D002193City Clerk CI'�`/ OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION �o: �oo a�93 Date: G—%—D,� ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07,4 of the and based on the request of the Director of the Departmerrt of Planning & Economic Development to a budget of the City Sales Tax Capital Projects Fund, the Director aF the Office of Financial Services is ai amend said budget in the following manner: the 2062 ced to WHEREAS, the Neighborhood Investment fnitiative Program was developed to provide fuoding for STAR projects in City Wards as designated by the Councilmember; and WHEREAS, the original budget and subsequent additions were placed i� one project code for all seven City Wards; and WHEREAS, the success of the program and the Councilmembers' commitment to its' future have increased the scope so that the use of a single code for all wards is an inadequate method of record keeping; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED; that the budget be amended to separate the Neighborhood Investment Initiative Progrem into individual codes for the seven City Wards: Fund 930 City Sales Tax Capital Projects Fund i P7-930-90306-0547-77126 Neighborhood Investment Initiative P7-930-90306-0547-77991 Ward 1 P7-930-90306-0547-77992 Ward 2 P7-930-90306-0547•77993 Ward 3 P7-930-90306-0547-77994 Ward 4 P7-930-90306•0547-77995 Ward 5 P7-930-90306-0547-77996 Ward 6 P7-930-90306-0547-77997 Ward 7 Net Change Current Budget $1,204,207.28 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Change ($7,204,207.28) $217,585.00 $215,916.96 $10,360.50 $128,706.04 $152,638.78 $190,000.00 289,000.00 So Amended Budget $o.00 $217,585.00 $215,916.96 $70,360.50 $128,706.04 $152,638.78 $190,U00.00 $289,o0o.Do -- 9 �' �', �'� Prepare b: ctivi a ager (D te� Approved by: Director of Financial Services (Date) � eq est y: e a n irec � a e� DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCII.: DATE INTTIATED �D O�� g3 PED 09/03/02 GREEN SHEET rro.: 203660 CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: INITIai✓DATE Irv1TIAL/DA'I'E Judy Lesch,6-6668 � 2 DEPARTMENT DII2. � CITYCOUNCIL BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE� �SIGN _ CITY ATTORNEY_ 4 CiTY CLERK NUhIBER 3 FINANCIAL SERV DIlL 5 FINANCIAL SERV/ACCTG FOR jypypR (OR ASST.) 1 ADMIN SERV DIlL Hammer ROUTING — ' ORDER � T'JTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES I(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAT[JRE) acnox►�Ques�n: Signatures on the attached Administrative Order to separate the Neighborhood Investment Initiative Program into individual project codes representing each of the City's seven wards. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject �) PERSONAI, SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TAE FOLLOWIlYG . QUESTIONS: PIANNING COMMISSION 1. Has this person/finn ever worked under a contract for this departrnent? CID COMMITTEE Yes No � CIVII, SERVICE COMMISSION 2. Has this person/finn ever been a city employee? Yes No . 3. Does this person/fian possess a slall not normally possessed by any current ciTy e�loyee? Yes No � EXplain all yes auswers on separate sheet and altach to green s6eet ��� INTTIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTiINTTY (yVLo, Whaf, When� Where, W6y): Due to the success and on-going commitment for the Neighborhood Investment Initiative Program, the conversion from a one-project code system to a seven-project code method of record keeping will more ,curately represent the activity occurring in each City Councif Ward. (Neighborhood lnvestment Initiative Program has been funded via: Resolution #97-1276, 2000 and 2001 , adopted city budgets, Resolution #01-459 and Resolution # 02-587) � ADVANTAGES IF AYPROYED: � DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: , � � DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: ��� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: FvNnmresouxcE: NeighborhoodSTARProgram acTrv[�ivumtsEx: From:P7-930-90306-0547-77126 q�3�°� Net Change = $0 /� � ,��. FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (F,XPLAIN) ' � G�56arN�Ped�M.swevson\GreenSfiee[FO�mforAdmmistrative0rde � � ' . •