D002190C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR �vee copies to: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDEI2 - C7ry qerk (Original) - Finance Dept's Accounting Division - Police Dept. No: � �Q� � �� Date: �-.� �! `0� Green Sheet# 203453 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 � 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 WSEREAS, the Critical Incident Response Team (CIR'1� of the Saint Paul Police Department is conducting weapons and tacfical trainiug, and ' WHEREAS, this training is of an advanced nature and the facilifies required must provide mulri-purpose ranges, a mock village where gas, smoke and simunitions wffi be deployed, and must include structures for tac&cal assault, rescue, and entry, and WHEREAS, this training will take place on September 8-11, 2002 at the United States Army Base located at Camp Ripley, Fort Ripley, Minnesota, and TIIEEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, that the City of Saint Paul is authorized to pay for expenses for the CIItT members inc:uding lodging and meals. Advanced monies will be administered to Commander Joe Neuberger for meal expenses not to exceed $1,800 and lodging expenses not to exceed $1,700. Total cost not to exceed $3,500. A copy of said order is to be kept on file and on record in the Office of Financial Services. ,�i Z �- � �-o Z Ap e . C1tyAttome Date C I CampRipleyClRT.Sept08-11,D2ao.xls 7MENT/OFFICECOUNGL DATE INITIATED rai�� sis�oa ' GREEN SHEET No. 2Q3453 CONTA TPERSON&PHON INRIAVDATE INRUwDATE W111ialnFinney 292-3588 1 oernmr�rxroiaECron_ arrcouxa� MUST BE ON COUNqL AGENDA BY (DATE) epzocessASAP �ARO[tNEY � 4�cm�aFnK � � � ,/q � � �i ^ �FlNANLIqLSERNCES�IR�Y1y_ , ,FlWWCIFLSF3NlACG�G L� � ❑nvYOR(ORASSiSTANn_ �HUNrW RIGMS TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) AC770N REQUESTED r Approval of the attached Administrative order authorizing the Saint Paul Police Deparhnent Crirical Incident Response Team (CIR'1� to utilize the United States Army's advanced training facility at Camp Ripley, Fort Ripley, Minnesota. RECOMMENDATIOM ApptoVe (A) ot RejBGt (R) PERSONAL SEAVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWERTHE FOLLO`MNG OUE5TIONS: 1 Has thrs personffirm everworked �ndere contract forihis deparlment? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has ttus pereonlfirtn ever been a city employee7 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any curreM city employee? YES NO 4. Is this person/frm a targeted vendor? YES NO - Eeplain ail yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIA71N6 PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN(WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) The Sairn Paul Police Depa�i�hnent's CIRT team will be xequired to travel to Camp ftipley on September 8-11, 2002 in order to utilize Camp Ripley's advanced tr� ining the CIRT officers to resolve crirical incidents. �;OIIf�CN h ca �5z� � �� � � � � � AU6 2 2 20� AU6 �� 2Ga2 ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED � ��� ��� � � �� The CIRT members would be better prepazed as a cohesive unit to deal with incidents in the City of Saint Paul that would threaten citizens. The CIRT member§ would also use tlus training in order to help their fellow officers in the depaztment. OISADVANYAGES IF APPROVED None DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED The citizens of the ciry of Saint Paul and those visiting the city would not be as adequately protected as possible. L AMOUNi OF TRANSACTION $ not to exceed $3,500. COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIN6 SOURCE SpeClal Fut1C143E) ACTIVI7Y NUMBER 34I 17 FINANGIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) . CIRTCampRipleySeptB-11,02.ag.ao.xls o�-osoti Approval for Waiver to Hiring/Promotion, Capital OuUay, Service Contract, � and Depat4nent or Office Police �scription and pmpose othuing or ezpend'U�ue,m�lndmgwhyit addresses an emergency orLsrd.chip silnation Expenditure of appro�mately $3,500.00 fur meals, ludging and tactical training at Camp Ripley MN fram Sept 8 through Sept 11, 2002 for the 40 member Critical Incident Response Team. This training allows the CIRT (SWAT) team to economically train in facilifies not available locally. Addirionally the team can condnct night time shooting and operational traiving not penmitted at the police range located in Maplewood EtTect on department or office and service levels ifLiiing ar eapenditure is delayed to 7aterum 2002 or not appmved. Camp Itipley is a much sought after training facility, should the decision be delayed, the reservations will be forfeited and given to other agencies. If the training is disapproved the team will loose valuable training needed to stay current in tacrical deployments. Please note the CIRT cauceled the scheduled Camp Ripley training in Sept 2�01 in order to assignment its mem6ers ta prutective details and security missions immediately following 9-il-Ol. Losing a second year of training at Camp Ripley wili set back the training schedule and not allow much needed training. Additionally, dne to recently imposed outdoor range restrictions much of the teams tactical shooting drills have had to been restructured or eliminated. Camp Ripley has no such restrictions and will allow a complete syllabus of shooting drills. Effect on your deparhnent or office and service levels if Liruig or expenditure is delayed vnti12003. Same as noted above. Tofal Amovnt of Tr�vsacfion FS��ancial I�il'orn�ation (ezplain) Offica Aow can flie fl]ing of tliis posi4onlead to a seavice redesign, consolidation, reorganization, or merger? N/A Acti.vity Number this form to any personnel requisition submitted requesting a freeze waiver. ed staff or director must sign below for any nonpersonnel expenditure waiver. 7 Duector Freeze ContadYersonandYhone DateInitiated Cmdr Joe Nenberger, 292-3619 Julp 13, 2002 Funding 5ource 34117-40012 �'�'' Date Date A:\caznp ripley Waivec.wpd •