D002169' 4 . ADMINI5TRATIVE ORDER, CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMIlVIS'CRATIVE ORDER �oo a�� ✓ � " 203580 � /�-D a Date: WHEREAS, Saint Paul Parks and Recreation operates two outdoor swnnming pools, Highland Pool and Como Pool. We have approximately two hundred volunteers from our local competitive swimr„ing team, Star Swim Club. They will be cleaning for approximately four hours help us prepare to open our outdoor pools. WHEREAS, Beverages and Cooldes are purchased for our volunteers as a thank you for the completion of four hours of volunteer cleaning. WHEREAS, The total cost of the treats for our volunteers is approximately $100.00 or less. NOW, THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED, that Saint Paul Parks and Recreation is auffiorized to pay for beverages and cookies for volunteers that have assisted in cleaning the grounds of our outdoor pools that will not exceed $100.00. • APPROVED AS TO FORM Assistant CiTy Attomey Date DEPAATMENT/OFFlCFJCWNCIL DATEINIPATED GREEN SHEET ��� N0.�0358 Parks �r.,d.Recreation �/�o�2002 �.��. CCN�ACTPERSONANDPHONE M INIIIALiDATE L nn Waldorf 266��71 � DEPAFifMEMDIRECrOR� r J CRYCIXJNCIL UEIBEFiFOR Z CRYATTOFNEY 4 CRYCLERK BE ON CIXINCILAGENOA BY (DA'fE) V(1NG RpEq 3 FlNFWdALSERVICES�IR 06H 9/2002 �,wroa tott nsswrn� 6 Parks & Recreation 300 CHA T6fAL# OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS WR SIGNANFi� ACT70N REQUESTED� Approval to spend up to $100.00 for food served to volunteers at Highland Pool on June 6, 2002. REGOMMENDATlONS' Pppro�re(A)wRe�eM(R) PERSONALSERYICECANTAACTSMUSTANSWERTNEWLLOWINGQUESTIONS: _PLANNMGCOMMISSION _CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION �_ HasthispersoMirtnevefworkedunderaconiraclforihisdepanmeM? _CIBCOMMITTEE _ YES NO A STAFF 2 Has th�s persoMirtn eve�been a city employee4 DISTRICTCOUNCIL YES NQ — — 3. DoesthlspersoMirmpassessaskillrwtnormallypossessedbyarrywrrentatyemployee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILOBJECTNE? YES NO Fxplain all yes enswera on separote sheet aM attech to green sheet. INITIATING PflOBIEM, ISSUE, OPPORTllNRY (W ho, W hat, W hen, W here, W hy) 200 Volunteers each spent four hours assisting cleaning the Highland and Como Pool sites on June 6, 2002. The food purchased was for break snacks for the volunteers. ADVANTAGES iF APPRWED' Volunteers give the City $8,000.00 worth of volunteer labor for a$100.00 expenditure. DISADVANTAGES IF APPFOVED: None DISA�VAMAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Loss of volunteers leaving City staff to clean the pools. TOTALAMOUMOF7R,4NS4CT70N U�J t0 ��OO.00 COST/REVENUEBUDGETEO(CIRCLEON� YES NO INGSOURCE General Fund - 001 ACTIVITYNUMBER 03�8� FINANCIALINFQRMATON. (IXPL41f�