D002200� City of Saint Paul OFFICE OF THE MAYOR r . BUDGET REVISION No. aab2'J Date: /D ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City charter and based on the request of the director for the Department of Executive Administration to amend the 2002 budget of the General fund, the Director of the Department o£Financial Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Current Bud2et To: � 001-00165-0219 001-00165-0284 From: 001-00161-0114 001-00165-0114 $21,300.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 80,309.00 $1,017,046.00 Total change: $40,630.00 Prepared by: Activity Manager �—' ;�g ` � (�,�h� Requested by: Department Director Ch an¢e $34,000.00 $ 6,630.00 ($20,000.00) ($20,630.00) Amended BudQet $55,300.00 $ 9,630.00 $ 69,309.00 $996,416.00 �� Approved by: Director ofFinancial Services Date: � G:VShazed�PayBud\WordPerfecflFORMS�BudgetAdminOrder.wpd � n.� � 7 n�. . ,� _., U..�.,�v � DEPARTMENT/OFFICFJCOUNCII,: DQTE INSTWTED GREEN SHEET NO.' LOOO94 Human Resources 09/25/02 ' NTACT PERSON & PHONE: li•m Eat'LUimA'rE k Robertson 266-6471 � nEe.uc,akxr nue _YWY Z cm c«mrcu. ASSIGNED CIIYATTORNBY 3 C[CYCLbRK MOSf BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) N ���� x ROUIING 2 FINqNCW.SERVnIR� aFINANCW.SeRV/ACC1Yi ORDER MAYOR(ORASST) TOTAL# OF SIGNATURE PAGES,2 (CLIP ALL I.00ATIONS FOR SIGNATTJRE) acriox �uESrEn: Approval to move salary dollars to cover PC's for the IS City Lease Plan; city-wide Executive Leadership Trainuig for 2003; expenses related to the 2003 Police Officer and Police Commander examination; and part of the expenses related to the 2003 Fire Fighter Examivation. RECOMDAENDATiONS: Apptove (A) orReJec[ (R) YF1tSOIQALSF1iVICE CONIRACTSMLJST ANSWERTf1E FOLIAWINGQUESTIONS: 1. Hastltispasodfumevcwmkedmderacon�actfirthisdeparweot7 _PLANNINGCOb4vt[SSION Yes No _CIBCAMIvfIT1EE 2. Flaztltispersodfumevabeenaritywployee? CIVII, SERVICE CObIMISSION Yes No 3 DoesiLispersodfimipossessaslulinot¢umiallypossessulbyaziyyc�¢{entciryemployee? Ya No 4. Is tltis person/fvm a ta�geted vendof! Yu No � Expiain alI yes answers on sepante Sheet and aMACh to gree¢ sheet INCTiATING PROBLEM�ISSiTE, OPPORTUNITY (W6q What, Whe�y W6ere, WhyJ: TI1C S3Id7Y S3VllIgS � I13$ tlllS Y02S g1VC US Y.}1C opportunity to upgrade IS recommended software at the phase we aze cunently at for testing, classificarions, and intemet processes which tatal $1A,000. The PC Leasing {$6,630) is part of a three year plan to get all staff on the asing program as some of the owned PC's will not be Windows 2000 compatible. It also allows us to encumber nds to purchase the Police Officer Exam and Police Commander Exam ($13,000) and partial eapenses for the Fire Fighter E�m ($8,OOQ) which are to be given in 2003. Funds could also be encumbered for 2003 city-wide Executive Leadership training as outlined in a meeting between HR and the Mayor's office ($13,000). nnv.�rrrncESisnrrxovEn: Updating software allows HR to continue in the technology plan of updating the examination and records functions and maintaining our Access based Classification system as well as getting all employees on the same version of software. The salary sauings can assist HR in preparation for two costly 2003 examinations-Fire Fighter and Police Oflicer as well as moving forward with Executive Leadership Training in 2003. DISADVAN'CAGES IF APPROVED; N011e nisnnva,r�zaces u� Noz aerxovEn: We will not have the dollars needed an the 2003 budget for the FireFighter Exam, Police Commander exam and the Police Officer Exam. HR cannot move forward in the training vision the Mayor has for the City if there are no dollars to fund the Executive Leadership Program. ToTai.nnzouvroFZxrmrsacriox: None COSTIREVENUE: $40,630 BUDGETED: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund ACTIVITY NUMBER: 00165 & 00161 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIl� C'r:\Shared�l'ayl3ud\WOrdYertectU�UKMS\GS livaget Aamm uraer.wpa ��o a apa � Change BUDGET REVISION No. Date: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City charter and based on the request of the director for the Department of Executive Administration to amend the 2002 budget of the General fund, the Director of the Department of Financial Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: City of Saint Paul OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Current Budaet To• 001-00165-0219 • 001-00165-0284 From• 001-00161-0114 001-Q0165-Q114 $21,300.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 80,309.00 $1,017,046.00 Total change: 540,630.00 Prepared by: Activity Manager � Requested by: Depaftment Director $34,000.00 $ 6,630.00 ($20,000.00) ($20,630.00) � Amended Bud¢et $55,300.00 $ 9,630.00 $ 69,309.00 $996,416.00 ���� Approved by: Director of Financial Services Date: G 1Shazed�PayBud\WordPetfectlFORMS�BudgetAdminOrder.wpd •