4/26-4/30/2004 Meetings for the week of April 26th - April 30th Page 1 of 1
.PAUL Arst The City of Saint Paul
Meetings for the Week of
April 26th, thru April 30th, 2004
MONDAY - April 26th
Board of Zoning Appeals Public 3:00 PM Room S-330 City Hall
TUESDAY - April 27th
*Ramsey County Board 9:00 AM Council Chambers
Port Authority of the City of Saint 2:00 PM 1900 Landmark Towers
Paul - Annual Board Meeting
WEDNESDAY - April 28th
RiverCentre Authority Board 8:00 AM 5th Floor of the RiverCentre - RCA
Board Room
*Housing and Redevelopment 2:00 PM Council Chambers
*City Council --- see Agenda 3:30 PM Council Chambers
*Public Hearings 5:30 PM Council Chambers
THURSDAY - April 29th
*Zoning Committee 3:30 PM Council Chambers
FRIDAY - April 30th
No Meetings Scheduled
* Cablecast live and repeated on Saint Paul Channel 18.
Interpreter service for the hearing impaired will be provided at public meetings upon request.Request can be made by
calling(651)266-8509(Voice and TDD)Monday thru Friday, 8.00 A.M. to 4.30 P.M.A minimum of two days notice is
For more information on any of these meetings, you can send Email to:
citizen.service@ci.stpaul.mn.us, or call the Saint Paul Citizen Service Office at 651-266-8989
http://www.ci.stpaul.mn.us/depts/meetings.html 4/23/2004
Deo.of P Development
Economic Development
AAAAoxionsimib Fax: (651)228 3220
Public Hearing Notice
PURPOSE: Appeal of Planning Commission approval of Conditional Use Permit
for a six-unit,(3 twinhome)cluster development.
PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1070 Burgess St.,between Lexington&Oxford.
APPLICANT: District 6 Planning Council
HEARING DATE: Wednesday,April 28,2004,at 5:30 p.m.
All public hearings are held in City Council Chambers, 3`d Floor City Hall-Court House,
15 W.Kellogg Boulevard.You may send written comments to the Zoning office at the
address listed on the reverse side of this card. Please call(651)651-266-6639,or e-mail
patricia.james@ci.stpaul.mn.us,or call your District Council representative at
(651)651-488-4485 if you have any questions.
Mailed: April 16,2004
What is a Charrette? Page 1 of 7
Healthy Communities
What is a Charrette? The French word, "Charrette" means i —_ ... . __--- _____
Dynamic Planning "cart" and is often used to describe the 1 I iikr
final, intense work effort expended by art 1 "1la• ii ,
Mission &Values and architecture students to meet a 1 t,
People project deadline. This use of the term is ,° „�...,
Programs/Products said to originate from the Ecole des
News & Updates Beaux Arts in Paris during the 19th I
Clients & Feedback
century, where proctors circulated a cart, 7111- ;y'4 . �1'° t' ..,, :�;
or"Charrette", to collect final drawings r ` �,6 lbi>'z ; ,,.
FAQs while students frantically put finishing #°` + ;: tyb*'
Resources touches on their work. 1�i '
F .f. `
Contact d
What is an NCI Charrette? ' . I
The NCI Charrette combines this creative, ,„ ,r, • • . f�
click here to view it
intense work session with public * �*,>�' r•;
workshops and open houses. The NCI ,„- �° _
The Charrette Charrette is a collaborative planning "' � "'
Process as an ' nF - ��
process that harnesses the talents and '` ''_. _ _ ��. _.
Agent for Change energies of all interested parties to create and support a buildable plan.
written by An NCI Charrette is:
Bill Lennertz for n At least 4 consecutive days
New Urban News n An open process that includes all interested parties
la A collaborative process involving all disciplines in a series of short
feedback loops
o A process that produces a buildable plan
a A generalist, holistic approach
A Charrette is not:
a A one-day workshop
n A multi-day marathon meeting involving everyone all the time
a A plan authored by a select few that will affect many
o A"visioning session"that produces non-specific results
Who uses Charrettes?
aA Planners and Designers
ca Architects
a Public Officials and Organizations
n Planning and Community Development Directors
n Public and Private Developers and Land Owners
sa Citizen Activist Groups
i:a Non-Governmental Organizations
Charrette Project Types
Though Charrettes can be used virtually any time a product needs to be
created or designed, the NCI Charrette model results in feasible plans for:
a Regional Planning
a Comprehensive Planning
ca Rewriting Development Codes
a New Community Master Planning
o Specific Planning
o Redevelopment Projects
ra Affordable Housing Developments
o Buildings
http://www.charretteinstitute.org/charrette.html 4/23/2004
What is a Charrette? Page 2 of 7
Benefits of Dynamic Planning and the Charrette
Conventional approaches to the public approval process are failing. Even
high quality architectural and planning projects with demonstrable public
benefit may lose support without a collaborative approach like the
Charrette. The public design Charrette has emerged as an alternative to th
"design and present" convention. Charrettes provide a framework for
creating a shared vision with community involvement, directed by
consultants representing all key disciplines. For a complete description of
Dynamic Planning see our Dynamic Planning page.
Key benefits of using the Dynamic Planning process:
Trust - Dynamic Planning promotes trust between citizens and governmer
through meaningful public involvement and education.
Vision - Dynamic Planning fosters a shared community vision and turns
opposition into support.
Feasibility - Dynamic Planning increases the likelihood of getting projects
built by gaining broad support from citizens, professionals, and staff. And,
it creates a better plan through diverse input and involvement
Economy - Dynamic Planning avoids costly rework and utilizes highly
productive work sessions.
Additional Charrette Specific Benefits
o It's fun and attracts the interest of a broad range of people
o The Charrette itself is a marketing event for the project
a The multi-day and night studio provides many opportunities for people tc
n The Charrette provides a good story for the press
What actually happens at a Charrette?
It is important to note that a successful Charrette cannot be a stand-alone
process. It is one phase of the Dynamic Planning process, which requires
extensive preparation and follow-through for plan approval and
implementation. For more on the three part process of Dynamic Planning,
visit our Dynamic Planning page.
Overview of the design, input and feedback cycles that occur
throughout the charrette:
http://www.charretteinstitute.org/charrette.html 4/23/2004
What is a Charrette? Page 4 of 7
public vision public input public review publ
phase 1 k£_ -` phase 3 phase i phas
.. a f
phase , . 'he b
alternative plans refined plans final plan
The workflow of the NCI Charrette involves a series of collaborative design
and public input cycles for multiple, consecutive days. Everyone - from ke'
decision-maker to citizen - becomes aware of the complexities of
development and design issues, and everyone works together to arrive at
the best possible solution.
A central element of the charrette is the "design team," a multidisciplinary
group of professionals that provide the necessary expertise to create a
feasible plan that considers all relevant input. This team is the constant of
the Charrette, working day and night on site in the Charrette Studio to
develop a holistic feasible plan. This doesn't mean that the entire
community must take a week off from work to hold a charrette. The
charrette stakeholders, anyone who is impacted by the project or has
interest, are involved at a minimum in scheduled meetings, including at
least two public meetings. Stakeholders are also welcome to visit the
Charrette Studio throughout the Charrette during open hours. In this way,
it does not consume large blocks of time for residents or officials.
Once the design team completes its set-up procedures, including a team
kick-off meeting and site tour, a public hands-on workshop is conducted fo
the purposes of creating a clear understanding on the part of all
participants about the purpose and process of the charrette and to solicit
the public's project vision. The next day the design team creates a series o
alternative plans based on all information gathered to date, including the
public vision, and then solicits input at another public meeting. This input i!
used to refine the alternatives and create more detailed plans that are
again reviewed and critiqued by the public during an open house. The
design team further refines and narrows the feedback into a final plan and
set of implementation documents to be presented for public confirmation
on the final night of the Charrette.
It is important to note that the project is not complete when the charrette
is. Document refinement and further feedback occur through stakeholder
discussions and a follow-up meeting approximately a month after the
charrette. This allows everyone to check in on the refined charrette plan
and to allow for one final feedback loop.
http://www.charretteinstitute.org/charrette.html 4/23/2004
651 266-8350
Monday, April 26, 2004
4:30 p.m. - Joint Property Tax Advisory Committee
Room 220 Court House, Large Conference Room
Tuesday, April 27, 2004
9:00 a.m. - County Board Meeting
Council Chambers, Third Floor Court House
12:00 noon - Board/Bench Committee
Room 220 Court House, Large Conference Room
1:45 p.m. - Board Workshop — Ramsey County Parks & Recreation
Commission Study of Parks & Recreation System & Financing
Room 220 Court House, Large Conference Room
Wednesday, April 28, 2004
9:00 a.m. - Metropolitan Mosquito Control Commission
2099 University Avenue
10:30 a.m. - Solid Waste Management Coordinating Board
2099 University Avenue
7:30 p.m. - Thailand Delegation Report
Harding Senior High School, 1540 E. Sixth Street
Thursday, April 29, 2004
3:30 p.m. - Red Rock Corridor Commission
7516 — 80th Street South, Cottage Grove City Hall
7:00 p.m. - Ramsey County League of Local Governments
Mounds View Community Center
(Across from City Hall on Hwy 10 & Edgewood Drive)
Friday, April 30, 2004
Advance Notice
May 4, 2004 — 9:00 a.m. — County Board Meeting, Council Chambers
May 11, 2004 — 9:00 a.m. — County Board Meeting, Council Chambers
May 18, 2004 — 9:00 a.m. — County Board Meeting, Council Chambers
APRIL 26, 2004 3:00 P.M.
NOTE: The order in which the items appear on this agenda is not necessarily the order in
which they will be heard at the meeting. The Board of Zoning Appeals will determine
the order of the agenda at the beginning of its meeting.
a. Applicant - Ted Moberg - DPK Properties
Location - 778 Fifth Street East
Zoning - RT-1; HPL-DB
Purpose: MAJOR VARIANCE - A rear yard setback variance in order to build a
new house. A rear yard setback of 25 feet is
required and a setback of 20 feet is proposed,
for a variance of 5 feet.
A. Applicant - Larry Coulter - DPK Properties LLC for
owner Scott M. Hanlon
Location - 950 Westminster Street
Zoning - RT-1
Purpose: MAJOR VARIANCE - Two variances in order to split this parcel and
create a new lot to build a single family house.
The proposed lot split requires the following
variances for the existing duplex: 1.) A
minimum lot width of 50 feet is required and 40
feet is proposed, for a variance of 10 feet. 2.)
A minimum lot size of 6,000 square feet is
required and they propose 5,200 square feet,
for a variance of 800 square feet.
B. Applicant - Gail Merriam - Neighborhood
Development Alliance (#04-061857)
Location - 214 Concord Street
Zoning - RM-3
Purpose: MAJOR VARIANCE - A separation variance in order to build 6 new
town homes. A separation of 30 feet is
APRIL 26, 2004
required and a separation of 19.5 feet is
proposed between Bldg. 5 and Bldg. 6, for a
variance of 10.5 feet.
C. Applicant - Michael Padgett (#04-062857)
Location - 274 Goodrich Avenue
Zoning - RT-2
Purpose: MINOR VARIANCE - A height variance in order to build a new single
car garage. A maximum height of 15 feet is
allowed and a height of 18 feet-6 inches is
proposed, for a variance of 3 feet-6 inches.
D. Applicant - Thomas Mohr - St. Albans Summit LLC
Location - 672 & 676 Summit Avenue
Zoning - RT-2; HPL-Hill
Purpose: MAJOR VARIANCE - Two variances in order to build 14 new
garages. 1.) A side yard setback of 3 feet is
required and a setback of 2 feet on the east
and west side is proposed, for a variance of 1
foot. 2.) Lot coverage of 35% is allowed and
coverage of 38% is proposed, for a variance of
3% (335 square feet).
E. Applicant - Thomas Mohr - St. Albans Summit LLC
Location - 666 Summit Avenue
Zoning - RT-2; HPL-Hill
Purpose: MAJOR VARIANCE - A side yard setback variance in order to build 2-
new garages. A side yard setback of 3 feet is
required and a setback to the east of 2 feet is
proposed, for a variance of 1 foot.
F. Applicant - Richard William Wimmer
Location - 1643 Berkeley Avenue
Zoning - R-4
Purpose: MAJOR VARIANCE - Two variances in order to build a garage
addition to the west side of the house. 1.) A
rear yard setback of 25 feet is required and a
setback of 3.5 feet is proposed, for a variance
APRIL 26, 2004
of 21.5 feet. 2.) Maximum lot coverage of 30%
is allowed with 33% proposed, for a variance of
3% (233 square feet).
G. Applicant - Glenn T. Picha (#04-067304)
Location - 1719 Field Avenue
Zoning - R-3
Purpose: MINOR VARIANCE - The applicant is requesting to modify a
condition of a previous variance that allowed
parking within the front yard. He is proposing
to widen his driveway apron in order to provide
better access to the parking space.
H. Applicant - Urban Appeal Real Estate Services
Location - 858 Selby Avenue
Zoning - B-2
Purpose: MAJOR VARIANCE - Three variances in order build a new 3-story
mixed residential/commercial building on the
southeast corner of Selby and Victoria Streets.
1.) A building height of 30 feet is allowed and a
height of 37 feet is proposed, for a variance of
7 feet. 2.) This project requires 66 off-street
parking spaces and 38 spaces are proposed,
for a variance of 28 spaces. 3.) A 25-foot
setback is required for a driveway next to
residential property and the applicant is
proposing to locate the driveway 7 feet away,
for a variance of 18 feet.
#03-272212 712 Concord Street Custom Cuts Construction Inc. Extension request.
Board of Zoning Appeal Members: Please call John Hardwick (266-9082) or Debbie Crippen
(266-9144) if you are unable to attend the meeting.
APPLICANT: You or your representative should attend this meeting
to answer any questions the Board may have.
Saint Paul Planning Commission
WEEK OF APRIL 26-30, 2004
Mon 26 7:00- Precinct Plan Task Force Minnesota Business Academy
9:00 p.m. (Lucy Thompson, 651/266-6578) 505 Wabasha Street
Visioning Charrette:
Identify issues, opportunities, goals, objectives
Brainstorm on vision for neighborhood
Tues 27 8:00- Precinct Plan Task Force Saint Paul Area
10:00 a.m. (Lucy Thompson, 651/266-6578) Chamber of Commerce
401 N. Robert St. - 1st Floor
Visioning Charrette:
Identify issues, opportunities, goals, objectives
Brainstorm on vision for neighborhood
Wed 28
Thurs 29 3:30 p.m Zoning Committee City Council Chambers
3rd Floor City Hall
15 Kellogg Blvd West
Zoning #04-064-899 Scott McClure-Rezoning from RM-1 (Multiple-family Residential) and
B-2 (Community Business)to B-3 (General Business)to expand auto repair business.
906 and 914 Randolph, SE corner at Milton. (Patricia James, 651/266-6639)
#04-064-996 Scott McClure -Conditional Use Permit to expand auto repair business.
-,„ , n, n 1,___i_i_7„ QE, ,,„-...o,-Qt Milton (Patricia James, 651/266-6639)
Minnesota Business Academy
505 Wabasha Street
P 1.tl l
ZONING COMMITTEE Dept.of Planning and
Economic Development l{S110pS.
A A A A Phone:(651)266-6589
w Fax: (651)228-3220
Public Hearing Notice
1\1[..TRP #04-064-996
OSE: Rezoning from RM-1 (Multiple-family Residential)and B-2
(Community Business)to B-3(General Business)and Conditional Use
Permit to expand auto repair business.
PROPERTY ADDRESS: 906 and 914 Randolph,SE corner at Milton
APPLICANT: Scott McClure
HEARING DATE: Thursday,April 29,2004,at 3:30 p.m.
All public hearings are held in City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House,
15 W.Kellogg Boulevard.You may send written comments to Zoning Committee at the
address listed on the reverse side of this card. Please call(651)266-6639, or e-mail
patricia.james@ci.stpaul.mn.us,or call your District Council representative at
(651)298-5599 if you have any questions.
Mailed:April 19.2004