D002194.� City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Office of the Mayor � Administrative Order Number: �� 9� Date: � �/ ` --� � ADMNISTRATIVE ORDER, WHEREAS, the Parks and Reciearion Global Istformarion Systems (GIS) staff are attending a conference in Duluth, MN from October 2-5, 2002; and 4VHEREAS, by means of this Admlvlsfrarive Order it has been requested that Pazks and Recrearion 9s author3zed to provide payment for the following costs associated with six GIS intems attending said conference: 5 Conference Regislzafions at $40, 1 Conference Re�istration at $190, 5 Workshop Regisuarions at $190, and lodging at approximately $IOS per room (2 rooms for 2 nights) with total costs not to exceed $2000; and WAEREAS, spending authority to covei said costs will be provided by a U.S.D.tL grant budgeted in Pazks and Recxeahon Grant Fund 860; and TAEREFOP.E, rt is ordered that the propet City officials are hereby authorized to provide payment for costs as previously described, notto exceed$2,000. � � ��%�� ��� �`1U'o� �4 !�►�L. Requested by Department Director Date Approv� ed Uy �irec[or of Financial Services Date -��0/iN.LGZ�"_ 1 4 � 3�f�!(�� Approved as to Form Ciry Attomey Date L J G.1FMIQTJW31Resolutions, AOS, Green Sheets�.4dmin. OrderslGlSA.O..xls Page. 1 of 1 _, �� l' �/ � DEPARYMENUOFFICE/COUNC�L DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET NUMBER: � �� 203309 Parks and Recrea 9/10/2002 ^ NTACTPERSONANDPHONE ,_;� ITIAL/D INIMVDAiE ASSIGN 7 DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR ���� 4 CITVCIERK rian Balfanz 558-2316 NUMBER Z cmnno�v O.FS.-ACCOUN7ING FOR ROUTING � UST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA 8Y (DASE): pqp� � 3 FlNANCIAL SERVICES OVR. _OTNER: Pahs 8 ReC. � _AhAYOR(ORASSISTANl} _OSHER:ActiviyMarcager TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNANRE PAGES. GLIPALL LOCAilONS FOR SIGNATURE ACTION REQUESTED: Signatures on the attached Administrative Order, authorizing the payment of costs associated with six intems attending a GIS conference in Duluth,MN. RECOMMENDATIONS� (Approve(A)orReject(R) PERSONALSERVICECOPITSL4CTSMllSTANSWERTHEFOLLOWINGQUESTIONS: PLANNMGCOMMISSION CIVILSERVIGECOMMISSION 1. Hastheperson/firtneverworketluntlercontrac[forihisdeparhnent'� qB COMMITTEE OTHER: ❑ Yes ❑ No A STAFF OTHER. 2. Has Ne person/firm ever been a city empioyee� DISTRIGT COUNCII OTHER: ❑ Yes ❑ No 3. Dces the personlfirm possess a skill notnormal POSSESSE� by a cuRent ciry empbyee? ❑ Yes ❑ No Explain all es answers on separate sheet antl atfach to green sheet. INIiIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE.OPPORTUNITV (Who, What When, Where, Why): ' The GIS staff are attending a conference in Duluth, MN and are requesting authoriry to pay for costs associated with their interns attending. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: � ili maintain momentum for GIS efforts citywide, and a+de in the completion of inventory and accreditation efforts. DISADVANTAGES IF pPPROVED None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVEO: Current projects will be slowed, and future projects will not be compieted. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $2,Q00 COST/REVENUE BUD6ETED (Check One� O Yes ❑ NO FUNDINGSOURCE: USDAGfBfit ACTIVIiYNUMBER: 8BO-3318J FINANCIAL INFORMATION. (EXPLAIN) • G:IFA.nQ7UW3Wesolutions, AOS, Green SheefsiG�een SheetslG/S A.O. Green Sheet x/s Page: 9 ot 1