D002192City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Office of the Mayor i Adiministrative Order Budget Revision Number: ��baJ g � Date: 9—g Da, ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Division of Parks and Recrearion, to amend the 2002 Capital Improvements budget (CO2), the Director of the Office of Financial Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: From: CO2 - Capital Projects CiJItRENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 9T032-00000 - Capital Maintenance Contingency 0279 - Other Repair 209,907 (12,000) 197,907 209,907 (12,000) 197,907 To: CO2 - Parks Capital Projects � 9T032-93003 - Capital Maintenance - Parks & Rec. 0279 - Other Repair �'..�. 2�. � . Requesfedby Depar[mentDicec� Date � 508,000 12,000 520,000 508,000 12,000 520,000 �� �� Approved by: Director of Finanaal Services Date G:IFMIQ71JW31Reso/utions, AOs, Green SheetsL4dmia OrderslCapital Maintenace AO.xls Page: 9 of 1 DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL Parks and Recreation CONTACT PERSON AND PHONE Tim AJness 266-6423 UST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE): N/A TOTALNUMBEROFSIGNATUREPAGES: � ���� Jooa� 9�; . iNirw�o GREEN SHEET NUMBER: 203305 ; INITIAVDA7E�� �N 2 DEPARTT1ENTDIRECTOR _���'Y 4 CINCLERK ROUrM6i CITVATTORNEY —� 5 O.F.S.-ACCOUNTING � 3 FINANCIALSERVICESDIR 6 OTHER:Patks&Rec. ,./ � MAYOR(ORASSISTANI] 1 OTHER:ACtivityMawger FOR iNmnvoa� �T r+�»Y, REQUESTEO: ures on attached Administrafive Order moving funds from Capitat Maintenance contingency to the Parics and Recreation Capital �nance budget for the completion of the Homecroft Roof. (Appmve (A) or Reject (R) PLANNING COMMISSION q6 COMMITTEE A STAFF DISTRICT COUNGL CONTftACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION 1. Hasllieperson/firmeverworketluntlercontractforihistleparhnenl? OTHER: ❑ YP5 ❑ No OTHER: 2. HasMeperson/firtneverbeenaqtyemployee� OTHER: ❑ Yes ❑ No � 3. Does the personffrtn possess a skiil not nortnal PQSSESSED by a curtent city employee? ❑ Yes ❑ Na TING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (Who, `Mia[, When, Where, Why): to the severity of the leaking roof at Homecroft Recreation Center this projed needed to be completed in 2002, versus when it was aeted as a capiWl maintenance item in 2003. The Frost Lake roof which was to be completed in 2002 will be completed in 2003, but an tional $�2,000 is required to complete Homecroft. II no longer leak and the Parks and Recreation CapiWl Maintenance activity will maintain sufficient spending authority at the budget level. IF APPROVED: )VANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED' ' Parks and Recreation Capital Maintenance activity will not maintain su�cient spending authority at the butlget control level. OF TRANSACTION: $12,000 SOURCE: INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (Check One� �' Yes ❑ No ACTIVITYNUMBER: CO2-9T032 ' GIFMIQNW3lftesolutions, AOS,GreenSheefslGreenSheefslCapita/MamtGreen Sheetxls Page.