D002205J • City of Saint Paul No� �� a o� b 5 Office of the Mayor Date: �-p a Administrative Order Approved Copies to: - City Clerk - Financial Services — Accounting - Requesting Department Whereas, the City of Saint Paul Marketing and Promotions is engaged in a process of expanding the City as a key location for film, movie and television production and post- production Whereas, a key aspect of this effort is to parhier with production companies, the Minnesota Film Board and others to strive to make Saint Paul a"fee free" city for the • purposes of film, inovie and television production, Whereas, as a part of the expressed public purpose of generating additional direct and indirect economic impact, the Department of Marketing and Promotions is seeking to partner with the Minnesota Film Boazd in providing low and(or no-cost public space for small-to-medium size film, movie and television production and post-production companies. It is with this strategy in mind, that Marketing and Promotions worked wifh TonUp Productions on their film, "Cafe Racers", and providing direct and indirect financial assistance, as well as acquisition of short-term space for the production company, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED, that the proper city official are authorized to pay amounts not to exceed $1,129.49 from the existing Marketing and Promotions budget to continue to promote events and activities that further showcase Saint Paul as a great place to live, work and play. ....• � � • �' / � � 11 _I�l� � �� � � � - • /v� rvc�v��r v � • V � Date �inancial Services Director � . �.y Attachment A Vendor Uptech Partners (Cable Cords) Budget Sign (Sign for Of,�`zce Door) Computer Tntegration Technologies (PC FiZe Sharing Training) TOTAL COSTS ACCURED: $1,112.49 Total Cost Accured $30.51 $175.73 $906.25 � _ _. rd' `�. ich Mische 266-8694 eE oni caxra� ncEnas ar rtu� wrewrtw�. - � io�4ioa GREEN SHEET TOTAL �E OF SIGNATIiRE PAGES �..��a. tiDooaao � �0103447 � �-drv.aan�r � � anavc� � wuw�tavucaoe ❑ www�aEms�csra ❑r�raitWR�r� ❑ (CtJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURt� "�Approve additional expenditure and grant spending author'ity of up to $1-@;0'60. �j��zv•Y5 PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CML SERVICE CAMMISSION' ���������a��«����� YFS NO Fbs Mic P�� erer been a �M1Y dnPbYce7 YES NO Does ihis PersaJfilm Possess e sla}I nOt no(mallYP� bY any arrent city emPioyce? YES NO lsttire pdeorJfitm a targetetl �mtloYt YES NO Administrative order will provide spending authority for costs incurred for £ilm, movie and television activities. - IMarketing Expenses can be paid. a _ ..<' i� � E S..r # `�, _ � NONE l !� � � � ; -� i � _ Future 2002 £ilm, movie and television costs cannot be paid AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION t ��YT+�+ u'Q .� i General Fund �N �wwM CAST/itEVENUE BUDQETED (CIRCLE ON� YES N��/ wcrnm NuMaea '�� ���j F'�T � Y& �z'�