image_67159297 '.- .'" ,,� ]�win Cify Vl�heel Repair ,f�``�J✓ Repair order #Op411 $2 � %�` ' � Date : 3121/23 2370 Leibel St. Suite 101 �,>`� � . . - White Bear Lake, MN 55110 �; `e'�;�:�`� Page : 1 (651) 407-3636 '�; Center : 1 � �� ;�� � ;: twincitywheel.com , ���=���-_ �' Customer : FORD, DANIEL Vef�acle : �9 1'C�4: . Addres� : Li�Qttse � City : NORTH ST. �'�UL, "JI�`�' 5510��� . �/I� � HOME : ( 651 ) - Trans : Ext : Er�c�ine : WORK 1 : ( 651 ) - Ext : M�Ie�geJ: �'`°' Parts Operati� Operation Qry Description Price Labor Each Subtotal Subtotal Subtot WHE001 1.00 STRAIGHTEN ALLOY WHEEL 95.00 95.00 g5 •0 � . � � . . ' . .".Fw. _ . -� . . _, .. ._ ... _ - ,"'S_ f,- �, 4e � . ���' { �, ,�,, ; �?�I �' � . � �; �+ ;� , w i. ' 't' ��, . *..•'���.. ,,� .. � ;�:. :,� p ��� �.�.,.........�..��..w„�._ � u I hereby authonze the repair work to be dorn.along with the necessary parts and materials and her_b�r,rari�a�,a,i,9�or your employees Labor : $95.00 �en���5sion to operata the vehicle herein described on streets,highways or elsewhere,at yoi,r uiscrE•lior,,ter the p��,;C;2 of testing and/or i�;aeclion.An express mechanics lien is hcreby acknowledged on the above vehic,?to securn t��e�mount of m,,�,i.;tf,ereto. I understand that Parts : ��.�� ,�taler/owner is not responsible for delay or other consequence due to the unavailac�{ity c�f F�ares s'u��r•;:��';k,s,,;,, •ti`i��untrol.Not � � resp�rsible for damage or aRicles left in car in case of fire,theft or any other causa+;;yun�i c��_or'r�!. G:1�9�et : �Q.QQ �/VqRRANTY ON AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS IS 12 f�14)PJTHS OR 12,OOp P41LEti 1'VH�•^.:i CVFR(i�.;l ii�;F IPST �r,,��55 SPEGFIED Other Fees : �,7r;ERW�SE.WARRAIJTY ON V�!HEEL REPAIR i;�'?N=YE�-�,'iiON VJORKPJf,NSH!P f�fd:;b+FTEkI/,L� Wq��l, �,y p��ES NOT COVER �O.00 S�iaSEC1l:ENT D;,h1AGE CAUSED-BY �UEvDITIO:d i BEYOP:D UUR CUNTR(.L. SUp�Iy Cllal'g $Q.00 ��- ,o lhe nature of whe.:�;repair there are times when a��vheel is rEndered irreparable.V�1�;asr:i ve t��e n�r�t!o;;e� p Subtotal : ` $9'rj.00 �,���iiot oe responsible for repairing or replacing a wheel deemed irreparable.Rims not p,:;kr.i up in:;�;;G�,�W��� m:,whee�irre arable.We e;����o riefray expenses. - S3IeS TaX : ��.�� X_^_— -----_--_.----...�-�_ •.;��,.;el dseme�irrepsrable.(Not fixable)Customer is adv�sed that wheel/iim may re un:a(e f,r � Paid By : ��s� ii�prasern condition. TOt1I : $95.00 __ MSTR CHARG VISA y____ --....----�-�_ -_ ___ Pay Ref : P81d : $95.00 Thank you for Qu�' > r..' Due : $0.00 Y � ����r�P� � ��� ,,� , . , r fi ,