � 4. Is ihis pasoNSrm a tazgeted vrndor? Yes No . _ Explain aii yes aaswers on separate sheet and attach to g�een s6eet °� INITIATING PROBLEM, LSSUE, OPPORTiJN1TY (Whq What, When, Where, Why): ?.� City uadirionally has paid for travel expenses for director-level fmalists. Libraxy Services has a�eed to xeimbursement of h�auel enses to the rivo fmaiists not to exceed a tatal of $2,000. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Providing for travel expenses ailows the City to interview and hire quality individuals. �' ��' , DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: { �6�� ���� None. DISADVAN'CAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The City agreed to reimburse the Library Director finalists for their travel ezcpenses: The CiTy would not fiilfill its agreement if it did not reimburse ffiese two individuals. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: Yes up to $2,000.00 FITNDING SOURCE: 001-03400-0251 and ACTIVITY NUMBER: 001-03400-0252 �ANCIAL IN�'ORMATION: (EXPLAIN) . G1Shared\Testing\WPFII,kS�R�ms2002�FA02033LibraryDirectoAadm.gnst.finalists.wpd �