D002201City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Office of the Mayor Adiministrafive Order � Budget Revision Number. � ��� � � b � Date: J �7 — 7 � `�- A.DMINf STRAT'IVE ORDER, consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Division of Parks and Recreation, to amend the 1998, 1999, 2000, and 2002 Capitai Improvements budgets (C98,C99,C00, and CO2), the D'uector of the Office of Financial Seroices is authorized to amend said budgets in the following manner: From: C98 - Capital Projects 3D012 - Dayton s Bluff Site Work 0898 - Building Improvements CDBG - P6-1 00-9603 1-0565-005 1 1 C99 - Capital Projects 3M030 - Aldine Park Renovation 0894 - Conshvction - General CDBG -P6-100-99002-0565-00808 3MO22 - Dunning Stadium CURRENT BUDGET 230,520.00 45,000.00 516,783.71 CI3ANGES (4,308.70) AMENDED BUDGET 226,21 I .30 0882 - Improvements - Land CDBG - P6-100-99003-0565-00809 00 - Capital Projects 3H027 - Central Village Play Area 0882 - Improvements - Land CDBG - P6-100-91003-0565-00904 (24,08021) (11,611.00) 20,919.79 505,172.71 281,900.00 (10,000.00) 271,900.00 1,074,203.71 (49,999.91) 1,024,2a3.8� To: CO2 - Capital Projects 3H�26 - MLK Site Work 0894 - Construction - General CDBG - P6-]00-91023-0565-01021 '� ��` ,� ' � � /G' Requeste�Y by: Departrnent Directot � Date � r � � 320,000.00 49,999.91 369,999.91 320,000.00 49,999.91 369,999.91 � �,,� ��r � l��d��- Appmved by�fFinaucial Services Date MLK COBG AO.xls Page: 1 of 1 �� S� .�oo a aol DEPARTMENTlOFF4CElCAUNGl nareiNirinrEO GREEN SHEET NUMBER: - 203312 , Parks and Recreation 90/2/2002 CONTACTPERSONANDPHONE � INTIA ATE INITIAL/DATE ASSIGN 2 �EPARTMENTDIRECTOR ��_� 4 CITVCLERK asonWirka 2s6.��7 F ����NG GINATfORNEY 5 O.F.S.-ACCOUNTMG UST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE): ORDER 3 FINANCIAL SERVICES DIR. 6 OTHER Parks 8 Rec. MAYOR(ORASSISTANT) 1 Ol'HERACtiviryAAanager N/A TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES: CLIP ALl IOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE ACTION REQUESTED; Signatures on attached Administrative Order moving funds to the Martin Luther King Recreation Center site work budget. RECOMMENDATIONS. (Approve(A)orRejec[(R) PERSONALSERVICECONTRACTSMUSTANSWERTHEFOLLOWINGQUESTIONS: P�ANNINGCOMMISSION CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION 1 Hasiheperson/firtneverworketlunderwnt2c[forthistlepartrnenl? CIB COMMITTEE OTHER' ❑ Yes ❑ No � A STAFF �OTHER 2 Hasfheperson/firme�erbeenacityemployee� DISTRICT COUNQL OTHER' ❑ Yes ❑ No 3. Does ihe persoMfrtn possess a skili nol normal POSSESSED by a curtent city employee? ❑ Yes ❑ No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet antl attach [o green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNI7Y (Who. What, When. Wnere. Why): Additional CDBG funds are needed to effectively complete the site work at the newly reconstructed Martin Luther King recreation center. These funds are available in other Parks and Recreation capital projects with remaining balances in their CDBG allocations. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED' The MLK site work budget will maintain sufficient spending authority at the budget control level. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED � None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: � SSte work will not proceed. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $4H,JJ9.J1 COST/REVENUE BU�GETED (Check One) ❑� Yes ❑ No FUNDING SOURGE: CDBG ACTIVITY NUMBER: CO2-3HOZB FINANCIAL MFORMATION' (EXPLAIN) MLK COBG GreenJieet.xls Page 1 of 1