D002215� CTI'Y OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No. J���aal� Date: / / "�'T p� L WHEREAS, excellence in city government requires a strong commihnent to promote 2. employee excellence, morale and pride in work, and encouragement to reflect those qualities 3. in employees' roles as representatives of the City of Saint Paul; and, 4. 5. WHEREAS, the Department wants to purchase shirts with the Prejudice Isn't Welcome logo 6. to allow Human Rights staff to be visible when being involved in community outreach at 7. events like Cinco de Mayo, Rondo Days, schools and community organizations. � 8. 9. WHEREAS, THE City of Saint Paul, Department of Human Rights has recognized the 10. outstanding efforts on part of employees to promote civiUhuman rights in our city. 11. 12. NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED, that the Office of Financial Services is hereby 13. authorized to pay out of Activity 001-00152-0241 the amount of $300.00 for this purpose. • ....• � � � •� 1/ f��,- /� . �. _ ., � Date: � ���,�� 3uman Ri�hts ,����� vV. H. T�rone Terrill - eE aa c�a�ace�nn er taah TOTAL # OF SIGNA7URE PAGES �,��� w�eeFOrt OR09t GREEN SHEET booaa.�� Nol �!�Oa2 �ar..,.o�r� �anmx � x�uicw�a�mncr.sne. ❑ tawcuaenau�ia ❑YYOR(OR11smtAMq ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Authorization for payment by the Office of F�nancial Services in an amount not to exceed $300.00 to vendors for the purchase of slurts. PL4NNING COMMISSION Ci6 COMMITiEE CML SERVICE CAMMISSION p50NAL SERViCE CONiRACTS MU57 ANSWER TXE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: Has thi6 pe15oMlfin eMefNO�ked Undefe ConffaCt fOf tlde departmenLT / YES P10 Flas tlds P��rm e.erbern a c�YY emWuYee? VES NO Doec thic pe�sonlfimi Possess a sidll not nanal�YP�� bY any wrteM citY emW�'ee? YES NO Istlin pe�sorJfirm atarpeteEVentloYT YES � Human Rights purchased shirts with the Prejudice Isn't Welcome logo to aliow employees to show our presence in different communities, to publicize our involvement in the community about Human Rights and the issues surrounding -Human Rights in the City of Saint Paul. Human Rights �ill reimburse vendors For the costs incurred. �� ������ JU� 1 � 2�fl2 SOURCE COSTI1tEVENUE BUqGE7Ea(CIRC6E ON� YES 1/1JG ACTNITY NUMBER NO INFOftMATION (IXPWln