D002188CITY OF SAINT PAUL � • OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No: 0Oc`�1 S � Date: 8- a�-o a ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, BE IT ORDERED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute Lease Agreement NHYU01 with 5005 Properties, Inc. to provide 5,339 square feet of office space for one year for the Office of Neighborhood Housing and Property Improvement at 1612 White Bear Avenue. APPROVED AS TO FORM S Date �����v • C J (rrx�� i) Revised 8/7/02 Authority (C_F. or A.O.) LEASE NO. TMS DEPT. LEASE NO. 1�IPI 1 DATE: August 7 20Q2 LESSOR: 5005 Properries Inc 5005 Old Cedar Lake Road _ S� Louis Park. MN 5541b LESSEE: CITY OF SAII�IT PAUL O�ce of NeighborLood Housing and Propertv Improvement [1) Leased Premises. The LESSOR, in consideration Rcnt hezeinafier specified to be paid by the LES contained, does hereby lease, demise and Iet unto the "I.eased Pzemises," whose address is: and which is legally described as: � � iogethez w th anybuiidings, fvctures�,n suc ui ings, irnprovements and structures, if any, 3ocated thercon; , See SAINT PAUL 1RD LEASE �tent and Additional s and agreemenis herein hcreinafter referred to as area which is incorporated herein by ihis reference_ j2] Term o# Lease. This lease shail e in�Ffect for a tenn commencing and ending on the dates andicated below, unless tcrminat earlier by the LLSSOR as provided herein. Temi (MonthslYeazs) Commencing Date Ending Date 1 yeaz 'October 1., 2002 Se_ptember 30, 2 003 j3] Use of Premises. The LESSEE shall use and occupy the Leased Premises for the following purpose: Officc Space a�id for no othcr purpose without the prior wtitten consent of LESSOR. Page -1- •' [4] Rent . (A} Basic Rent. LESSEE shall pay all ronts in advancq on thc first day of the term of the lease and on the first day of each payment period thereafter as indicated in the Payment Schedule below; Scfiedule Total Rent �. �� .. .. �s.t:+i�.�lr,�:�,.t. .: .: - . � .� .� .. .. :..� .: .. :.. .� 0 . . . .. .. .. . : . . :. ,. '• .. ..•� . .. � ... - . : • . .. . . .. . . . - .� . .� .... .. .. . . . . .. • ... . �... • ' i��'eemtiit- . . ... .. .. . . .: . . .. .. � . . . . . .. ... °. : : � . . ., . . . , '�. . : . .. ..� . 0 . . .> - v � ' _ � � .. . .� .. .. � . � w � w • � . • � � r • � i • � n � . i • Page -2- • RUG-20-2002 15=20 P.16i17 .. . � • � _ sw�w�aw � . . ... .u.. � �� .. r� � � • •�• .�� -u.. :n. - � �s � , . • A1 • �' • � •f-� � .A ��� �Il:�R1l'l�l\•��st��l������\'�7wY•��'�\/�I�IA)�.K•-1�1�1 IAAf1w ��n�tlf-t9� 'L'_��uGq�a�s�.nHr.All�l-�.Z��wiYwo���to�i_Zq�IryS•I�PHf LESSEE shaii make all payments ofBasic 12ent and Additionai Rent to LESSOR at the followin� address: Hillcrest Shopnuae Center 5005 Old Cedar Lake Road. St. Louis Pazk. MN. 55416 The applicable account number for Ciry Finance Accounting Code is: [Sj Tages. LESSOR shall be responsible for and pay all ta�ces and assessments against the Leased Premises. (6] Ri�ht of Entrv. At ail times during thc term of tkus lease, the LESSOR shall have the right, by itself, its agents and empioyees, to enter into aad upon the I.eased Premises during reasonable business hours to examine and inspect the same, provided that such entry does not interfere with the conduct of official business or compromise security of the team station. [7J insurance. (A) LESSOR'SInsurance.TheLESSORshallacquireandkeepineffectduringthetermoftlris agreement the foliowing covcrages: (1) FIRE AND ALL RISK INSLTI2ANCE, includin� Fire, extended coverage and all-risk insurauce covering the Leased Premises and all property located therein belonging to I.ESSOR, in an amount equal to 90 percent oI'the fulI replacement and reconstruc- tion cost of the property. Page -3- • for common areas only (2) COMMERCIAL GbNFRAL LIABII.TTY II�tSUKAAICE/lincluding blankot • contractvaI liability coverage andpersonal injuryfiabilitycoverage with a combined singlelimitofnotlessthan$1,Ofl0,000peroceurrence. Suchinsuranceshall(ajname , (b)beprimarywithrespectto LESSEE'S insurance or self-insurance; {c) contain a standard cross liability endorsement; (d) contain no aggregatc policy limit. - 0 :: : - ::M" . :'�- . . . �. . . :;: :: .... . �.a �. .- .. (4) WORKERS'COMPENSATIONINSURANCEwithnotlessthaastatutoryminimum limits; and EMPLOYERS' LiABILTTY INSLJRANCE with minimum lunits of at least $lOQ,000 p� accident and wiEh an ali states eadorsement. (5} The LESSOR shall supply to LESSEE curtent insurance certificates for policies required in Paragraph (8). The said certi�icatcs shall ccrtify whether or not tfie agent has errors and omissions insurance coverage. (6) The limiu citcd undcr each insivance requirement above establish minimums; and it is the sole responsibility of the LESSOR to purchase and maintain add'ational insurance that may be necessary in relation to this lease. ('n Nothing in this contract shall constitute a waiver by the LESSEE of any stalutory ]imits or e�cceptions on liability. :• � .. .� . .� . . .. � • .���� .. .. . .. . ... . .. � .� .., . :.. �.. . .. , .� . � . . � .. (B) LESS�F'SInsnrance TheLESSEEshallacquireduringthetermofthisleasethefollowing eoverage: (1) The LESSEE sha11 be responsible for the self insurance of, or the acquisition of Commercial Property Insurancc on, its personal properry. (2) The LESSHE is seif-insured under the laws of the State of Minnesota for the purposcs of tort claims against the T.ESSEE. (C) Waivec af Subroeafion. LESSOR waives its right of subrogarion for daznage to thc Building, contents therein, loss of use thereof, andl or loss of income, . LESSEEwaives iu righc ofsubrogarion for damage to progerry in Uie I.eased Premises, loss of use thereof, loss of income and/or accounts receivable, v}rto . The parties shaff notify their respective insurance companies, inwriting, ofthe provisions ofthispazagraph; and, ifeither Page -4- • AUG-29-2902 15=19 P.14i17 cannot waive its subrogation rights, such pariy shali nnmediatcly notify the other party, in • wntmg .�, .�, . _ .. :�� ' �� 1�� � y �l �� �If� • � • �r• �� �� � � �I • �����n • � �� �\ q• u��+ II [9] Notice. All notices herein provided to be given, or that may be given by eiiher party to tl�e other, shail be deemed to have been fully given when served personally on LESSOR or LESSE.E, ar when made in writing and deposited inthe United States Mail, certified andpostage prepaid, and addressed to the LESSOR at the address stated on page (1) and to the T,�SSEE at the Division of Valuations, Real Estate Section, 140 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102. T'he address to which the notiee shall be mailed maybe changed by writtcn notice given by either party to the other. Nothing herein shall preclude the giving of such address change notice by personal service. (10] Assignment and Sublettin¢. LESSEE shall not assign or sublet this Lease without the written consent of the LESSOR, which consent must be obtained prior to the execution of any agreement ta sublease the Leased Premises. [Il] Maintenance and Renairs. LESSOR shall, at its own cost and expense, be responsible for all • repairs, maintenance and ugkeep of the Leased Premises, including but not limited to emergency repairs of any kind; routine maintenance and xep�r to keep the T.eased Premises in good regair, safe and in compliance with applicabic fire, health, building and other lifa-safety codes; and all repairs and maintenance needed to keep the buildings or structures on the Leased Premises in good condi- tion, including (a) the extecior (inciuding doors, e�ccept glass breakage, and windows, but not including signs erected by the LESSEE) and interior structurc of the buildings or structures, (b) the roof or roofs, (c) the heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems therein, (d) all electrical, plumbing, lightia�, mechanicaY systems, fue suppressian equipment i.e. fire sprinkler system; and (e) ail �rounds, fences and roads wittun ttte Leased Premises. In addition, the Lessor shall keep the sidewalks bordcring on said Leased Premises at all times free from ice and snow, and shall remove ice and snow from the roof of the I,eased Premises when necessary. The foregoing obligations shail bind the LESSOR regazdless of the cause of the damage or condition neecssitating the repair or maintenance, uniess it was caused by the LESSEE. The LESSEE shall have the right to contract for Janitorial Services of the office space azea. The LESSOR shatl either reimburse tfie LESSEE for those cost or peimit the LESSEE to take it as a credit to the rent paid the to LESSOR. (12} Surrender of Premises. The LESSEE, at the expiration of said teim, or any sooner termination of Page -5- • RUG-20-2002 15�19 P.13i17 this lease, shall quit peacefully and sunender possession of said property and iis appurtenances to • LHSSOR in as good order and condition as the praperty was delivered to the L$SSEE. [13} Indemniri:3'heLESSORag�eestoindcmnify,defcnd,saveandholdbatmlesstheCityofSaintPaul and any agents, officers and emptoyees thereoffrom all claims, demands, acaons or causes ofaction of whatsoever nature or chazacter, arising out of or by reason of the condition of ihe premises. The LESSEE agees to indemnifj; defend, save and hold hamiless the LESSOR and any agents, officers and employees thereof from all claims, demands, actions or causes of action of whatsoever natiue or charaeter, arising out of br by reason of the condition of the premises. [14J oldover. Any holdover after the expiration of the term of ilus Lease shalt be allowed only afier receivSng the written consent of the LESSOR. Said tenancy shall be dee�ed to be a tenancy only from month-to-month. All other terms and conditions of this Lease shall be applicable. .. .. ,. w n: m - •� �� u i 11_ II�, _� ' ': ' � _ ' � I' ' .I � � _ _. ' • " . .= "" " �_ '"� .�� �� • •'�- � � 1 � � �• �" � 1�� -'�-"�.�• o � ' • � I � . � . . � " � - U - . � � � - � . 4 ' ' 11 � � � � "�' I. i [17] Destruciion. In the event of daznage to or destructibn of the Leased Premises or in the eveat the psemises becomes untenantabie or unfit for occupancy due to such damage during the term of this I.ease, I.ESSOR may at its option: (A) ternvnate the lease upon fifteen (15) days' written notice to T,ESSEE; or (B) within fifteen (15} days agee to restore the premises within a teasonable time period following the casualty. The Basic Rents to be paid during the restoration period shall be abated in praportion to the percentageofloss and impairment ofthc usc oftheLe;ucdYrcmises as dete:minedby thtproportion of said Leased Premises that are in suitabie condirion Ior occupancy and are actually occupied by the LESSEE. Page -6- C� RUG-20-2002 15�18 P.12i17 • (18) Default Remedies. In the event the I.ESSOR or LESSEE fails to observe and perform any covenant or condition ofag�eement on its part to be observed or performed as reqvired by this Lease aad this � failure persists for 30 days, the LESSOR or LESSBE may, at iu election_ (A) send notice to LESSOR or LESSEE that self help measures will be taken by LESSOR or LESSEE and charged to LESSOR or LESSEE, such charges io be deducted or added from subsequent payments of Basic and Additional Rent beginning with the reut next due and continuing, shouldtherentnext duabeinsufficienttoreunbursetheLESSEE'S expenditures, until such time as I.bSSEfi has been fully reunbursed for said eacpenditures and reasonable accrueci tinterest; or ($) terminate this Lease by g3�+ing not less than tivzty days' written notice to LESSOR ar LBSSEE, provided that, should the LESSOR or LFSSEE recrify its failure to observe or perform as reQuired within the said thirty day period or by a mutualty agreed upon date, said written norice shall be withdrawn. Termination, as pmvided in this paragraph shall release the LESSEE of any further obligation to pay Base Rent or Additional Rent, as defined in Paragraph (4), to LESSOR or ta LENDER. Any monies paid in advance for rental of the I,eased Premises subsequent to the date of teraunation shall be refundable to the LESSEE and shall bc due on the date of temunation. [14] Compliance with Laws. The praperty descri6ed herein may be used for oaiy thc putposes stated • herein. It is the sole and exclusive responsibility ofthe LESSEE in the use of the property to comply with all laws, rules, regularions or ordinances imposedby any jurisdiction affectingthcuse towhich the property is proposed to be put. The LESSOR shali comply with all Iaws, rules, regulations or ordinances imposed by any jurisdiction affecring conduct on the property, and shall allow no violation of such laws, rutes, regulations or ordinauces by its agents or employees or by other tenants. [20j Liens. Neither the I.ESSOTt nor the LESSEE shall pemut mechanic's liens or other liens to be filed or established or to zemain against the Leased Premises for labor, materi als or services fiunished in connectianwithanyadditions,modificarions, impmvements, repairs,renewaisorreplacementsmadc to the I.eased Premises, or for any other reason. The LESSOR aud the LESSEE shall indemnify, defend, save and hold harmless the other from all claims, demands, actions or causes of action of whatsoevez nature or character atising therefrom. In addirion, LESSOR agees to indemnify, defend save and hold hannless the LESSEE from all claims, demands, actions or causes of action ofwhat- socver nature or character arising out of or from any activities ofLESSOR or persons or companies under its conuol and supervision. [21] Eminent Domain. In the event the enrire Leased Premises are taken by eminent domain, or such portion thereofis so taken that in the LESSEE'S reasonable judgemetrt it is uneconomic or otherwise fage -7- • RUG-20-2002 15�17 P.lii17 . impractical thereafter to mstore the Leased Premises and proceed undcx thc tetms and provisions of . this lease, LESSEE may tecminate this Lease by giring to the LESSOR thirty days' written notice of terminarion, effective as of the date on which the condemning authority acquires legal ritle to or physicat possession ofthe Leased Preauses. The LESSEE shall be entitFed w ifs leasehold interest in all economic ctamages in the condemnatian award. LESSEE may, to the extent otherwise permitted in the eminent domain proceeding, remove its own trade Sxtures at iu own expense. [22] LESSEE'S Oblieations. The LESSEE will kecp the Leased Premises ctean and will not allow any condition to exist that woald create a nuisance or fire hazazd, or that would increase the rate of insurance on ihe Leased Premises. LESSEE shallnotwaste ormisuse water, gas, steam oranyother utiliries fumished bytheLESSOR. LESSEE shall not, in any manner, deface or injure, or pemut the defacing or injury of, said Leased Premises or azry parc ihereof, or overload the floors. LESSEE shall, at its ownexpense, repairanyinjuryto thel,easedPremises, otherthan ordinary wear and tear, thaY has occurred during the term of the lease. �23� Non-Dfsturbance in the Event of ChanQe of Ownership. In the event of the sale of the I,eased Premises or foreclosure ofthemortgage or any change of ownership by other means, the ins�ument of transfer shall bind the succeeding owner, as a direct lcase between the succeeding owner and the LESSEE, to thc covenants and obligations of LESSOR as described in this Lease Agreement for the balance of the term of said Iease_ • Theholdezsofanymoztgagesthatgredatethislease,uponsucceedingtheLESSORasow�e�softhe Leased Premises, shall be bound as by a direct lease with ffie I,ESSEE to the covenants and obligarions of LESSORS as described in this lease a�reement. Upon assumptionby the succeed'ang owner of said coveuanu and obligaaons, the LESSOR shall be relieved therefrom, provided, however, ihat the LESSOR shall not be released from any claim resulting from a default of the LESSOR occumng prior to the date of such sal e_ LESSEE shall accept the succeeding owner as LESSOR and sha11 adhere to all ternas and conditions of the LESSEE as described in this Lease Agrecment for the balance of the temi of said lease. (24J Alterations. The LESSEE will not make any alterarions to the premises without the written consent of the LESSOR, sucB consent not to be unreasonably withheld. Tf the LESSEE desires to make any such aiterations, an accurate deseription shall firstbe submitteclto and approved hytheLESSOR and such a2terarions shall be done by the LESSBE at its own expense. All such work shall be perfoimed under the L$SSOR'$ supervision and any improvements made to the I.eascd Premiscs ai the LESSEE'S exgense shall become the property of the LESSOR at the end of the Lease periocL LESSEE agrees that all altentions will be done in a workmanlike manncr and in conformance with appiicable building codes, that the structural integrity and building systems of the building will not be impaired, az�d that no ]iens will attach to the premises by reason thereof. Page -8- � AUG-20-2002 15�17 P.10/17 [25j LESSEE'S Sians. LESS�E may elect at its own cost and expense to provide and instatI an exterior . sign; provided, however, thaz the size, design and mazmer ofinstallation ofsaid sign shalI be subject to thewritten appmval ofthe LESSOR LE5SEE agreedta confonn to the signage standazds oftha Shopping Cemer. (26] LESSEE'SPersQnalPronertv.LESSORshallhavenoobligationtorepairormaiatainanypersonal property or equipment brought into the Leased Premises or iustalled therein by L,ESSEE for L�SSEE'S purposes, and LESSP.E shall be permitted to �emove said personal pmperty upon the termination of this Lease. LFSSEE shalI, at its own expense repair any damage to the Leased Pn. caused or created by the installation oi remoY'al of said pcisonal pmperty. [l7J Amended. Anyching herein contained to the conuary noiwithsfanding, tfiis Lease may be te:xninated, and tha pro'visions of this Lease may be, in writing, aznended by mutuat cnnsent of the parties hereto. [28] aildout The LESSOR, as part of ihe consideration, shall buildout the space as shown on Exhibit A, with a drop ceiling, lighfing, HVAC, catpet and power effectivelyto handlethe intendedpuiposes by the LESSEE. The LESSEE shall be responsible for the cost of the demising walls and doors within the sgace and the cofi'ee bar. The LESSOR shall provide the LESSEE in advance to executing the lease a final cost of the tenant improvements and the associated cost. The LESSEE reserves the ri�t w pay for the cost of the tenant improvements either in a up front payment or to be spread over the term of the lease. The LESSEE shalI be responsible for thc installation of the • modular fumisirings. [29] Parkin¢. The LESSOR shalI pmvide parking for up to 37 vehicles. The parking spaces after working hour witl be toeated to the north end of the Shopping Center. Page -9- � faUG-20-2002 15�17 P.09/17 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the pazties hereto have s� their hands and seais thc day and yeaz in tfiis 3.ease � fmst above-written. N/A Mayor N/A City Clerk Director of Finaucial Services Department Director � City Attomey {Form Approval) LESSOR I-I-«r-�-�le.�t' �Hz'h'Prp�U � � $5 EtcV�jwli ��isL�-i Vr� /rLC's�s/ta� CAi-- �Gr�, �.2cY�a�rttr� .�'�c-c_ � 7'S ti Its Its Page -10- � • AUG-20-2002 15�16 � C� a • � 0 � l:r� 1� �: . �r �: � ��f tri �r � 0 3 � 0 U � 0 0 M � U � C n 4 -_, • �m � � � c a � � a� � P.08/17 N O � � � I L s � � � � 6 u � 0 K � V " {I � �� i � F-� � � � I �' u � n � � �� � d � � � X 1►1 s r� � AUG-20-2002 15�16 � GA��8�3 rtpn V BUILDOUT SPEC{FtCATIONS P.07i17 3'he LFSSOR, at its own cost and expense, shall build out leased premises according to the concems expressed herein, and to the space plans wluch shall be prepared by Aueust 15. 2002 or sooner. Conshuction shall begn ASAP of the time LESSOTL receives signed and approved documents (specifications and plans.) COMMO AR�A Bl7TY,DiIQG IMPROVEMENTS Prior to commencement of thc lease, LESSOR shall pmvide, at its own cost and expense, the following building improvements: (1) Access to the leased premises (corridors, foyers, eta) shall bc clean, as direct as possible for safe simple traffic flow and fully handicap accessible. (2) Common Azea rest rooms shall be updated ADA guidelines and be clean attracrive. (3) Signage to the leased gremises shall be displayed in such manner as to cicazly indicate the location oftheLESSEE'S o8"ices. • {4) Access to the leased area must be controlled for security reasons. Access to stairwelis and elevators must be limited after business hours. However, the building must aiso be accessible to selected staff 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. (5) There must be adequate pmvisions to pazk vehicles whi2e transporting materials and equipment to or from the leased premises_ Vendors must be able to deliver large items easily. �F.ASF.il PRF,IVIISES $TIILIIOUT IMPROVEMENTS PRELIMINARY SCOPE OF WORK Tn additior to the schematic design, the following huildout requiremeats should be reflected in the pians and specifications of the eontract documents: HYAC The LESSQR must design aad instaIl an HVAC system capable of providing a temperature range of 68 to 78 degees in spite of adveise conditions. Ccrtain ateas of the premises will have a concentration of machines that both produce high heat levels, and at the samc time aze sensitive to that heat_ Additionally, where there ue high concc�trations of elecuical equipment, adeQuate ventilation (air exchange} is required. The HVAC shafl comply with the ASFiRAE standard 62.73 bench mark. • RUG-20-2002 15�16 • GAHiB� n v n BUILDOiJT SPECIFICATIONS P.96/17 LTGI�TIiVG To accommodate the use of computers and to avoid eye strainby computer users, it is essenrial that the space bc equipped with nongtaze, energy efficient Ii�ting throuahout. CABLE D120PS FOR VIDEO AND DATA EQT7IPMENT Closely monitored by the LFSSEE and IS staff, the I,ESSEE shall at its own cost and expense instali the following types of low voltage wiring: (1) thin ethernet wiring from each office to cenha] points of service; (2) RS-232 wiring from certain tocations on each floor to central points of service; (3} 3-pair telephone wire (b total wires) from the Point of Presence an each floor to each office terminating in (RJl l) telephone jacks; (a) three coaxial cable instaltations to be installcd by ATT Bmadband at the cost of the L�SSEE and coordinated by ihe LESSEE'S general contractor: (A) the Tnstiturional Network (video and data); (B) the Cityl.ink Network (principally data); • (C) tkte Subscriber Nerivork (video only). The scope of aSl work shall be reviewed and approved by the Division Manager of Infonnation Services. TELEPHONE LESSEE shall install the proper conduit, wiring and close[ for phone service to the leased premises. T'he telephone in the Leased Premises will interface with the PBX system being installed in the City Iiall(Court House. ELECTYLICAT. CIRCUITRY In addition to normal electricai eireuitry for lighting, separate cizcuits shall be installed for computers. AnLFnintemipti6lcPowec Supply,maybepurchasedhytheLESSEbfor inscalia- tion by the I,ESSOR, without additional charge to LESSEE and eonnected to computers and peripheral equipmeat by electrical sirips. WALL CONSTRUCTTON 5/8"sheeuock shall be used on all hard wall construction to support wall tracks for the installation of Herman-Miller or such 17ce Worlcstation fumis}ungs. CEILING HEIGHT REQUIREMENTS Ceitings shalI be finished at a height of 10' 0"wherever possible; and, if necessary, at an absolute minimum of 9' 0". CARPETING LESSOR shall install anti-static cazpeting to the I.ESSEE's specifications. SHELVING, 3ERVICE CQUPiTER AND O'1'�iER SPECIAL BUII.DOL7'I' FEATURES The LESSEE • � • 4aUG-20-2002 15�15 EXHIBit "B'• BUILDOUT SPECIFICATIONS P.05i17 shall provide shelving and counter specifications to the LESSOR during the Construction Document phase of pian preparation NOTE: None to be included in the contract rent. WINDOW CpVERINGS LESSOR shall, at its own cost and eacpense, purcHase and install `�nini-biinds' on aIl wixidows. SIGL�IAGE Wittun the Leased Premises LBSSOR shall provide, at its own cost and expense, sig�age providing directions to offices and to emergency evacuation mutes. LEASED YREMISES shall contain open workstation areas. C� � • RUG-20-20�2 SS�1S EXHiBIT ••C• MAiNTENANCE SCHEDULE Areas of Service in Genezal: Entrances, lobby, corridors, rest.rooms, and all occupied tenant spaces. LESSbR'S DCTTIES AND RES�ONSIBILTTIES: P.04i17 The following maintenance operations shall be perfoimed 5 limes a week, Sunday through Thursday after 4:30 P.M.: General Cleaning: (1) �2) (3) (4} (5) (6) �7? (8} (9} (10) ti�) Empty waste receptacles and replacc iiaezs; all waste to be moved to designated azea; no waste to be thmwn away unless clearly marked as such or placed on top of waste receptacles; Dust desk taps. Papers, personal belongings or office equipment wi11 not be moved. If papers aze left on the desk top, desk top will be feather dusted only; Empry and damp wipe aslttrays; Dust telephones, file cabinets, wiadow siils, etc; Clean and sanitize drinking fountains; Spot clean partition glass; Spot clean entrance door �lass to remove fingerprints; Dust a11 buiiding surfaces within reach (ledges, paztitions, etc); Properly azrange fumiture in offices upon campletion af work; Water plants in main entry, as needed; Clean aII sinks and mixzors in Leased Premises. Floor Care: (1} Vacuucn all cupeted azeas; (2) Dust mop or sweep all hard surface floors; (3) Damp mop all hazd surface floors, as needed; (4) Vacuum mats. Lavatory Cleaning: �1) �2) (3) (4) (5} t� ��) Empty waste receptacies; Clean sinks and chromc fittings with non-abrasivc cleansers; Spot clean metal partitions and walls azound sinks and under towel cabinets; Clean and refill non-vending dispensers; Clean mirrors• Ciean and sanitize toilets, seats and urinals; Wet mop lavatory fioors with a germicidal cleaner. • AUG-20-2002 15�15 � 6/�f1�8� 1 �V MQiNTENANCE SCHEDULE The followiag maintenance operations shall be performed weekly: (i) Machine polish {spny buII} a11 resilient tiied floors; (2) Wash errtrance door glass on both sides; {3) Dust generat and executive office furnishings and horizomal surfaces. The following maintenance operations shall be performed monthly: P. 63i1'7 (1) 3pot clean walls and doors in generai and e�cecutive office areas; (3pot cleaning is geaeraIly, but not exelusively, confined w azeas around door Imobs, light switches, push plafes, etc.); (2} Wash ali paztition glass; (3) Vacuum ven[s in lavatories; (4) Scrub lavatory floors; (5) Vacuum clean upholstemd fiuniture. The following maintenance operations shall be performed qaarterly: (I) Vaeuum ceiling vents in of�ice azeas; • (2) Dust office paneling; (3) Wash atl ceramic walls and metal partitions. The following maintenance operations shai! be performed semi-annnally: (1) Cazpets shall be thoroughly cleaned aad all stains removed. GENERAL CLEANING AND MATl�i'Y'FNANCE: (1) I.ESSOR shall provide janitots closets and maintain them in a neat and orderly Condition at no cost to the LESSEE; (2) Police common areas and building sidewalks for debris; (3) Empty waste recegtacles in freight elevator arca nightly, Monday througii Saturday; (4) Spot clean caipeting as needed to remove small soiled areas; (5} CIean catpet anuually; (6) Keep fire access exits ciean and maintained; (7} Clean exterior window glass. • Perfarm�nce Schedule • Paragraph 28, �ueldout outlines the scope ofwork. In order to accomplish die construction and move in by the comm.encement date of the lease, the partics agreed to the following schedule: The Date of Delivery of a Final Plan by the LESSEE to ihe LESSOR shall be Au u� st 15 2002 2002 Thc space shaIl be compete bv�5e�tem tr� 23. .to atlow for the installation of the LESSEE Fumishings, Fixtures and Equipment. The last day ofthe Buildout Period shail be teptember_ �3, 20Q2_ This Buildout Sctiedule sLall be completed on the Date of Delivery, anJ shult bc signcd by representatives of both patties at thai time, For the LESSOR: • ror the LESSEE: Real Estate Managcr Date Date - Z.�.d'L • l T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: August 15, 2002 Green Sheet Number: 111972 Contac[ Person and P6one Nomber. 2 DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR CITY COT7NCII. DaVe NelsOn 266-8850 1 crmA�n'o�Y cmc�,��c �`°` BUDGET DIItECTOR 3 OFFICE OF FPiANCIAL SYCS Must be un Council Agenda by_ 4 MqyOR (OR ASSISTAN'n 5 RF.AL ESTATE DIV7SION TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES I (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: To authorize and direct the proper City officials to execute Lease Agreement NHPU01 to provide office space for one year for the Office of Neighborhood Housing and Property Improvement. Ref: 1. Administrative Order for signature; 2. Sample copy of NHPU01. RECOMAS,HOAT1p\'kAPPAOVC(p)ONR£JEC!(RJ pERSONAI. SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: 1. Has the personlfirm ever worked under a contract for Shis department? YES NO ri.n:+!vmcconmuss�orv A sr,�e 2. Has this persoNSrm ever been a City employee? YES NO GIV1L SERV[CE COMhIISSION 3. Does this persodSrm possess a skill not �ormally possessed by any YES NO as coromurceE current C1ty employee? Ex lain all YES answers on a se arate sheet and attach. SUPPORTS WfIICH COUNCIL OBJECITVE? COUNCIL � DISTAICT PLANNING COUNCIL 2 ARD S) ITIAITNG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORT[JNI1'P (Who, What, When, Where, WLy?): The Office of Neighborhood Housing and Property Improvement needs office space. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: NHPI will have sufficient office space for one year. RE�E�VEd DISADVANTACESIFAPPROVED: 2 ZOOZ lvone �AYOR'S OFFICE DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: NHPI would have to find alternative space. TOTAL AMOUNT OF 1RANSACTION: $ "JQ ,746.00 COST/REVENiJE BUDGETED (CII2CLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE: GLOOI OOZS6 Ac��v �rmsEx: �2g2 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAI�